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Clairbourn eCourier
Issue for 8/30/18

Parking Lot Safety Notice

Parents, please share this notice with everyone who drops off and picks up your children from school.

Clairbourn has safe and orderly arrival and departure procedures. When followed by alert drivers, they provide Clairbourn students and families with efficiency and protection. We rely on your full attention when in the parking lot area to ensure the safety of everyone. Please be mindful of these distractions that can compromise the safety of our students and families.

1. Hurrying - Rushing through the parking lot area in order to be on-time to Morning Assembly or some other event causes people to take less time in making important safety decisions. Resist this temptation. 

2. Cell Phones - Do not use your cell phone in the parking lot area, whether driving or walking. This includes calls, texts, and emails. 

3. Backing Up - The Clairbourn parking spaces are on an angle and require extreme care when backing out. Most drivers are courteous and patient. They will recognize your desire to exit and will do what they can to assist you. However, during peak arrival and departure times, delays are inevitable. Don't let these delays compromise your full attention to safety.

4. Looping Back - If it is necessary for you to "go around" in the parking lot, you must not block cars exiting the parking lot. This can lead to gridlock, anxiety, and loss of the safety protocol. If you cannot position your car to "go around", you must exit the parking lot and line up again.

5. Improper Drop-Off Procedures - There are too many to list them all, but improper procedures include: dropping off from the driving lane, dropping off in the driving lane on Huntington Drive, dropping off near the back parking lot.

6. Crosswalks - Please use the designated crosswalks or sidewalks. It is very dangerous for students to walk around moving cars. The pedestrian walk way in the center of the parking lot is there for your safety and the safety of your children.

7. Parking - Please only use designated parking spots. Do not use spots reserved for the CFA President, the Auction winner, or handicap spots. Please do not park in the driving lanes, along the curb in the parking lot, in the fire lane, or in front of the fire gate off Vista Street. It impedes traffic flow. Do not take up two spaces when parking.

8. Unattended Vehicles - Please do not leave your car running and unattended.

Ensuring parking lot safety requires your full attention. Please arrive on-time, put your cell phone away, drive or park in accordance with official Clairbourn procedures, and be patient. We thank you for your attention and effort.

School Information

School Picture Day
Picture day is Friday, September 7, 2018.
Be sure to order your photos from using PICTURE DAY ID: MH018045Y0. (Letters "MH" followed by numbers) More information can be found here

Sign Up For After School Classes
The sign up deadline is Friday, August 31st. Classes start the week of September 3rd. Download your desired class forms below and follow the vendor instructions to register. Use this link to view a Quarterly Calendar of the After-School Classes, including GAP Weeks and registration deadlines.

Email Michelle Cogswell at

School Closed Labor Day
Monday, September 3rd school will be closed in recognition of the Labor Day holiday.

CFA Information

Used Uniform Sale
On Thursday, August 30th and Friday, August 31st, before and after school, the CFA will have the first Used Uniform sale of the year. It will be held in a new location, outside of Cougar Corner. Cash, check or credit card are accepted. An additional used-uniform sale is scheduled for late November. Questions? Contact:Lucy Balikian at or Jenny Chun Fung at

Special Lunch Ordering
Don't delay! Special Lunches need to be ordered right away. The CFA offers Special Lunch every Thursday and on the 1st and 2nd Tuesdays of each month. Not only will your kids love the food ---  you will love the break from packing lunch! Special Lunch is also an important part of the CFA's fundraising. We thank you for your support!

We kindly ask that you place your order by Saturday, September 1st to ensure your child will receive their special lunch. 

Save the Date!
CFA Parent Meeting for September
Join us on Tuesday, September 11th at 8:30 a.m. in the Multi-Purpose Building (MPB) to learn how you can get more out of your own Clairbourn experience by volunteering! Build your parent support system, showcase your skills, and experience Clairbourn traditions.The Volunteer Opportunities Fair will give you a chance to meet with the CFA event chairs and learn about opportunities to get involved at Clairbourn.

Benefits to you: There are many benefits to volunteering such as meeting other parents and their children, using your professional skill sets, becoming an integral part of the school family, modeling a spirit of service for your children, giving back to the school, and so much more.

Clairbourn's Head of School, Dr. Patzlaff, will also speak on the topic of "The Exciting New Year." Delicious refreshments will be served. We look forward to seeing you there!

Time to Order Scrip
CFA is now accepting Scrip orders!
CFA supports the school by selling scrip cards to be used at many food and retail business. Order forms are due Friday, September 21st. Use this form to order Scrip. Drop it off in the "Scrip" envelope located in the Reception Office. Questions? Contact one of these parents: Shelley WuMoongshi ChanVivian ChenJenny Kao, or Anna Ma.

Parent Volunteers Needed at Cougar Corner Store
Parents, volunteer to work at Cougar Corner for some 1st quarter shifts. Choose to work as little as one day a week from 2:45 pm to 3:30 pm from 09/14/2018 - 11/2/2018. All volunteers will be trained, get free day care for their children during their shift, and receive free beverages and snacks. Please follow this link to sign up for your shift. The Cougar Corner Team thanks you in advance for your support and dedication to Cougar Corner!

Questions or unable to cover your shift: please email Cougar Corner Staffing Co-Chairs Bridget Paciorek at or Jenny Kao at

Add Money to Your Child's
Cougar Corner Account
Parents, please provide funds for your child's Cougar Corner account. Cougar Corner is the snack shop that opens right after school where students can buy drinks or food. Visit the Clairbourn Online Store to fund your child's Cougar Corner account.

Alumni News

College Prep Event
This summer, Clairbourn hosted an event at Margarita's restaurant in Pasadena for alums who are preparing to apply to college. Speakers discussed the process of choosing their universities, what they did to prepare for the application process, their current college experiences, their future career plans, and offered advice to Clairbourn parents and students. Speakers shared a lot of valuable advice, including four main points:

Main Points of Advice:
1. Develop a distinct set of interests and an academic identity. This will make you a strong candidate...[read more]

Clairbourn Reminders

Directory Listings & Privacy

Family Contact information is now only available digitally via your CougarNet account. We will not be printing a school Roster / Family Directory.

Viewing or Printing Directories:
  • Log in to your CougarNet account. 
    (see instructions at the end of this email)
  • Hover over the "Directories" button and select either students, parents, staff, or CFA.
  • Pick the directory you need. If you pick the student directory, choose your child's grade level. If you don't see it, expand the list.
  • To print a copy, click the printer icon above the directory menu and select "print search results".
Your Privacy Settings: Each parent is now in charge of their own level of privacy for their personal information that can be seen by other members of the Clairbourn community online. Log in to CougarNet to set your preferences and decide what you want people at school to see about you.
1. Click on your name in the top right.
2. Pick "Settings".
3. Look for the "Privacy" link on the far left menu.
4. Make a privacy setting choice:
You will have three choices - please select one in the CougarNet system:

--Do not include my name or any information about me in the directory. (We DO NOT recommend this option as you will be invisible to the school - teachers, students, parents will not see you)

--Include my name but do not include any other information about me.

--Include my name and only the specific information selected below to those specific constituent types. (This is the recommended choice. Be sure to expand each option below and indicate what type of information you want each group to see about you).

> Student
> Teacher
> Parent
> Alumni
> Coach
> Non-Teaching Staff
> Trustee

Parent Contact Card Updates:
Do you need to give us a new phone number, email, or address? Parents now have control over their own information record in CougarNet
. Changes must be made by each individual parent by logging in and accessing the "Profile" link which will take them to their Contact Card. You can find it by clicking on your name in the top right corner of your screen and then choosing "Profile").  Click the pencil icon next to the information you want to change and then save your changes.

Student Contact Card Updates:
To change each student's Contact Card, login to your CougarNet account, then choose the "Children" link at the top left of your screen. Click on your Child's name and then look for the "Contact Card" tab and then enter your edits.

Notification Settings:
On the CougarNet "Notifications" page, parents MUST keep the Bulk Email option checked or they won't get the eCourier emails from the school with important weekly updates.

School Pictures

Recent Photo Albums Posted to

Clairbourn School
8400 Huntington Drive
San Gabriel, CA 91775
Phone: 626-286-3108 ext. 111
FAX: 626-286-1528
Vérité Sans Peur