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Thursday, May 23, 2024
Volume: 2023-2024  Issue: 239
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From the Head of School

We Have Lots to Celebrate!

Dear Clairbourn Families,
This has been a wonderful year full of progress and growth.  I have seen our students mature, improve, develop new skills, grow in confidence and gain new friendships.  They have made huge progress academically and in their problem-solving skills.  It is so exciting to watch this growth over the course of the year.  A big thanks to our amazing teachers who made this all possible.
We are so proud of each student's journey, and now we are especially proud of the Class of 2024.  They are off to do amazing things at their high schools, bringing with them the foundation they have built here at Clairbourn.  We wish them all the best in their new adventures.  
Have a wonderful summer.  Spend time doing things that bring you joy.  We will see most of you in the Fall and look forward to another fabulous year.  Thank you all for being such a huge part of our success as we create Scholars and Leaders with Heart!
Class of 2024 Highlights
Look How Much They Have Grown!
Student Council Appreciation
The members of the 2023-2024 Clairbourn School Student Council were presented with certificates by their advisor, Ms. Vinnedge. Our Student Council is composed of innovative, adaptable, and creative scholars and leaders with heart. Throughout both semesters, the members of Student Council continuously worked together to accomplish many special activities and events.
As a thank you for working on a truly impressive variety of projects which includes the successful Tropical Day fundraiser for fire relief in Maui and the brand new Class Color Day. The members were presented with these light-up leis, to remind them of their time in Student Council and of the light they have to share with the world. Ms. Vinnedge recognized and thanked the following members: 
Mighty Class of 2024

Celebration tradition continues for our mighty class of 2024!

Eighth graders enjoyed a special breakfast together. They are savoring their last few days with their friends and teachers!
Eighth Grade Speeches
Eighth-grade students have been sharing their remembrance speeches during Morning Assembly. Read their heart-felt speeches about the growth they have experienced, the memories they have made, and the overall impact Clairbourn has had in their lives. 
Hello to those who have gathered here today, including the Clairbourn Class of 2024, Dr. Patzlaff, Mrs. Taylor, faculty, staff, family and friends. My name is Eudora Yuan. I am grateful for this opportunity to be up here and speak to all of you about my Clairbourn experience.  As I look back on my time here, I draw from Henry Ford, who once said, “If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right.”
Good morning, everyone. My name is Vicky Shen, and I’m a proud Clairbourn graduate. Thank you to the teachers, students, parents, and faculty who made my years at Clairbourn incredible. I want to share a message that has become a cornerstone of my eighth-grade journey: trusting yourself. Stepping onto the Volleyball court for the first time was a special moment, a blend of nerves and excitement. Volleyball is the first sports game I’ve ever played with an opponent. In my first game, my legs were shaking.
Clairbourn Insights

Students wrapped up English on a high note in middle school!

Eighth grade students participated in a show-and-tell project inspired by the book Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli. The title character teaches readers the power of being true to oneself. Whether it’s going by a unique name, wearing a funky outfit, playing the ukulele, carrying around a pet rat, adding pebbles to your happy wagon, or being a cheerleader for everyone, the message is clear: never be afraid to be your genuine and authentic self! In class, students brought in items that reflect their unique personalities—things they don’t typically share with the world but that make them happy.

Bravo to all the middle school students for ending the school year on a high note!

Clairbourn Life

Thank you for being a part of the Clairbourn family!

Log in to  to view and download more photos! Please email Mrs. Zamora for Vidigami support.
Special Thank You
From the CFA President
Dear Clairbourn Families,
It's been a privilege and honor to serve as your 2023 - 2024 CFA President. Thank you to our dedicated community, we were able to have a prosperous year raising $200,000. This success could not have been achieved without the hardworking efforts of our devoted volunteers. Whether it was serving special lunches, hosting a class party, chairing an event, volunteering at the Book Fair/Cougar Corner or contributing as a sponsor, you all have made this year very special.
Your contributions to Clairbourn will have an enduring impact for our students. Our children will benefit with field trips, school plays, specialists, campus beautification, sports equipment, technology, resources and much more.
I know new presidents Lucy Balikian and Connie Kim will do an amazing job. Their love and dedication to Clairbourn is priceless. Both will continue our rich CFA traditions and are fine examples of what Clairbourn is all about.
I would like to acknowledge and thank our 2023-2024 CFA Board members who volunteered their generous time this year to make all our events so unforgettable. We are all so fortunate to be a part of this wonderful community where our children thrive and are so happy. Thank you for all the camaraderie and great memories!
With Gratitude,
Dana Lee
Message From the Incoming CFA President
Hello Clairbourn Families!
We are so grateful to be part of this incredible community and look forward to serving as the CFA Co-Presidents for the 2024-2025 school year. As we look forward to the fall, CFA is already hard at work in planning events such as the  Book Fair, Entrepreneurial Fair and Family Social. Our strong community is what makes Clairbourn so special and CFA will continue to work to strengthen the connections within our new and returning families.  

“It takes a village” comes to mind when I think about the wonderful things that happen at Clairbourn. Without our dedicated volunteers, CFA would not be able to create such fun and memorable experiences for our children and families.
We would like to welcome the new 2024-2025 CFA Board, organized by Ting Sung and her nominating committee. We have 16 new board members, some of whom will hold multiple positions. We look forward to your new ideas, enthusiasm and most importantly, your tireless energy! Click here to view the list for the 2024-2025 CFA Board!

To conclude, we would like to thank our outgoing CFA President, Dana Wong. With her efforts and leadership, CFA hosted enormously successful events this past year that brought our community even closer together. She worked tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that every event and 
activity was a success. CFA plays an important role in the positive experience our children have during their time at Clairbourn. Thank you, Dana, for your dedication, commitment and endless hours you put forth in making CFA and our school the best it can be for our children. 
CFA Co-President,
Lucy Balikian, mom of Matthew (8th)
CFA Co-President,
Connie Kim, mom of Benjamin (4th)

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Summer Reading Resources

Summer is around the corner. Here are the incoming fourth to eighth grade Summer Reading Resources. Happy reading, everyone!

2024-2025 Student Council Election Results

We had 10 students running for the 2024-2025 Student Council. It is always so great to see so many who want to serve the school they love. They made posters, wrote and presented speeches to their peers. Thank you for your hard work!
The races were very close this year and we are proud to announce the election results:
President: Darren C.
Vice President: Matthew B.
Secretary: Austin W.
Treasurer: Bea S.
Historian/Curator: Keira W.

Important Dates

(teacher grading day)
5/27 NO SCHOOL (Memorial Day)
5/28 Panda Lunch Day & Talent Show
5/29 Last day of school with a noon dismissal
5/30 Graduation
(due to teacher grading day and Memorial Day)

Quarter Four
Sports Awards

The girls stepped out onto the gridiron this year to try their hand at flag football for the first time. They faced challenges as newcomers but the coaches were proud of their dedication to learning and improving and strong effort.  It was impressive how quickly they began to look like experienced players.   
Girls Flag Football Awards
Most Improved: Melody
Coaches Award: Sima
MVPs: Ruby and Bella
This year’s boys volleyball season was filled with exhilarating moments, lots of progress, and dedication to working hard. The boys demonstrated a high level of unity and effort. As coaches, we are proud of the skills the team focused on improving like serving, passing, and hitting. Each practice and game they were able to elevate their play. It was a joy to coach everyone this season. We definitely had fun together. 
Boys Volleyball Awards
A team:
Most Improved: Joseph
MVPs: Simon and Valen
B team:
Most Improved: Lennon
Coaches Award: Jerry Z.
MVP: Matthew B.
In addition, congratulations to our boys A team for having a winning season with an impressive 5-1 record earning them the title of Co-League Champions! Go Cougars!
CFA will be collecting gently-used uniforms for our drive 5/20 - 5/29. The bin is located inside the front entrance. Thank you for saving our beautiful planet and supporting CFA!
Join us in our end-of-the-year talent show on May 28 at 1 p.m. in the MPB! Performers need to be in place ready to go by 12:45 p.m.

Parker-Anderson Summer Camp

Parker-Anderson is offering summer camp on our campus for students from kindergarten through sixth grade. Please check the flyer below or visit our summer camp webpageFor questions, please call Parker-Anderson at (818) 650-8676 or reach out to our after-school coordinator Michelle Cogswell.

Mr. Ball's
Sports Camp

Join Coach Ball this summer at the Clairbourn Summer Sports Camp where your child will participate in a variety of athletic activities. After a series of activities to improve their sports skills, students will have swim lessons and play fun-filled swim games with their peers. Contact Coach Ball or call 407-506-7088 with any questions. Register here: Clairbourn Summer Sports Camp Registration Form

Clairbourn Preschool Camp

Ms. Wong and Ms. Machi are running a preschool summer camp for current JPK and incoming JPK (age 3 by 6/24). ALL students must be three years old when they enter this camp to be eligible. Email here to sign up!
Show your Cougar spirit by visiting our Spirit Store!