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Volume: 2020-21  Issue: 50 Sunday, June 6, 2021
Welcome to 2021 Graduation Ceremony
We are grateful for all the opportunities we have been given by you, our wonderful families.  As we bring our Clairbourn experience to a close and move on to our high school experience, we are happy to share this celebration with you.  We couldn’t have done it without your support and encouragement. Thank you for coming to see us graduate.
Class of 2021's Gratitude
First, we would like to thank our parents and families.  You provided us with an excellent opportunity, tremendous support, and endless love.  You supported us both at home and at school as CFA volunteers making special events so fun. We are so grateful to each of you.  

You challenged us, encouraged us, and taught us the skills and strategies that we will take with us in our lives.  You also helped to keep us motivated to do our best even when the urge to play was strong. We are grateful for all of your guidance and care.

We know you have been supporting our events and our scholastic efforts.  We are also thankful for your leadership, guidance, and support of the Clairbourn experience that we loved.  Thank you for all you do behind the scenes to make Clairbourn what it is.  

8th Grade Speeches

Eighth-grade students shared their remembrance speeches.
Watch their heart-felt speeches about the growth they have experienced, the memories they have made, and the overall impact Clairbourn has had in their lives. 
Good morning! My name is Mikey F. and I have been attending Clairbourn since Junior Pre-Kindergarten. Along the way I’ve learned a thing or two about being selfless and giving back. What makes someone selfless? Simple, just doing things to be nice right? Well, yes and no. Being nice is part of it, but not the entire thing. Webster’s dictionary defines the word selfless as “having no concern for one’s self; unselfish”. What did you take away from that? Usually people we believe to be selfless are those such as police and firefighters. They risk their own lives in order to help others. Now, this doesn’t mean the next time you see a burning building that you need to join the firemen and run in and try to save the people inside. But you can try to help people in ways that you, specifically, can.
Good morning, Clairbourn students, parents, and faculty. Thank you for being here, for being PRESENT. Being present means we are mindful of what is happening at this very moment. So I’m going to ask you all to look around and soak it all in! As a 2021 graduate of Clairbourn, for me, right now, in this moment, I realize it may be the last time I speak to you as Clairbourn students. It may be the last time I am in the presence of all my teachers.  It may be the last time I roam this beautiful campus. And that’s all after walking through the entrance of Clairbourn as a curious 3-year-old on my first day of Jr-PK 11 years ago. So, I’m going to soak up this moment and enjoy being “present”. None of us can turn back the clock and the future doesn’t exist yet, so we need to remind ourselves to always be present without distractions, for living in the moment is the key to being happy.
Hello and welcome, my name is Anthony C. and the first question I want to ask is how many of you like to work hard? You don’t have to raise your hands, but I’m guessing many of you would prefer to take it easy if you could. But what if I told you I have learned that working hard is a great thing and is a very important thing to do? As a student I can say that when I work hard I reap the rewards for my efforts. A very common example would be studying. When I work hard by studying before a test or quiz I give myself a higher chance to do better. The effort I use to study beforehand can be applied to everything and can be used in daily life scenarios. By giving my all in everything I do, I can make that slight difference between success and failure. I’ve learned many lessons so far in my 10 years at Clairbourn, and I think the most important are to always do my best, to work hard, and to never give up.
Hello students, faculty, and parents. My name is Parisa B. and I have attended Clairbourn for 10 years. I would like to start by saying that I have learned and gained so much from my time at Clairbourn and I am so grateful for the wonderful years that I have spent here. I would like to say a special thank you to my fellow classmates, for they have taught me so much about myself and who I want to be. Whether it was a kind remark, an encouraging word, or even simply a smile, you may not have realized it at the time, but every one of those small but very impactful gestures contributed to making my harder days not as bad, and my good days so much better.   
The Class of 2021
Graduation Address

Guide Your Actions with Three Questions

The Class of 2021 is unique. You have been through a pandemic, experienced remote learning, participated in hybrid learning, sheltered in place, and learned to reemerge safely. You participated in a virtual concert, put on a Shakespear production remotely, recorded math videos in TikTok, and participated in a modified cardboard boat regatta. Through all of this you learned new skills and strengthened existing ones. You maintained connection with each other even when you couldn’t be physically together whether meeting for study groups in Discord, having class parties on Zoom, or joining watch parties on Netflix. You developed your grit, perseverance, flexibility, creativity, compassion, and patience. It was an opportunity for a lot of growth, and grow you did!     

I was thinking about why you did so well, and I think it has a lot to do with how you responded to the challenges. The news kept saying these are unprecedented times. True, we hadn’t seen this combination of events before, but you have been practicing how to respond to challenges for years. Even though there was no playbook or roadmap for a pandemic, I believe you actually do have a solid guide for how to respond to any challenge you face.  The guide can be summed up in three questions. The three questions are: 1. Do your actions help you to grow and learn?  2. Do your actions build others up, helping them progress?  3. Do your actions show compassion, respect, and love?
High School Acceptances

The Graduating Class of 2021
will attend the following High Schools:

Our students will be attending the following schools in the Fall: Flintridge Preparatory School, Maranatha High School, Westridge School, Mayfield Senior School, Webb School, La Salle High School, Loyola High School, South Pasadena High School, St. Francis High School, Los Angeles County High School for the Arts, San Marino High School.
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2021 Graduation Ceremony Videos

Last day of school Morning Assembly

Tuesday 06-01

Additional 8th Grade Speeches from Morning Assembly

Good morning Dr. Patzlaff, Mrs.Taylor, teachers, students, and the class of 2021!
I am Belen C., an athlete, a friend, a sister, and a daughter. I have been at Clairbourn school for 6 years. Although I get good grades and I’m pretty good at volleyball. The truth is, there’s one thing I lack most of the time, and that’s confidence...but I found that trusting in yourself can make all the difference in the world. Have you ever thought about your own confidence level? I believe there is not one person in this room that has 100% confidence. If you were given a task to do something that you have a lot of experience with and I told you to complete 15 repetitions without messing up, do you think you can do it? You would probably be second guessing yourself and your skills right off the bat. This is what many people do and that causes them to end up failing in the end.

Hello teachers, parents, and of course the graduating class of 2021.
My name is Sarah I. and I have been at Clairbourn school since 6th grade. I believe that we can all agree that these past school years and this year in general has been quite a challenge for all of us. Spending the past year 6 feet away from the people we love and care for the most has been hard for most of us, but it is important to keep moving forward. What keeps us motivated? What keeps us from giving up? What allows us to be persistent through challenges in life? Through my journey in middle school at Clairbourn I have learned that there will be many times where our ability to persevere is challenged, and the only way to succeed is to be as persistent as you can be.

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