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Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Volume: 2022-2023  Issue: 152
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From Head of School

A Relaxing Break Filled with Gratitude

Dear Clairbourn Families,
Today I am filled with gratitude for our students and teachers. They bring such joy to each day contributing smiles, passion, effort, grace, and love. I wish each of you a relaxing week filled with family, food, love, and gratitude.  
As you enjoy your week please plan ahead to our safe and healthy return to campus. We are asking every family to do a home COVID test on their students on Monday morning before we return to school. Please do not send students to school who are ill or testing positive. If you need a home test, the school has kits you may have, so just come by and pick one up from the health office. We are counting on our community to be responsible and help maintain the health of the campus.
Have a wonderful break!
Amy Patzlaff, Ed.D.
Head of School
Health Office Reminder

Policies for Returning After Illness

Middle School Math Class
Geometry students practiced their angle relationships through an activity called "Dance Dance Transversal," a play off of Dance Dance Revolution. They created parallel lines with transversals as their dance floor then tried to keep up with the music to jump from angle pair to angle pair as they showed up on the screen! What a great learning activity to engage our students!
2022 Sugar Plum

Our Unique Clairbourn Tradition

Sugar Plum is our unique Clairbourn tradition where parents come together to package holiday ornaments for the students, faculty, and staff.
CLICK HERE TO RSVP NOW! Join us for breakfast and holiday boutique shopping. A portion of the proceeds from vendors will be donated to the CFA. Anyone who is interested in being a vendor for Clairbourn's Sugar Plum event, please contact ApryleEmily or Liz.
Clairbourn Insights

Young Natural-born Storytellers. Write On!

Kindergarten classes have been enjoying having a parent reader every Friday! Students enjoy listening to the stories, asking questions, and sharing their love for reading with their parents. They also completed their first unit of Writer's Workshop and celebrated with a publishing party. Students revised their best story and added the illustrations. They even got to sit in the teacher's chair and read their final polished version aloud to the class! It was a great way to practice their public speaking skills and everyone did a fabulous job!
La Brea Tar Pits

Exploring The Paleontological Research Site

Third graders enjoyed a sunny day exploring the La Brea Tar Pits! They examined many specimens and artifacts. They shared a few things learned during this trip: Are dinosaurs carnivores, herbivores or omnivores? Woolly mammoths were probably about the size of African elephants, around 13 feet tall. Do you know lava can reach temperatures as hot as 1,250℃? Well done, Cougars!
Student Council

Honoring Native American Heritage Month  

Every year in November, we honor Native American Heritage Month to recognize and celebrate the many contributions, diverse cultures, and extensive histories of our Indigenous American communities. During Morning Assembly, Student Council talked about Sacagawea and Louis Sockalexis, and presented an educational skit about a well-known ballet dancer, Maria Tallchief. They also welcomed a member of our Clairbourn community for an interview. Thank you Mrs. Kler for sharing your heritage with us!
Drop Everything & Build

November Design Challenge:
Mini Marshmallow Launcher

Have you ever had sweet potato casserole with mini marshmallows on top? It is one of the most popular American Thanksgiving side dishes. To celebrate this holiday favorite, the middle school students were challenged to build a mini marshmallow launcher from cups, a spoon, rubber bands, and a handful of other materials.
After a lot of design and revisions (involving many flying marshmallows), every team built a successful launching device. In the eighth grade, the runners-up were Megan L. and Fredric S., and the winners were Annika L. and Naomi L. In the seventh grade, the runners-up were Akira T. and Jayden C., and the winners were Simon L. and Tiffany K. In the sixth grade, the runners-up were Matthew C. and Tommy L., and the winners were Matthew B. and Melody K., whose device launched a marshmallow farther than anyone else in the middle school.  Well done, Cougar engineers!
Life at Clairbourn
See our students' excitement for learning and families' joy on and off campus! Log into Vidigami to view more photos. Questions? email Mrs. Zamora

Follow Clairbourn

Late start day on Monday 11/28. School starts at 10 a.m. Students may not arrive before 9:30 a.m.

School Calendar

11/18 Dress Uniform Day and Community Coffee
11/21 - 11/25 Thanksgiving Break
11/28 Late Start Day
11/29 Pizza Special Lunch
12/1 Panda Special Lunch
12/2 Clairbourn T-Shirt Day

Clairbourn Gift Policy

Gratitude is always welcome, but a gift is
never necessary.
 A kind note, a genuine thank you, or a word of gratitude is always meaningful. 
Clairbourn has a stated gift policy for all employees:
• Employees may only accept gifts and/or gift cards that have a value of $100 or less.
• Employees may accept a gift and/or gift card of over $100 only if it is a collective gift and each individual’s contribution is $100 or less (i.e. the Scrip Gift at the holidays and end of the year).
Please help us by following this policy. If you feel you must do more than the note or word of thanks, please consider contributing to the group Scrip gifts at the holidays and at the end of the year. Please do not put any employees in an awkward situation by ignoring the policy.
If an employee receives something of higher value, it must be returned or given to the CFA for the auction. Thank you for your support!

Clairbourn Honors Veterans

Student Council delivered hand-made cards for the veterans who live across the street in the Sunrise Assisted Living Home in San Marino. The veterans served in World War II, Korea and Vietnam. They were delighted to receive the messages and gratitude from Clairbourn students.

Giving Tuesday Supports Annual Fund

Thank you to all those who have supported our Annual Fund! We are less than two weeks away from Giving Tuesday, and your additional generosity would be very much appreciated! For those who haven't made a gift, and plan to do so later in the fiscal year, make a pledge on November 29!
As always, thank you for supporting Clairbourn and our students!
#becauseofclairbourn #clairbourngiving

School Spirit Store

Show your Cougar spirit by visiting our Spirit Store!

Scrip Gift Cards: 11/14 - 12/2

There are two ways to purchase Scrip Gift Cards:
• CFA Online Store

• Scrip Order Form

Order forms are due December 2. Have questions? Contact a CFA Scrip Co-chair: Jun L., Julia G., or Rachel T.
Teacher Appreciation Group Gift Card Drive: 11/14 - 12/2
There are two ways to participate in the Teacher Group Scrip Gift:

Order forms are due December 4. Have questions? Contact one of these CFA Teacher Group Scrip Co-chairs: Moongshi C., Claire C., and Misaki N.
Holiday Giving: Children Helping Children in Need
This year’s Holiday Gift Giving Drive runs from November 10 to 29. Clairbourn will support Hillsides in Pasadena which provides comprehensive services and advocacy for young adults and families.
Please contact Heather Jones, Holiday Gift Giving Chair, for any questions.