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Thursday, October 28, 2021
Volume: 2021-2022  Issue: 75
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From Head of School

Clairbourn Connections

Dear Clairbourn Families,
I am so happy to have seen so many parents and students in our Book Fair this week. I was able to have some great conversations with the shoppers and volunteers I encountered. It was fun to see the students so excited about reading and admiring the balloons, decorations, and enjoying the whole experience. That is what it is all about, making connections and promoting a love of reading. It makes the extraordinary effort of the CFA worth it. A huge thanks to the amazing Book Fair Chairs Lisa Li and Fiona Zhang, CFA President Ting Sung, Librarian Ann Mize, and all of the amazing volunteers who provided snacks, balloons, hours of wrapping and selling, and restocking tables. AMAZING community effort!
Last night Dr. Tina Bryson spoke about parenting in a pandemic. Her virtual talk was sponsored by 14 of the Pasadena Area Independent Schools. She gave parents a lot to think about and reassured them that they are not alone in this struggle. She also made the point that children (and parents) are resilient and what they need most is connection with a loving parent and lots of sleep. After those needs are met, the rest gets much easier. A recording is available in this eCourier if you missed it.
We are excited to kick off our Annual Fund next week. Please look for the letter in your home mailbox. It is one of the best ways the Clairbourn community can come together and show support in a tangible way. We are so proud of the high level of engagement of our community. Let's get to 100% again this year!  
Happy Halloween! Enjoy the festivities and stay safe.
Amy Patzlaff, Ed.D.
Head of School
Parent Education Event

A Conversation with Dr. Bryson

Five hundred parents and educators in the San Gabriel Valley joined last night's virtual parent education event with Dr. Bryson. The event was sponsored by 14 Pasadena Area Independent Schools. Dr. Tina Bryson spoke about parenting struggles during the pandemic and the support we can give to our children.
To access the event video, please click here.
Clairbourn Book Fair

Thank You For Your Support!

Dear Clairbourn Families,
I want to express my gratitude today by saying a big thank you to each and every one of you for making the “Reading is Out of This World” Book Fair a great success. First and foremost, I was so excited to see all the happy faces during the Book Fair. With your efforts, we had a huge success fundraising for our school library. Together, we sold almost $35,000 worth of books in five days and $38,000 in sponsorships were purchased!
Thank you to all the parents who volunteered their time for this fair, whether you served water and snacks, helped set up the fair, donated money, or served in some other capacity. We appreciate it all very much!! We could not have done it without your support and help! Special recognition to the following Book Fair support teams —
Book Fair setup: Ting Sung, Connie Kim, Lucy Balikian, Miwa Takayanagi, Dana Lee, Brian Chung, Jenny Chun Fung, Ying Chen, Rong Zhou, Elsa Mcleod, Summer Zhang
Balloon setup: Jessie Zhang
Teacher preview party: Tekoah Kler
Hospitality team: Betty Zhu, Ranma Mo, Kathy Seow, Velisa Zhu, Michelle Jin, Cathy Lee, Roxanne Cheung, Brian Chung
Book Fair webmaster:
Edgar Espinoza
Book Fair Chair Lisa Li
Co-Chair Fiona Zhang

Thank You To Our Generous Donors!

Your contributions will be used to enrich and extend our school library book collection, our tech program and future Book Fairs!

Clairbourn Insights

Lower School Student Artwork Displayed at Book Fair!

Besides the fabulous transformation of our MPB, a wide range of book selections, and wonderful parent volunteers, did you notice the stunning works of art produced by the students all around the Book Fair? 
Kindergarteners learned how to use brushes and mix colors to create rocket paintings. First graders experimented with chalk pastels and produced shooting stars full of movement. Third graders explored watercolor planet paintings combined with pencil drawings. Fourth graders learned about compositions and produced impressive mountain silhouette planet paintings. Lastly, our fifth graders studied values, gradients, tints and shades and created monochromatic landscape paintings.
So much extraordinary talent came out of our students! Well done, Cougars!
Operation Gratitude

Student Council:
Service Learning Project November 1 to 4

Operation Gratitude is one of the largest and most effective nonprofits in the country to support our military and first responders. Every year we have a candy drive for Operation Gratitude and we collect extra Halloween candy to donate to the military. We will be collecting extra Halloween candy at transportation the week after Halloween. There will be a box to drop off the candy from November 1 through November 4.
Halloween candy is a nice donation for military members and first responders because it reminds them of home since they might not get to spend the holidays with their family and friends. Thank you for helping us support Operation Gratitude!

Follow Clairbourn


Clairbourn Alphabet — "H"

Clairbourn staff, students and parents connect with one another at HEART. Many examples of kindness and compassion, both on and off campus, are shown daily by every member of our community.

School Calendar

10/29 Free Dress AND Halloween Parade!!!
11/1 Late Start Day
11/2 Pasta Special Lunch
11/4 PIzza Special Lunch
11/5 Clairbourn Shirt Day
11/11 No school AND Parent-Teacher Virtual Conference Day
11/12 Free Dress

VIRTUAL Conference Day: November 11

Thursday, November 11 is our Parent-Teacher Virtual Conference Day. JPK through 5th grade should follow this link to schedule a Zoom conference time with your child's teacher. Use event code: nqxn5 (or scan the QR code below)
Follow the instructions on each page and you will receive an email confirmation of your Conference Day booking. School Bookings will close on November 9 at 4pm, so please book your conference time before
Middle School families will get specific instructions via email from Mrs. Taylor. Please note there is NO SCHOOL for students on November 11.

Sibling Applications DUE by October 29

Please submit your child's application by Friday, October 29, 2021
The online application can be found by clicking here.
If you have any questions about the application process, please contact, Director of Enrollment Management, Marianne Ryan 626-286-3108 ext. 139.

Share Your Story

Nick N. from 8th grade participated in the Southern California Scholastic Fencing League Tournament last weekend. After multiple rounds of tough and competitive bouts, he won third place in the Saber Middle School Division. Congratulations!
Want to share your story? Email Mrs. Zamora with the details including a photo or video if you have one.

Life at Clairbourn

Make sure to log into your Vidigami to view school photo albums.

What's new this week? Book Fair, Recess, CFA, Classroom Visits, Art, PE, Lunch and Spanish

Morning Assembly

Morning Assembly videos are available daily in Vidigami on Morning Assemblies Page. Feel free to log in and watch!

Our Community

Clairbourn was voted Best Private School in the San Gabriel Valley for three years in a row! Thank you to our wonderful community! Please continue your support and write us a review!

School Spirit Store

Show your Cougar spirit by visiting our Spirit Store!