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Volume: 2020-21  Issue: 11 Thursday, September 17, 2020
Head of School Update

Monitoring the Situation

Dear Clairbourn Families, 

Many of you have likely heard the announcement from Los Angeles Unified Schools and the Los Angeles Public Health briefings that schools are not likely to be back on campus before November. 
We continue to monitor the situation closely and are on weekly calls with both Los Angeles Public Health and Pasadena Public Health departments to see how we should plan. The guidance continues to evolve and change, so our planning remains flexible.

When schools are allowed to resume on-campus learning, we will check in with our families to gauge their level of comfort with coming back to campus.  We don’t think we need to survey families before that time arrives because feelings can shift a lot depending on the external conditions which are changing. 
Until we can be on campus, we will continue to provide a robust program in a remote stance.  That includes continuing to revise and adapt our approach to the current needs of our students.  The teachers are impressed with the students and their efforts thus far.  (We have great students!)  And I am impressed with the efforts of the whole community.

We know that this isn't always easy. We all struggle at different times and feel like we are at the end of our rope.  Kids experience this too. Remember, when you or your kids are feeling overwhelmed, try breaking things into small manageable chunks or small steps.

If doing all of the homework seems too much, start with one page or even one problem. When that is done, high five each other and then do one more thing. Pretty soon the seemingly insurmountable task is conquered and you are done. The same applies to you. Give yourself a break and just take one step at a time.

The same is true about our school year. We can't really accomplish the year all at once. We just take one day at a time and do the best we can with each step. If we all do this, it will be a successful year—with challenges to be sure—but certainly full of growth and successes!
Amy Patzlaff, Ed.D.
Head of School

Grades 6-8 Drop-&-Build STEM Challenge

The Power of Brainstorming Skills

This month's Middle School Drop Everything & Build Challenge, designed by science teacher Guen Vinnedge, focused on the brainstorming stage of the Engineering Design Process.  (This was a "challenge yourself" activity without an overall winner among participants. )

The challenge was to build the tallest tower that would stand on its own for at least 20 seconds. Students could only use craft sticks and masking tape. Before building, the students spent 5 minutes in small groups in Zoom breakout rooms brainstorming ideas, sharing strategies, and sketching models. They had 15 minutes afterwards to complete their build.

In reflecting on why brainstorming time matters, Kelly Z., in sixth grade felt that it allowed to her to do important planning and organization work required for a good build. Eighth-grader Marcos I. felt he was able to avoid a design mistakes like building a base too small thanks to having time to think before building. Sixth-graders Peter L. and Presley W. also realized that inspiration can strike during brainstorming time, and they decided to build their tower using triangle shapes similar to how magicians stack cards.

Register To Attend the Women In STEM Event

Virtual Panel Featuring Tetra Tech Leaders

Clairbourn Presents: Women in STEM - Virtual Panel Featuring Tetra Tech Leaders. We welcome our alumni, current families, friends, and the entire Clairbourn community to hear from our corporate partner Tetra Tech and women professionals on topics such as their career journeys, the challenges and rewards of their careers, and advice for those who want to pursue a STEM career. Tetra Tech is a high-end consulting and engineering firm, with 20,000 employees, that was founded in Pasadena in 1966.
Event & Time Date: Oct 1, 2020 05:00 PM in Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Registration Link
The following speakers and moderator will be featured on this panel:

1) Charlie MacPherson (panel moderator) is Vice President of Corporate Communications at Tetra Tech. She has a bachelor’s degree in invertebrate zoology and ceramics from the University of New Hampshire. She oversees the internal and external communications and has been with Tetra Tech for 34 years.

2) Elizabeth Voeller is Director of Tetra Tech’s Cyber Solutions practice. She currently supports the development of IT applications and software solution for the federal government to protect against cyber threats and builds new capabilities for Tetra Tech.

3) Larcus Pickett is an international development specialist with Tetra Tech, managing international energy projects. She has worked in project management, electricity regulation and policy in more than 15 countries to bring electricity to millions of people in the developing world.

4) Nicki Sparks is an electrical engineer with Tetra Tech, managing sustainable building projects that conserve water and energy. Nicki works primarily with tech clients looking to refresh and enhance their corporate office spaces to create an engaging and enjoyable workplace for their colleagues.

What is Scrip?

Learn About Scrip  - Why Buying it Supports Clairbourn School

The CFA is now accepting Scrip orders. Please help support the CFA and our school by participating in the Scrip program. The Scrip Program allows you to purchase physical gift cards, at face value, from some of your favorite retailers such as Amazon, Target, Nordstrom and many more. The school will get a percentage of all Scrip gift card purchases.

There are two ways to purchase Scrip gift cards:

1. Purchase Scrip Gift Cards on the CFA Online Store
(A small credit card processing fee will be charged for all online orders).

2. Purchase Scrip Gift Cards using this Scrip Order Form and mail or return it to school by Sept. 25.

If you need any further information, please contact one of these CFA Scrip Co-chairs:
Sherry Sasahara
Jun Lau
Ting Ting Sun

Meet the Class Reps

6-8 Grade Student Council Reps Say Hello

The newly elected Grades 6-8 Class Representatives on Student Council have made a video to introduce themselves to the community. (Last week we only heard from the newly elected Student Council Officers.)


Morning Assembly

Catch up On Morning Assembly Messages


Student Accomplishments

Share what your student is up to!

Email Nancy Ward at
with the details including a photo or video if you have one. 

Isabella J. Learns Piano via Zoom!

First-grader Isabella J. began taking piano lessons via Zoom through the Pasadena Conservatory of Music in June.
  She had her first piano recital (also via Zoom) on July 25 and played two selections, including “Old MacDonald Had a Farm.”  Proud parents, grandparents, and godparents were there for the recital and celebrated Isabella later with a Zoom ice cream party!  Parents Heather and John Jones II were so proud of Isabella’s confidence and enthusiasm, and her piano lessons continue with the PCM.

Gold Music Medals Go to Marcel & Malena!

Over the summer, Marcel Z., in Grade 7, and Malena Z., in Grade 4,
took their Royal Conservatory of Music level four and level three music exams and earned dual Gold Medals in the region. It was pretty neat to take a virtual exam and meet a judge all the way from Canada. 

In addition, they were accepted in the Los Angeles Youth Philharmonic this summer and were scheduled to perform at Walt Disney Concert Hall in July. It was moved to a virtual concert. They both learned Dvorak, Tchaikovsky, and Suppé, along with many more composers. It was a lot of hard work but they walked away with great experiences and with lots of learning and growth!
Inspiration From Alumni

Teale Hatheway - Internationally Exhibited Artist based in Los Angeles

Teale Hatheway, from Clairbourn's Class of 1992, is a Los Angeles-based artist whose work explores the intersection of observation, recollection, and architecture/infrastructure. Her work has been exhibited all over the world and featured in corporate, private, and public collections. She mentioned that she has the best memories of her time at Clairbourn School and fondly remembers Dr. Patzlaff as her after-school sports coach.

In the full news post link that follows, learn about her latest projects, what inspires her, and her advice for our students or young alums who want to pursue art as a career. Read More

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Computer Support

If you need technical help with CougarNet or device help, please email Computer Specialist Paul Barker

New Student Council Election

Last week, Middle-schoolers elected these students to be their Student Council Officers and Class Reps:
Student Council Officers:
Sarah I. - President, Marcos I. - Vice President, Vanessa H. - Secretary, Marcel Z. - Treasurer, and Faith C. - Curator

Class Representatives:
Hannah B. & Arthur Z. - 6th Grade, William B. & Annie Z. - 7th Grade, and Natalie A. & Tiffany H. - 8th Grade

Catching the Gingerbread Man

This year, the Clairbourn Kindergarten teachers, along with their assistants, devised a brilliant way to keep the Gingerbread Man hunt traditional alive in a remote learning format.

Thoughts on being a Scholar:

Socrates once said,
“Employ your time in improving yourself by other men’s writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for.”

Student Accomplishments

Send in your student updates! Did your student win an award, learn a new skill, make something cool, have an adventure, or do a service project? We'd love to post it in the eCourier!
Email Nancy Ward at
with the details including a photo or video if you have one. 

Staying Healthy

A Word About Bedtimes says, "Children often have more trouble with bedtime during any stressful period. Try to keep normal nighttime routines such as Book, Brush, Bed for younger children. Put a family picture by their bed for “ex​​tra love" until morning.
Bedtimes can shift some for older children and teens, but it is a good idea to keep it in a reasonable range so the sleep-wake cycle isn't thrown off.
Too little sleep makes it more challenging to learn and to deal with emotions. Remember to turn off cell phones and other mobile devices an hour before bedtime.​"

Community Support

Check out our COVID-19 Resources Page designed to help kids keep busy, families stay healthy, and parents be supported.

Have a resource to share? Email

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