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Volume: 2020-21  Issue: 18 Thursday, October 29, 2020
Head of School Update

Waivers & Community Questions Answered

Dear Clairbourn Families,
Don’t forget that Monday, November 2 is a No School Day so we can have Professional Development meetings for our teachers.  I recommend using that time to do something to recharge. We know you have been putting in long and sustained efforts to meet the demands of your current situations, and we sometimes need a break so we can start fresh again. 
Halloween is coming, and I continue to encourage creative ways to celebrate the occasion while still following the guidelines from the Health Department. We need to do our part to keep the community safe. The Health Department tells us that the main sources for transmission of COVID have been at private parties where people have gotten together without following protocols. 
A few questions came in last week in the form.  One question was about waivers. They noted that one other local school got a waiver to bring small, stable cohorts of TK-2 students to their campus, and this is true.  We have not applied for that waiver at this time. Some of the schools who have already been approved for the waiver are in the Pasadena Public Health Department jurisdiction.  We are under the jurisdiction of Los Angeles County. Our first step was to submit our application for high-needs students to be brought back to campus, which is approved with a scheduled visit.

The Health Department is scheduled to visit our campus in early November to check our protocols and systems. The process is not quick, but it will be as safe as possible. We are in direct contact with the County Health Department and are following their guidance. The best scenario would be for the case rates to drop in our county so no waiver would be needed.   
Another question was about when we might be in the next tier of the state’s reopening plan. Today, at the LA County meeting for schools, they told us that it would likely be four or five weeks since people are not following the guidance and are getting together which is causing spread. 
The final question was about travel restrictions for the holidays. I always refer back to the health officials for guidance of travel restrictions. When we are able to be on campus, we will be asking people to self-quarantine for 14 days following any international travel or travel to areas where there is a very high case rate as determined by the CDC. 
Thanks for asking these questions. Please feel free to submit additional questions using this form. I will try to answer as many as possible each week in this email. 
Amy Patzlaff, Ed.D.
Head of School
CFA Activities!

Restaurant Fundraiser-Dan Modern Chinese

Join us for our next restaurant fundraiser at Dan Modern Chinese in Pasadena. Call in or stop by Tuesday or Wednesday, November 17 and 18 from 4-8pm and 20% of your order will be donated to Clairbourn. Be sure to mention
Clairbourn or show the fundraiser flyer (printed or digital). when you order. Bring This Flyer | Menu

Virtual Challenge Party for Grades 3-5: November 13 at 4pm

Are you ready to Win It in a Minute? The CFA is hosting a Virtual Challenge Party for Grade 3, 4, & 5 students. Kids will go head-to-head in fun and hilarious one-minute challenges. The host will have kids stacking, counting,
crawling, and catching with non-stop laughing and screaming. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to have some virtual fun with your classmates! Visit the Clairbourn Store to reserve and buy a spot by Monday, November 9.

Be sure to write your child’s name, grade and the email address you would like the Zoom link emailed to in the comment section. The Zoom link and a list of materials needed for the challenges will be provided when you reserve a spot.

More Virtual Parties to Come

The CFA will host more virtual parties for all grades in the coming months. Be sure to check this weekly eCourier for upcoming events.

Have questions? Please contact Miriam Cruz at or Connie Kim at

Last Day for Book Fair
Shop Before Midnight 10/29/2020
Today is the last day of our online Book Fair and shopping will close at midnight. Visit the online bookstore one last time and purchase books for your family, and maybe even do some early holiday shopping for everyone on your list.

25% of all orders will be donated back to Clairbourn.

TIP: All book-only orders of $25 or more will ship for free. Place a separate order if you plan to purchase other items that are not books.

Teachers' & Book Fair Wish Lists
Help Expand Our Library and Classroom Resources

Please consider donating to the Teachers’ Wishlists. This will help teachers maintain a well-stocked classroom library for our kids to enjoy. Donate to Teachers' Wishlist

Your contribution to the Book Fair Wishlist will help enrich and expand the libraries book collection, our technology program and future book fairs. Donate to Book Fair Wishlist

All donations are tax-deductible. Thank you for always supporting our school and our teachers.

Teacher-Recommended Books
You can find all of these books in the online bookstore.

Gratitude for Book Fair Patrons:

Thank you, Book Fair Patrons for your contribution to this year’s online Book Fair. We are grateful for your generosity and your support in strengthening our
Clairbourn community.

Wesley and Elliot Chen Family(3rd and 5th grade) 
Liam and Natalie Duan and Family (JPK and Kindergarten)
Joe, Charis, and Vanessa Hsu (8th grade)
George Liu and Family (1st grade)
Winnie Luo and Family (2nd grade)
Chao Chao and Emily Zhang and Family (2nd and 3rd)
Jessica Zhang and Family (Kindergarten)
Have questions?
Please contact the Book Fair Chairs, Siyi Zhao and Lisa Li

Student Council Halloween Activities

Costumes, Candy, and Cards - Oh My!

Student Council has been putting together a series of events for Halloween.

Zoom in Costume

On October 30, students can come to their Zoom classes in their costumes. If that seems too much, students can wear any Halloween accessories they like or Halloween colors. Dressing up is optional.

View the Costume Parade on Vidigami

See the creative costumes posted in Vidigami this week by Clairbourn students and parents and enjoy a virtual Halloween parade! If you haven't posted a photo yet, you can add it to this album at any time.

Help Make Cards

We're also collecting student-made Thank You Cards for service members and first responders. Students should only sign their first names, and they should not write any date (so that Operation Gratitude can use them at any time).


Be a Candy Drive Participant

Finally, we are hosting our Annual Candy Drive for Operation Gratitude from November 3 to November 6. If you have any leftover Halloween candy, please feel free to drop it off in transportation between the hours of 9am and 3pm. The cards can also be dropped off at the same time and place.
Thank you and Happy Halloween!

Trick-or-Treat in Grade 4

A Car Ride Adventure for Halloween Fun

Fourth-graders experienced a special a car ride to pick up some Halloween treats from three homes. The treats were safely handed out from car trunks, and some of them were passed out using a long skeleton fork to ensure there was no direct, close contact. Children wore costumes in their car while rocking their Halloween COVID facial masks. Even though not everyone got to see each other, they assembled this fun class group photo as a memento using pics taken from home or in the cars. Have a safe Halloween!
Awesome Assignments

Student Stands Out with Spanish Story

Eighth-graders at Clairbourn have been reading Tumba, a book in Spanish, that discusses the tradition of El
Día de Los Muertos, or The Day of the Dead, which is celebrated in Mexico and Central America on November 1st and 2nd. The main character in the story, Alex, is a little nervous about this holiday because his grandmother talks with spirits, and the last time she did there was an 'accident.' In this video, Tiffany H. retells the story of what happened with lots of dramatic flair!
English Transcript:
One night, my grandmother was speaking with a cruel and evil spirit. The spirit was furious and my grandmother did not have control of the situation. Then the spirit entered into a black cat. The spirit controlled the cat! Then the cat attacked me!

English Class "Greaser" Costume Contest

The Outsiders, by author S.E. Hinton, is a well-known coming-of-age/class-struggle story recently assigned to Clairbourn eighth-graders in English class. As part of their exploration of the themes in the book, students were challenged to participate in a "Greaser" costume contest. A Greaser is term used in the 1950s and 60s for male street gang members from working-class families who put product in their hair to slick it up and back which gave their hair a greasy appearance. Girls who hung out with them were called "Greaser Girls" and they had their own signature look.

Contestant photos were judged on the following criteria:
-Hair, makeup (including fight makeup)
-Costume (including references to the book)
-Props (the use of taboo objects was permitted)
-Setting (sunset, rodeo, etc.)
These winners and honorable-mentions did the best job of meeting the requirements of the contest and will get prizes:
First Place: Mikey F., Second Place: Garrett M., Third Place: Parisa B.
Honorable Mentions: Vanessa H., Tiffany H., Jack P., & Sarah I.
Inspiration From Alumni

Allison Knight Morrissey, Class of 1998 - Afterschool Youth Program Director

Allison Knight Morrissey, Class of 1998, currently works for A Step Beyond, an afterschool youth development program as the Development Director. She is passionate about providing services for families in need and having humility in leadership and the nonprofit sector. When asked about the role her Clairbourn education has played in preparing her for her current career, she shared, "The biggest advantages of attending Clairbourn were the character education and ethics. All of my teachers taught us to think about others, to give back to our communities, and to be civically minded.  All of these life lessons have served me well in my nonprofit career."
Read the Full Interview Here
Morning Assembly

Catch up On Morning Assembly Messages

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Humane Society Activities for Kids 

Howlin' Halloween
If your child loves animals, then visit the Pasadena Humane Society's Facebook page at noon on Saturday, October 31 to catch the premiere of Howlin' Halloween. Learn to make dog treats and crafts and hear spooky stories.

November Circle Time
is for preschoolers. Register for the Humane Society's November Circle Time, which is a 3-week program filled with stories, songs, and special animal friends! 

Careers in Animal Welfare
Friday, Nov. 6, 3:30-4:15pm
This is 4-part "Podcast Style" Zoom presentation from the Humane Soceity will examine the wonderful world of animal careers. In this week's episode, we have Dr. Curtis Eng, DVM, who will discuss the ins and outs of treating exotic pets. Register Here
Click here for more activities and workshops from the Pasadena Humane Society.

Pasadena Library Activities

Enjoy the Witchy Storytime Spooky Stories event for the little ones. Live on Instagram Friday, Oct. 30 at 3PM at @pasadenalibrary

Funington at the Huntington

Treat your kids to five days of free online fun, filled with music, visual art, nature, and cooking demonstrations. Designed for children of all ages, The Huntington's program will have the whole family singing songs, making art, learning how living things grow and change, and becoming kitchen magicians. These are pre-recorded, activity-based videos which will be released at 10 a.m. each day and will be available to watch any time after. Check it out here.

Cool Science Stuff

JPL has released some cool spooky posters just in time to celebrate Halloween. These downloadable, free posters feature some of the universe’s spookiest and most mysterious phenomena which they have dubbed the “Galaxy of Horrors.” Read More Here

Alumni Event for the Class Years 2012-2020

Alums from class years 2012-2020 are invited to Trivia Night on Nov. 6th, 4:30 p.m.

There will be prizes! Fill out this Google form by Wednesday, Nov. 4th to receive a Zoom link for the event. Questions? Contact us at 

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Book a Parent/Teacher Conference Appointment for Wednesday, November 11. K-5 Grades Only.

Use this link to schedule a conference time with your child's teacher. Enter event code: ztjmg

School Bookings will close on November 9th at 3pm, so please book your conference time before then.  
Please note: There is NO SCHOOL for Grades K-8 on Parent/Teacher Conference day Wednesday, Nov. 11.

Last Day to Sign Up Your Kids

Parker-Anderson Enrichment Classes

Sign up by October 29. Parker-Anderson is offering our students Online Enrichment Classes. See this flyer for details. To enroll, visit Questions? Call (818) 650-8676

Staying Healthy

Rekindle your spiritual awareness!
Spirituality is part of the Clairbourn Code of Ethics for good reasons. We need it for when times get tough!

If you're tempted to feel a pandemic-related sense of despair, anxiety, boredom, frustration and restlessness, the Latin name for that psychological pattern is "acedia." Experts believe this can be effectively remedied by cultivating a spiritual practice (religious or non-religious) which involves life-enhancing behaviors capable of restoring your sense of well being. Read more about this topic in an article by Larry Culliford published in Psychology Today called, "A Need for Spiritual Connection."

Student Accomplishments

Send in your student updates! Did your student win an award, learn a new skill, make something cool, have an adventure, or do a service project? We'd love to post it in the eCourier!
Email Nancy Ward at
with the details including a photo or video if you have one. 

Computer Support

If you need technical help for CougarNet or device help, contact our computer teacher Mr. Barker.

Community Support

Check out our COVID-19 Resources Page designed to help kids keep busy, families stay healthy, and parents be supported.

Have a resource to share? Email

Stay Connected

Follow us on these social media accounts.

Review Us Online

"...if you want to be a great company some day, you have to eventually build something so good that people will recommend it to their friends—in fact, so good that they want to be the first one to recommend it to their friends for the implied good taste."
-Sam Altman on the importance of quality
Share the quality choice you've made about Clairbourn School here:


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