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Volume: 2020-21  Issue: 12 Thursday, September 24, 2020
Head of School Update

Struggle Makes Us Stronger, and Hugs Help

Dear Clairbourn Families, 

I read a few interesting studies recently that talked about cultivating resilience and the difficulty of unrelenting stress. In one of the studies, the author discussed the notion that stress is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, you need a little stress in your experience to encourage you to make changes. The tension or discomfort of not doing one’s best is what makes us try harder the next time. This is the way stress can actually help us come out stronger or more resilient from challenges. The struggle makes us stronger.
However, when the stress is unrelenting, it can wear on a person (child or adult). This kind of scenario tends not to strengthen, but to weaken the person involved. But there is a way to ensure the stress is not unrelenting. There are very simple ways to interrupt the stress and give a moment to have the growth and rejuvenation that we all need after a time of struggle.
In one study, they found clear evidence that the best way to counteract or interrupt stress is with love. I know, it sounds a little sentimental, but the act of hugging, or snuggling on the couch, or having your arm around your child when you read them a story actually makes a physical difference. That hug gives you a physical break from stress.
(For those who are interested, the hormone oxytocin that is released during these times of social bonding is sometimes called the “cuddle hormone” or the “love hormone.” This is a biological signal to the body that it is safe and can relax.) So even in times of prolonged difficulty, taking a minute to hug your child actually helps both you and your child release some of the tension or stress that may be stockpiling. For those of you who are not feeling stressed, the hugs and cuddling will help maintain your equilibrium.
When your child is acting “prickly” hug them, because they NEED it. When they are frustrated or irritable hug them, because they need it. When you are at your wit’s end, hug them because YOU need it! Apparently the Beatles knew what they were talking about “All You Need is Love!”   
I am sending each and every one of you a big virtual hug from Clairbourn, because we ALL need it! 
This concept comes mainly from a short book called Childhood, Interrupted by Sanjay Gupta MD
Amy Patzlaff, Ed.D.
Head of School
Special Assignment

Everybody Needs to Get a Pumpkin!

This weekend, Dr. Patzlaff wants each member of the Clairbourn community to get a pumpkin. It can be a real pumpkin, a paper pumpkin cut-out, or a drawing of a pumpkin. She'll reveal more details next week about the pumpkin project, so be sure to have your pumpkin ready!

Join the Mock Trial Team

For Students in Grades 6-8!

Are you interested in trials, criminal proceedings, gathering evidence? As a member of Clairbourn's first-ever Mock Trial Team you will learn about criminal and evidence law. Each team member will play a specific role as they enter a court room and act out a criminal trial. Roles include being prosecution and defense attorneys, judges, witnesses, etc. If you are interested in writing, storytelling, acting, or want to brush up your presentation skills, here is your chance. There will also be an opportunity to enter Mock Trial competitions. Come join us!  There are only 20 spots which will fill up fast.

First meeting is on Oct. 5th, from 3:30-5:00 pm.
Register on Sign-up Genius

Help Us Earn This Badge

We Need 10 Reviews by October 31!

Clairbourn has a new profile on GreatNonprofits "...the #1 place for people to share great stories of the amazing work done by nonprofits." We only have 38 days left to gather the required 10 positive reviews due by October 31st to gain Clairbourn's badge and place us the Top-Rated Nonprofit List. It’s easy and only takes 3 minutes! 

Register To Attend the Women In STEM Event

Virtual Panel Featuring Tetra Tech Leaders

Clairbourn Presents: Women in STEM - Virtual Panel Featuring Tetra Tech Leaders. We welcome our alumni, current families, friends, and the entire Clairbourn community to hear from our corporate partner Tetra Tech and women professionals on topics such as their career journeys, the challenges and rewards of their careers, and advice for those who want to pursue a STEM career. Tetra Tech is a high-end consulting and engineering firm, with 20,000 employees, that was founded in Pasadena in 1966.
Event & Time Date: Oct 1, 2020 05:00 PM in Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Registration Link
The following speakers and moderator will be featured on this panel:

1) Charlie MacPherson (panel moderator) is Vice President of Corporate Communications at Tetra Tech. She has a bachelor’s degree in invertebrate zoology and ceramics from the University of New Hampshire. She oversees the internal and external communications and has been with Tetra Tech for 34 years.

2) Elizabeth Voeller is Director of Tetra Tech’s Cyber Solutions practice. She currently supports the development of IT applications and software solution for the federal government to protect against cyber threats and builds new capabilities for Tetra Tech.

3) Larcus Pickett is an international development specialist with Tetra Tech, managing international energy projects. She has worked in project management, electricity regulation and policy in more than 15 countries to bring electricity to millions of people in the developing world.

4) Nicki Sparks is an electrical engineer with Tetra Tech, managing sustainable building projects that conserve water and energy. Nicki works primarily with tech clients looking to refresh and enhance their corporate office spaces to create an engaging and enjoyable workplace for their colleagues.

CFA News & Activities

Dine Out at Tony’s Pizza for Clairbourn!

Let Tony’s Pizza do the cooking for your family. Join us at Tony’s Pizza restaurant in San Marino on Friday, October 9 from 4:00PM - 8:00PM for our first Dine-Out Fundraiser. Tony’s Pizza will donate 20% of your order to our school. Be sure to mention Clairbourn or present this Dine-Out Fundraiser flyer when ordering.

Scrip Orders Are Due Friday, Sept. 25

Scrip sale ends this Friday. Be sure to order your Scrip gift cards today and help raise money for our school.

1. Scrip Program is a no-selling fundraiser.
2. Scrip is another way to pay for everyday purchases using gift cards instead of cash, check or credit card.
3. Scrip gift cards are purchased at face value, with no extra cost to you.
4. Our school gets a rebate between 3%-20% on all gift cards you purchase.
5. No Christmas panic! Purchase Scrip gift cards today and give them as gifts or to purchase Christmas gifts.

There are two ways to purchase Scrip gift cards:

1. Purchase Scrip Gift Cards on the CFA Online Store
(A small credit card processing fee will be charged for all online orders).

2. Purchase Scrip Gift Cards using this Scrip Order Form and mail or return it to school by Sept. 25.

If you need any further information, please contact one of these CFA Scrip Co-chairs:
Sherry Sasahara
Jun Lau
Ting Ting Sun

Plan for Halloween Fun

Macaroni Kid's Guide to Activities

According to the family-fun website Macaroni Kid, "This Halloween is going to look a bit different, but that doesn't mean we can't have tons of spooky, family friendly, local fun! Here is a roundup of Halloween events, activities and decorations you won't want to miss." Check out their Virtual Halloween and Fall Fun guides.

Morning Assembly

Catch up On Morning Assembly Messages


Student Accomplishments

Share what your student is up to!

Email Nancy Ward at
with the details including a photo or video if you have one. 

Jack Z. Performs at Costa Mesa Gala

In September of 2020, Jack Sheng in Grade 6, along with his parents Bo Guan and Shunxian "Jack" Zhang (famous artists in the Peking Opera), were invited by the Pacific Symphony Orchestra to perform in the Love Banquet Spring Festival Gala held at the Renée & Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall in Costa Mesa, California. In the video, Jack describes their performance piece celebrating the wonders of Chinese opera called, "Chinese Quintessence and Grace." This piece showcases not only his mother's lyrics but also his father's composition skills. At the 3:46 minute time mark, Jack appears on stage to sing.
Inspiration From Alumni

Fine Artist Amanda Perrigue Adams, '92

Amanda Perrigue Adams, Class of 1992, is a fantastic fine artist who primarily paints with oil on linen, canvas, and wood. At Clairbourn, she was exposed to different kinds of art, which piqued her interest and helped inspire her career in art. Some of her advice to students who want to pursue art as a career includes, "Love what you are doing and have confidence in your ability to create. Make art every day and master your skills. Learn everything you can about art. Keep working through blocks, discouragement, and others telling you no. Have a goal in mind and work toward it, one step at a time. Take charge of your career, and make it happen for yourself."

Read the Full Post Here 
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Computer Support

If you need technical help with CougarNet or device help, please email Computer Specialist Paul Barker

New Student Council Election

Last week, the newly-elected Student Council Class Reps for Grades 6, 7, and 8 shared their introduction video.
Class Representatives:
Hannah B. & Arthur Z. - 6th Grade, William B. & Annie Z. - 7th Grade, and Natalie A. & Tiffany H. - 8th Grade

The Power of Brainstorming 

The Drop Everything & Build Challenge from last week, for Grades 6-8 to build the tallest tower, focused on the importance of the brainstorming stage of the Engineering Design Process.  (This was a "challenge yourself" activity without an overall winner among participants. )

Thoughts on Heart

“You are not rich until you have a rich heart.”
-Roy T. Bennett, author of
The Light in the Heart

Creating Scholars and Leaders with Heart

Student Accomplishments

Send in your student updates! Did your student win an award, learn a new skill, make something cool, have an adventure, or do a service project? We'd love to post it in the eCourier!
Email Nancy Ward at
with the details including a photo or video if you have one. 

Staying Healthy

Eating During COVID-19: Improve Your Mood and Lower Stress
Uma Naidoo, MD, writing for Harvard Health Blog, shares this meal and food advice:

Make a Daily Meal Plan:
-No high-salt or sugar snacks
-Eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean proteins.
-Drink water flavored with edible citrus or berries
-Enjoy an occasional comfort food for a weekly treat

Immunity-Boosting Foods:
-Vitamin C rich foods, citrus fruit and red bell peppers
-Spices like ginger, garlic, turmeric, and capsaicin
-Zinc rich foods, oysters, clams, mussels, cashews, liver, beef, and egg yolks
-Probiotic-rich foods, pickles, sauerkraut, miso, and kefir
-Antioxidant foods

Calming Foods:
-Magnesium-rich foods, legumes, nuts, seeds, leafy greens, and whole grains
-Fatty fish like wild Alaskan salmon with omega-3 fatty acids

Community Support

Check out our COVID-19 Resources Page designed to help kids keep busy, families stay healthy, and parents be supported.

Have a resource to share? Email

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