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Thursday, May 30, 2024
Volume: 2023-2024  Issue: 241
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Welcome to the 2024 Graduation Ceremony
We are grateful for all the opportunities we have been given by you, our wonderful families. As we bring our Clairbourn experience to a close and move on to our high school experience, we are happy to share this celebration with you. We couldn’t have done it without your support and encouragement. Thank you for coming to see us graduate!  
Class of 2024's Gratitude
First, we would like to thank our parents and families. You provided us with an excellent opportunity, tremendous support, and endless love. You supported us both at home and at school as CFA volunteers making special events so fun. We are so grateful to each of you. Parents, please stand so we can acknowledge how much we love and appreciate you.

You challenged us, encouraged us, and taught us the skills and strategies that we will take with us in our lives.  You also helped to keep us motivated to do our best even when the urge to play was strong. We are grateful for all of your guidance and care. Teachers, please stand so we can acknowledge your work helping us grow and succeed.
We know you have been supporting our events and our scholastic efforts. We are also thankful for your leadership, guidance, and support of the Clairbourn experience that we loved. Thank you for all you do behind the scenes to make Clairbourn what it is. Let’s give a round of applause to recognize all the trustees have done to support our school.
Eighth Grade Speeches
Eighth-grade students shared their remembrance speeches. Watch their heart-felt speeches about the growth they have experienced, the memories they have made, and the overall impact Clairbourn has had in their lives. 
Good morning, Dr. Patzlaff, Mrs. Taylor, teachers, parents, guests, and the class of 2024. My name is Madeline Su. When you were in kindergarten, you were probably told a simple statement:  "Just be yourself." At that time, the advice seemed simple enough, but it became harder to follow as I grew up. When I was five, six, and seven years old, I was myself, not copying anyone's traits or fitting into anyone's standards. Something changed at around nine, ten, eleven. That's when I began to worry about what other people thought of me and started seeing myself through their eyes. I started to force myself into the molds that other people made. Today, I will share a significant piece of my journey at Clairbourn, where I truly understood the importance of being oneself and the main lesson I learned: Be Yourself.

I’m Valen S. and I am in the graduating class of 2024. Wow, I still remember when the idea of 2024 was so far away in the distant future—as if the time would never come. But as I stand here and reflect upon these years, I realize that when people say that “you are the creator of your future,” it really needs to be clarified to be, “your successful future is a result of taking action based upon the right choices guided by the right principles.”   During my time at Clairbourn, I have found success by taking the initiative and integrating the Clairbourn Code of Ethics into my daily life. Honesty, respect, spirituality, responsibility, and citizenship—these values have inspired me to be a better person since I first saw them written on the MPB walls at Morning Assembly when I was 6 years old. 
Good morning students, parents, faculty, staff, and special guests. My name is Asal Eftekhari, and I am honored to be a member of the Class of 2024. I have been attending Clairbourn for 11 years now, and I’m so grateful for the things I have learned and the opportunities I’ve been given. On my first day, I didn’t know that this would be the place where I would learn about everything I know today, that I would meet my closest friends here, or that it was the place that I’d soon call my second home. I’ve made wonderful memories and have found joy every day of my time here, and those small moments of joy are what I will cherish forever.
Good morning, everyone. My name is Joseph Acuna. When I transferred to Clairbourn last year as a 7th grader, I was afraid of growing up and taking on more responsibility, and starting at a new middle school only intensified that feeling. Fast forward to today and I have learned to see things through a different lens and have grown up quite a bit. In this process, I learned a powerful lesson: a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

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2024 Graduation Photos

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The Class of
2024 Graduation Address: Don’t Grocery Shop while You are Hungry
As we look forward to a new chapter in our lives, it's essential to reflect not just on what we've learned in the classroom, but also on the wisdom we've gained. So the wisdom I want to pass on to you is: Don't grocery shop when you are hungry.

I don’t know about you, but when I walk into a grocery store on an empty stomach, everything looks enticing. The colorful packaging, the aroma of freshly baked cookies coming out of the oven at Costco, the fancy displays, the junk food at checkout  — they all conspire to tempt us into making impulsive or emotional choices.