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Thursday, August 26, 2021
Volume: 2021-2022  Issue: 63
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From the Head of School

Happy First Day of School!

Dear Clairbourn Families,
Happy First Day of School!  
Thank you for your patience this morning in the parking lot. Because it was the first day of school, many families did not have their Magnus App downloaded and ready, and many parents got out of the cars to walk their children to the gate. This caused quite a bit of challenge in the parking lot. But tomorrow will be better if all families follow the following directions:
01   Fill out your Magnus DAILY on the APP
02   Complete the Magnus COVID form AT HOME
03   Take a screen shot of the GREEN GO screen
  so you don't have to log in again at school.
04   DO NOT GET OUT of your car unless you
  have a preschool student. 
  The Magnus screen shot will be checked and   
  temperature taken in the vehicle.
06   Have your student READY to EXIT the car
  so the process can be quick.
(Shoes on,
  backpack ready, items already collected.)
(except for preschool)
Following these instructions will speed things tremendously and make for a smooth start of the day!
Even with the congestion in the parking lot, I can't tell you how much I enjoyed seeing each of the students this morning coming onto campus. The smiles were evident, even through the masks. The faculty and staff were prepared to greet the students and get them all settled into their classes ready for a great day of learning. We had our first Morning Assembly of the year presented by our Student Council. They did a great job and we are off to a fantastic start, focusing on our mission, Creating Scholars and Leaders with Heart.  
Our K-5 technology classes are being handled by Parker-Anderson. They are known for their high quality after-school classes and summer camps, often focused on STEM. They will focus on coding, digital citizenship, and other creative and engaging technology-based activities. We are excited for this expanding partnership. 
Some of you have asked about the COVID testing done on campus to pre-screen the year. I am pleased to report, we were 100% negative. The weekly testing will continue to promote a healthy environment on campus.
Tomorrow is Clairbourn Shirt Day! All students should have received a blue Clairbourn shirt to wear on alternating Fridays. Check the school calendar for specific dates. If the shirt isn't a comfortable size for your child, we have others and will happily exchange it for one that fits better. Just let your teacher know.  
Thanks to all of the teachers for the preparation for this school year. Thanks to the families for supporting our school. Together, we will have a great year. Together, we are Clairbourn!
Amy Patzlaff, Ed.D.
Head of School
Back-to-School Welcome From Student Council
Welcome back to students, teachers, and families! We are the Student Council officers for 2021-2022: President Marcel Z., Vice President William B., Secretary Hannah B., Treasurer Arthur Z., and Curator/Historian Michael Y.

There are a lot of exciting possibilities this year and there are also a lot of responsibilities to keep us safe. A reminder from Student Council to everyone: Wear your mask, keep a safe distance, and follow directions. It’s time to get back into the school routine: get ready to study and always do your best, be a good friend, and welcome new students. We’re ready to start a new school year.  

Wearing your mask, doing your best, and being a good friend are all ways we show heart. We go to Clairbourn School to learn, but that’s not all. We are here to celebrate together when good things happen, and to support each other when times are tough. That’s why we say we are creating Scholars and Leaders with Heart. Last year, we showed heart when we were patient with our teachers when technology didn’t always work and when we celebrated birthdays with car parades. We have all been through a lot of changes over the past year and a half, and we are grateful we can all be back together at school in person this year. We can show heart by remembering our responsibilities to keep each other safe. We are stronger together!

We would like to extend a special welcome to all the Kindergarteners, who are the Clairbourn class of 2030, and to all the new students in all the grades. Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself to people and make new friends. Student Council has lots of fun activities planned for this year, like spirit days and more fundraisers to help people in our community and around the world. As we start a new school year, we want to encourage you to step up to new challenges and to always work on being Scholars and Leaders with Heart.
School Reminder

Class Roster and Schedule

Class rosters and schedules are now ready for review in your CougarNet account!

Drop-Off Schedule

 7:30 - 7:45 am  Morning daycare available for all grades
 7:45 - 8:00 am  5th - 8th grade
 8:00 - 8:15 am  Kindergarten - 4th grade
 8:15 - 8:30 am  Preschool (JPK & PK)
Please follow our preferred drop off schedule if possible for your family. If it is not possible, you may drop-off as early as 7:30 am.

Pick-Up Schedule

(except for preschool)
 2:45 pm  Preschool (JPK & PK) & Kindergarten
 2:50 pm  1st grade
 3:00 pm  2nd - 3rd grade
 3:10 pm  4th - 5th grade
 3:15 pm  Middle School
Life at Clairbourn

Check out the joy, smiles and happiness on the first day of school!

How to view school photos?

Step 1: New users please activate your account.
Step 2: Download Vidigami V3 App to your cell phone.
If you already downloaded Vidigami app from previous years, you must remove the old app and download a new V3 Vidigami app.
Step 3: Select the categories you like to follow.
Step 4: Make sure to click into the waffle icon to expand the album. (See photo below)

Follow Clairbourn

Clairbourn Tech Support Team

Our tech support team is here to assist you in the preparation for the first day of school. Please contact our team at

Picture Day

September 10 is Picture Day!
Be sure to order your photos from using PICTURE DAY ID: EVTS2DDDT (all numbers)

Virtual Back-to-School Nights!

All parents are welcome to join the teachers for our virtual Back-to-School Nights! More information will go out when we are closer to the dates.

Below is the Back-to-School Nights schedule:

Sep. 7   5:30 - 6:30 pm
Kindergarten, 4th & 5th
Sep. 7   6:30 - 7:30 pm
1st grade
Sep. 8   5:30 - 6:30 pm
2nd & 3rd grade
Sep. 9   5:30 - 7:00 pm
Middle School

Enrichment Classes

Parker-Anderson In-Person Program
Once again, Clairbourn has partnered with Parker-Anderson to offer our 1st through 8th grade students enrichment classes and daycare. Extended daycare will begin on Monday August 30. Please see the attached flyers for details. Sign up online now with Parker-Anderson by September 9. Questions? Call Parker-Anderson at (818) 650-8676 or reach out to our after school coordinator Mrs. Cogswell

Order CFA Special Lunch Now!

Click here to order CFA Special Lunch!
CFA Special Lunch Schedule
Check below for some important CFA dates:

First CFA Meeting

Please note the 1st CFA meeting of the year has been changed to September 14.
The meeting will be held virtually at 6pm via Zoom. The link is here.
You will be able to meet CFA event chairs , learn how to get involved in your child’s classroom and sign up for volunteering opportunities.
Hope to see everyone there!

Choicelunch is coming to our school!

Check out A La Carte, their simple and contactless lunch option with social distancing in mind. A customized, individually packaged lunch, labeled for your child, will arrive at school with everything you ordered - an entrée, snacks, fruits/veggies, and drinks.
πŸ‘‰  Click here for the flyer
Please contact our school lunch coordinator Michelle Cogswell if you need help.

Preschool After-School Daycare

Enrollment for the Clairbourn After-School Daycare program 2021-22 is now open for JPK to K. The enrollment form is available on the Resource Page in your CougarNet. For further assistance, please contact Nicole Wang from the Business Office.

Our Community

Clairbourn was voted Best Private School in the San Gabriel Valley for three years in a row! Thank you to our wonderful community! Please continue your support and write us a review!

School Spirit Store

Show your Cougar spirit by visiting our Spirit Store!