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Thursday, March 30, 2023
Volume: 2022-2023  Issue: 177
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From Head of School

Relax • Refresh • Recharge

Dear Clairbourn Families,
I will start with a very big thank you to Elena Forouhar and Elahe Ashori for putting together such a thoughtful and educational Persian New Year event. I know the students enjoyed learning about the symbolism and cultural importance of the items on the haft-sin table. I also know the parents LOVED the special breakfast provided for them at the Community Coffee. Thanks so much for sharing this event with our community!
We are almost to Spring Break and some folks have gotten a little lax on a few things. It is time to remind everyone about some of the school rules. As a reminder:
1. UNIFORMS: All students need to be in uniform every day. Please do not send your children in non-uniform clothing. All outerwear MUST be navy blue. All pants and shorts MUST be khaki or navy.  
2. LUNCH: All students must arrive at school with their lunch or have ordered Choice Lunch. No food can be dropped off in the front office during the day.
And we have found it necessary to change our smartwatches and wireless earbuds policy. These two items are no longer allowed on campus as they have proved to be too much of a distraction for students. Please help us keep the students focused on their schoolwork by leaving these items at home.  
I wish you all a wonderful Spring Break. I hope you all get to do something that allows you to rest and recharge. 
Amy Patzlaff, Ed.D.
Head of School
School News

Standardized Test Scores Now Available

Standardized ERB test scores for grades 2-8 are now available for parents to review. If you would like to receive a copy of the results or schedule an appointment with Mrs. Paciorek (grades 2-3) or Mrs. Taylor (grades 4-8), please email Ms. Morales or call 626-286-3108, ext 111. 
Pioneer Journey

Third Grade Oregon Trail Journey
April-October 1850

Third grade is happy to report the pioneers are once again hitting the Oregon Trail. They are more than halfway through their journey and successfully crossed the Platte River. They were amazed at the height of Chimney Rock and learned how to churn butter on the trail. Our pioneers even made it to Independence Rock in time to celebrate Independence Day. And what a time they had at Steamboat Springs, throwing their hats and bonnets on top of the geyser!
A couple of our pioneers had some trouble crossing the Snake River, but luckily all of the pa’s worked together and they finally got everyone safely across. They have already traveled about 1,200 miles. Just about 400 more to go and they really hope they make it to Oregon City before the weather turns difficult. Everyone is looking forward to their new lives in the “Land of Milk and Honey.” 


Your trail bosses,
Dusty (aka Mrs. Ward) & Jasper (aka Mr. Berglund)
Celebrating Diversity

Welcoming Spring with a Persian New Year Celebration

Persian culture is rich and has profoundly influenced other cultures, too. One of the most beautiful customs which has been celebrated for over 3,000 years is Nowruz which means “New Day” and is the start of the Persian new year, celebrated on the first day of spring, around March 21.
To honor such a great day, Persian people follow many different customs and traditions. Nowruz will not start until a haft-sin is set up to welcome the arrival of spring. Haft-sin is the tradition of putting seven symbolic objects on a table. Each one has a special meaning and refers to an essential aspect of Persian culture: 
1. Sabzeh (wheat, barley, or lentil sprouts): Symbolizing rebirth and growth.
2. Samanu (sweet pudding made from wheat germ): Symbolizing sweetness and fertility.
3. Senjed (dried oleaster fruit): Symbolizing love.
4. Seer (garlic): Symbolizing medicine and health.
5. Seeb (apple): Symbolizing beauty and health.
6. Somagh (sumac): Symbolizing the sunrise and new beginnings.
7. Serkeh (vinegar): Symbolizing age and patience.
Thank you to the Sarabchi and Eftekhari families for sharing their culture and welcoming spring together with the Clairbourn community!
Quarter Three: Academic Honors & Music Awards

Clairbourn is committed to creating
Scholars and Leaders with Heart.

We shared the quarter three academic achievements of our hard-working middle school students last week. Students achieving Head's List status have earned no grade less than an "A" in their academic subjects and no grade less than a "1". Students achieving Honor Roll status have earned a GPA of 3.5 or higher
and no grade less than a "B" in their academic subjects and no grade less than a "1". Your commitment and perseverance in academic pursuits shows in all you do! Let's finish the year strong, Cougars!
Celebrating Music Achievement

For our music awards assembly, we recognized fourth to eighth grade students who showed an unwavering commitment by investing time in their daily practice and collaboration with their peers. They passed the general musical knowledge tests and performed leveled pieces on their specific instrument. We are proud of our Cougars' accomplishments and their achievements! Congratulations!
Clairbourn Insights
The leprechaun is a small Irish fairy who dresses like a shoemaker. In a fun Irish storytelling tradition, leprechauns are unfriendly little men who live alone in the forest, spending time making shoes and guarding their gold treasures. If you catch a leprechaun, he'll be forced to tell you where he hides his pots of gold. If you asked a JPK student, they would tell you how they had leprechauns in their classroom and their adventures!
Auction Highlights
The preschoolers were overjoyed when Minnie and Mickey Mouse visited their auction party. The children's faces lit up with excitement as they hugged and showed the beloved Disney characters their preschool yard. Some of the students even got to dance with Minnie and Mickey. The visit sparked the children's imaginations, and it was a magical experience the students will surely remember for a long time to come!

Follow Clairbourn

Monday, April 10 is a late start day. Students
may not arrive before
9:30 a.m. School opens
at 9:30 a.m., the doors
open at 9:45 a.m. and school begins at 10:00 a.m. 

School Calendar

3/31 Free dress
4/3 - 4/7 Spring Break
4/10 Late start day
4/11 BBQ lunch
4/13 KFC lunch
4/14 Free dress

March is Women's History Month

In honor of all the incredible women who have blazed a trail forward, both in the past and present, here are two inspirational quotes. 
Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg
“I raise up my voice-not so I can shout but so that those without a voice can be heard."
- Malala Yousafzai
Everyone can start moving toward your dreams regardless of age, race, or nationality!

Study the Science of Water Stream

Sixth graders have been using stream tables in science class to model erosion and deposition. The students examined the effects of stream shape and slope on the formation of alluvial fans, and they also used frozen blocks of ice to model the ways in which glaciers erode river valleys and deposit materials.
Seeing these processes happen in a model within a class period or two, rather than having to wait thousands of years, is a great way to understand how our planet is shaped by water! Well done, Cougars!

Clairbourn Life

The rain has brought us special visitors around the campus - Harley and Scooter. Mr. Morehouse named the two new friends and they love walking around the campus and swimming in puddles!

2023 Clairbourn Summer Camp

Parker-Anderson is offering summer camp on our campus for students from kindergarten through sixth grade. Please check the flyer below or visit our summer camp webpage.
For questions, please call Parker-Anderson at (818) 650-8676 or reach out to our after-school coordinator Michelle Cogswell.

Last Chance to Get Auction Items!

We are offering a last chance to purchase selected auction items including Free Dress for the Week, I-Lab with Mr. Beaber, Middle School Mystery Party with Ms. Vinnedge, Father's Visiting Day VIP package, 4th-6th Outdoor Laser Tag Party and more!
Please text Dana Lee Wong at 626-823-8839 to confirm availability & purchase. Thank you for supporting CFA and the school!
Show your Cougar spirit by visiting our Spirit Store!