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Volume: 2019-20  Issue: 61 Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Welcome to the
2021 Awards Ceremony
7th Grade Faculty Award
The 7th Grade Faculty Award is given to recognize the participation, contribution, attitude, and spirit the 7th grade recipient brings to the school. This year’s award goes to a student that consistently strives to do well, seeks to improve, and maintains a positive, thoughtful attitude.

His teachers say:
He wants to do his very best. He is always prepared and engaged. He is an excellent student; he is always asking how he can do even better. He is friendly, organized, and hard working. He takes responsibility for his learning and uses any mistakes as a learning opportunity. He is always very positive and a pleasure to have in class. 
He is a conscientious and engaged learner. He seeks out opportunities to contribute to class in both a traditional manner, for example acting as class secretary keeping track of homework assignments, test dates and point values, and also in innovative ways, such as offering straight-faced to be the class’ not-funny comedian, telling one daily groaner much to equal delight and despair of the class and its teacher. For a taste: What do you call a boomerang that does not come back? A stick. 
He has a thirst for knowledge and an admirable desire to always do his best. He is a quietly supportive classmate, an active participant in class, and a kind person. He is an excellent student. He is always willing to go above and beyond what is required. He adds meaningful and insightful comments to the class and is always ready to answer questions.  
He contributes on a regular basis in athletics, always reaching for excellence in all he participates in. He maintains a positive attitude no matter the outcome of a match and represents Clairbourn well. 
It is apparent that he has made a positive contribution to the Clairbourn community and is highly valued and appreciated. By nomination of the faculty and approval of the administration it is a pleasure to present the 2021 7th Grade Faculty Award to:
Drama Award
This year's drama productions charted new territory: the exploration of video production for our shows. At the start of school, you were not even allowed on campus, so the first production, "Winnie the Pooh: It's Been Proven That Tiggers Don't Climb Trees," you performed via Zoom. Your Piglet was especially memorable, as you invested the little character with a quiet sense of trepidation and offered Pooh and Rabbit gentle remonstrations.
Then you eagerly accepted the lead role of Prospero before Christmas break, not knowing how the production itself would unfold. Throughout January, you performed your lines in a recorded Zoom session perfectly, having carefully studied your lines and role over Christmas break. Once February arrived, news circulated that we could allow students on campus for image capturing in costume. This was great news! You came prepared with costume, make-up and props.
Then came the biggest and best of challenges: you offered to edit an entire scene. Why was this challenge so impressive? Because the director had no clear vision of how to proceed day-to-day given the distances, the devices and their limitations and the enormity of the project. The lack of clear direction in the beginning did not hamper your efforts, and you, having taught yourself how to use three different apps, erased backgrounds, made image composites, and video edited. The end result was breathtaking: a beautifully conceived Act three, Scene three that blended harmoniously with the rest of the production. Brava, Miss Hsu!
Richard and Eric Dong Scholarship for Music and The Arts

The first recipient produces beautiful work. As a new student she was able to show her understanding of art lessons with a gorgeous rendering of a plaza scene using ProTools. She has inspired others to demonstrate competency through artistic expression.  This student also has demonstrated her excellent playing ability, as well as her beautiful tone quality and musicality. She has been called on repeatedly to play for the members of the band as an example of how a musical passage should sound, be articulated, or be phrased. She always puts forth her best efforts, is humble yet assertive in her playing, is consistently prepared, capable, and always performs at the highest level on her alto saxophone.

Therefore, by nomination of the faculty and endorsement by the administration, I am pleased to present a $500 scholarship and the corresponding 2021 Eric and Richard Dong Scholarship for Music and the Arts to:
The second award goes to a 7th grader who is an excellent musician. He has participated in the band program for four years and during that time has continuously improved and achieved a high level of ability on his instrument. He also sets an example of seriousness, dedication, and excellence in music. He often plays for the band, leads the band in rehearsal, and sets an excellent example for others to follow. He is an excellent alto saxophonist and a fine young man. 
Therefore, by nomination of the faculty and endorsement by the administration, I am pleased to present a $500 scholarship and the corresponding 2021 Eric and Richard Dong Scholarship for Music and the Arts to: 
The third award goes to a student who demonstrates musical talent consistently. He is a hardworking and responsible student. Practice records have been consistently turned in and he has been a great contributor to the music class by sharing his love and knowledge of music with his classmates. He is dedicated to his own improvement and a supporter of the music program.

Therefore, by nomination of the faculty and endorsement by the administration, I am pleased to present a $500 scholarship and the corresponding 2021 Eric and Richard Dong Scholarship for Music and the Arts to:
The forth award goes to a student who demonstrates amazing artistic capacity. He is an outstanding artist and student. His work always stands out, because it shows he cares about each assignment. His projects are creative, authentic, and beautifully executed.

Therefore, by nomination of the faculty and endorsement by the administration, I am pleased to present a $500 scholarship and the corresponding 2021 Eric and Richard Dong Scholarship for Music and the Arts to:
Lola Wallden Memorial Scholarship
Educating children was Mrs. Wallden’s personal and professional passion. She cared deeply about the progress of every student she encountered. In memory of Mrs. Wallden’s 36 years of service to the students at Clairbourn, the Trustees established the Lola Wallden Memorial Scholarship Fund. The award from this fund is designed to recognize the fourth or fifth grade student who has demonstrated hard work and persistence, qualities that Mrs. Wallden found to be most important in developing quality individuals.

This year’s recipient is a student who has a strong work ethic and is determined to improve in areas of challenge. She has a positive attitude that uplifts those around her. She looks for opportunities to grow through reflection upon areas of challenge. By demonstrating perseverance and determination she overcomes academic obstacles. She has an eagerness to learn from her mistakes by reviewing concepts that were previously difficult to master. ((She strives for progress and continues to push herself through adversity.)) In the classroom, her willingness to ask for additional support serves as a strong example for her classmates to follow. Her tenacious nature and can-do attitude has helped her to become a problem solver. Overall, she shines with her encouraging, hard working, and inspiring attitude. 

Therefore, by nomination of the faculty, and endorsement by the administration of Clairbourn School, I am pleased to present a $1000 scholarship and the corresponding 2021 Lola Wallden Memorial Award to: 
Ann Wakefield Pearson Humanitarian Award
Ann Pearson loved her work. She saw the good in her students, and loved the spirit that characterizes today’s middle schoolers. Her door was always open to students, parents, and colleagues alike. We honor her memory by recognizing the qualities she cherished in today’s recipient. 

To be selected as an Ann Wakefield Pearson Humanitarian Award recipient is an honor. This award is open to any currently enrolled Clairbourn 6th grader who shows excellence in three areas: attitude, behavior, and achievement. This year’s recipient is a 6th grader who has demonstrated dedication in his academics. He is responsible, motivated and engaged in his learning process, and exceeds all expectations.  He shows a positive attitude that spreads to his classmates around him.  He is always attentive, making class enjoyable, and helping students without being asked. His classmates trust him and know he wants to help them succeed.  He is a happy, fun-loving, and friendly student who takes a genuine interest in others.  He takes on challenges and meets them with great success. He is a Cougar with heart! These qualities and many more are the ones Ann 
Pearson encouraged her students to find in themselves. 

Therefore, by nomination of the faculty, endorsement by the administration,
I am pleased to present a $1000 scholarship and the corresponding 2021 Ann Wakefield Pearson Humanitarian Award to:
Niijar Sportsmanship Scholarship
In appreciation for what Clairbourn meant to them and in recognition of the difference our sports program made in the lives of their three sons, a $25,000 gift was made to establish this fund. The Nijjar Sportsmanship Award is designed to recognize the fifth through seventh grade student who has demonstrated dedication, persistence, team spirit, and outstanding good sportsmanship while supporting Clairbourn School on sports teams. 
This year’s recipient is a 6th grader who has demonstrated these qualities. He is a delightful student and a positive contributor on our sports teams. He is an enthusiastic and skilled athlete who always maintains a positive attitude, strong participation and effort, encouragement to teammates, and good sportsmanship.  He enjoys sports and physical activity, practices with determination, and enjoys competition but maintains a sense of perspective, fun, creativity, and calm.  He is an experienced baseball player and leads by example.  In PE class, he helps other players and is patient with them, maintaining an even-keeled attitude and gracious spirit. He consistently shows a high degree of sportsmanship and willingness to help. 
Therefore, by nomination of the faculty, and endorsement by the administration of Clairbourn School, I am pleased to present a $1000 scholarship and the corresponding 2021 Nijjar Sportsmanship Award to:

Scott Studenmund Award for Leadership, Commitment, and Service
This award stands as a lasting tribute to Scott's unsurpassed example of these qualities and more. Setting this high standard before our students will encourage the best and brightest to strive for even higher success. To further this goal, Dr. and Mrs. Woody Studenmund established this fund in 2014. 

This year's recipient is a 7th-grader who stands out as a student with a strong commitment to the school and his community.  He never hesitates to step up as needed.  He is always willing to help a classmate or teacher, building class spirit and making the school a better place.  He leads by example, and is humble, hardworking, and consistently improving, all the while showing kindness and compassion. He is an excellent example of the qualities we so much admired in Scott Studenmund.

Therefore, by nomination of the faculty, endorsement by the administration, I am pleased to present a $1000 scholarship and the corresponding 2021 Scott Studenmund Award for Leadership, Commitment, and Service to:
John Eric Beckstrom Scholarship
As President of the Clairbourn Board of Trustees, he worked to ensure that young people like you would have the advantages of an excellent, independent school education. Today we recognize a student who has demonstrated these qualities of working hard in the combined areas of academics, citizenship, and athletics.

This year’s recipient is a 6th grader who has demonstrated consistent efforts in academics, kindness and joy in friendship, and both skill and sportsmanship in athletics. She is a ray of light, positive, attentive, genuinely caring, and a consistent contributor to class and activities.  She always works hard and tries her best, and is not afraid to ask for help or offer her ideas!  She arrives to class with a spirit of positivity that is infectious. She is inquisitive, studious, and sets an excellent example for her classmates of how to participate in class and how to be a learner. She always strives to do her best.  She is always kind and supportive of students and teachers alike. She includes other students in her kindness regardless of age.  She is an all around joyful soul, always appreciating humor. 

The school feels these qualities and many others show the outline of an individual who has the Clairbourn values at their core, and someone who is worthy of recognition through this award.

Therefore, by nomination of the faculty, and endorsement by the administration of Clairbourn School, the Trustees hereby present a $1000 scholarship and the corresponding individual award to:  

Nafie Endowment Award
Clairbourn's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts

Early in 2005 the Board of Trustees of Clairbourn School established the Robert W. Nafie Endowment Fund to honor Dr. Nafie’s many years of vision and leadership as Head of School. The purpose of the fund is to ensure the continuation of educational excellence at Clairbourn School. Each year at this time, a gift is made from this fund to benefit the school in an area of special interest. It is hoped that this endowment fund will continue to grow and will become a lasting legacy of encouragement and support for Clairbourn’s educational excellence.

Past gifts from the Robert W. Nafie Endowment Fund include musical instruments for the orchestra program, a miniature Manor House play house for the Seiter Family Early Childhood Center, a series of talks on global ethics and their importance to student leadership development, leadership opportunities for the Clairbourn Student Council, a 3D printer now in use in the computer lab, along with many other gifts.

This year’s endowment gift of $10,000 will go towards Board education to support the school's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts. This education will ensure the Board is able to make informed, strategic decisions with this lens in mind.  

Please join me in thanking those who have contributed to the Nafie Endowment. 

Honors at Entrance
Honors at Entrance is a distinction offered by several area high schools and is an academically-based merit scholarship. St. Francis awarded their President's Merit Scholarship to: 
President's Awards for Academic Excellence
The President’s Award for Academic Excellence is given to those students who maintain a 4.0 grade point average, or straight A’s, for all 12 quarters of their middle school career. This year, the award is merited by:

Natalie A., Parisa B., Anthony C., Vanessa H., Sarah I., Jake J., Kelly Z., Ashby Z.


8th Grade Faculty Award
This year’s award goes to a student that is consistently friendly to all, both in and out of the classroom, maintains a positive, easy-going attitude while always striving to do well, and is willing to help others in need.
His teachers say:
He is kind and very likeable. He is such a thoughtful person. Not just nice, but he thinks about things before he does them. He thinks about things before he says them. His humor is well-timed and always appropriate and appreciated. He provides levity to the classroom environment and also has a good work ethic. He doesn't complain. 
He is often the first to step up when something is needed in the classroom. He volunteers to help the teacher or a peer, contributes to class discussions, and has an overall fantastic attitude. His leadership is greatly appreciated. 

He is a kind and considerate classmate who is liked by all and who participates in meaningful ways. He does not shirk responsibilities and shows by example how to demonstrate Clairbourn’s core values. He is a leader in his class.  His peers respect his attitude and his abilities.  He is consistent and diligent in his academic work, and he also works hard to brighten the days of the people around him. 

He is always willing to share and his comments are always appropriate and helpful. He is a leader by example. He is poised in any activity and has an attitude that others try to emulate.

It is clearly evident that his humor, attitude and kindness has made a positive contribution to the Clairbourn community and is highly valued and appreciated. By nomination of the faculty and approval of the administration it is a pleasure to present the 2021 8th Grade Faculty Award to:
Alex J. Robertson Memorial Awards

Mr. Robertson loved young people and wanted to give them the chance to succeed in both academics and athletics. It is my privilege to present an award in Mr. Robertson’s honor which we often refer to as the Scholar-Athlete Award.  This year’s dual recipients reflect excellence in both athletics and academics.

The first recipient is a solid student. She works hard to succeed, is an active participant in all her classes, and consistently achieved academic honors each quarter of middle school. She takes her studies seriously, spends a lot of time on her assignments, and regularly demonstrates a high level of proficiency.  She is a leader in group work, and always supports and cheers for her classmates. 

She took her leadership ability to new levels by encouraging and tutoring students in sports during her free time. She has made strong contributions throughout middle school in all 5 major sports as a Cougar athlete in volleyball, basketball, soccer, track and field, and softball, earning her Letter C in 7th grade. She has earned multiple MVP awards. She has a concentration and strength of mind that is not easily rattled, even in high pressure situations. As a 6th grader, she was a vital contributor on our predominantly 8th grade "A" volleyball league championship team. Her powerful and strategically placed serves and incredible defense were crucial in leading us to win the League Tournament. She has tremendous power, technique, reflexes, and craftiness that allow her to be an extremely effective, accurate, and efficient player. She can always be relied on for consistency and composure. Volleyball has been her main focus, but her participation on other sports teams have helped our Cougar teams to have successful and fun seasons, as she played with competent all-around athletic skill, expressing joy and sportsmanship. 

For this combination of academic and athletic skills, supported by a big heart, it gives me great pleasure to present the 2021 Alex J. Robertson Memorial Award to

The second recipient is a student who can be counted on to take responsibility for her own learning.  She works to ensure she truly understands a concept before moving on, is not afraid to challenge herself, and gives her all each day.  She is kind to everyone, highly conscientious and strives to always do her best.  She has a quiet confidence in her academics and consistently achieved academic honors each quarter in middle school.

She has been an energetic, enthusiastic, and vital Cougar athlete throughout her middle school career in 6 sports: volleyball, basketball, soccer, track and field, tennis, and softball, earning her Letter C in 7th grade.  She has been an essential team member on all sports teams both in terms of physical capability and as a person of character. Her tremendous contribution has brightened the team experience for all involved and has led to successful seasons with winning records. She has incredible focus and drive to perfect her skills.  She has often stayed after practice to further develop her skills and has always expressed strong desire and ambition to become the best she can be.  She has played up a level on all of our sports teams, earning multiple Coach's awards and MVP awards. She is a proficient outside hitter, server, and setter in volleyball, an accomplished high jumper in track, earning several ribbons in league track meets, including 1st place, a strong basketball player with outstanding all-around skills to play any position on the court, a seasoned and adept soccer player, and an outstanding softball player on both defense and offense, hitting several homeruns in our league games. She has always shown encouragement and support of her teammates, cheering on their efforts and accomplishments. She has a strong competitive spirit as she strives to develop her skills, yet she also expresses humility, compassion, and sportsmanship.  

For this combination of academic and athletic skills, supported by a big heart, it gives me great pleasure to present the 2021 Alex J. Robertson Memorial Award to:

Outstanding Graduate

The Outstanding Graduate is nominated by the faculty after careful consideration of all students. Candidates are considered on the basis of their record at previous schools (if any), their record at Clairbourn, and the significance of their contribution to the Clairbourn community.

This year’s recipient has demonstrated diligence, consistently exceeded expectations, and excelled in all classes.  She demonstrates leadership and excellence in all areas. In the classroom, she models hard work, a positive attitude, and wonderful participation and work habits. She shows a genuine interest in academics and takes responsibility for her own learning ensuring she truly understands the material. She wants to learn. She absorbs new information, stays attentive, and always turns in her best work. 

As Student Council President, she has established herself as a leader among her classmates, and they look to her as a positive example.  She goes above and beyond the call. She is always positive, pleasant, courageous, and polite. She always takes on any project and is willing to do extra projects, helping other students and the class.

From the time she became a student at Clairbourn School, it was obvious she was a very thoughtful, kind, humble, friendly, respectful student. As her time at Clairbourn continued, we found that she is also a smart, talented, hard-working, and responsible student. 

She excelled in the arts, playing Veruca Salt in the musical, "Willie Wonka," performing in Shakespeare and Winnie the Pooh plays, and singing and playing piano in morning assemblies and for Mothers' Visiting Day. Her dedication and hard work helped her excel in her studies and in Student Council.

She also made strong, positive contributions on Clairbourn’s major sports teams, earning her Clairbourn Athletic Letter C in 7th grade. She always hustles, puts forth her best effort, and is willing to do what is best for the team, earning several special awards in recognition of her teamwork, sportsmanship, and rapid progress. She leads by example, takes initiative, and understands that improvement comes with practice, commitment, and hard work. She is an outstanding swimmer who has excelled in the sport for many years, inside and outside of school.  In 6th grade, she participated against 8th graders in our League Swim Meet, bringing home ribbons for the Clairbourn swim team.

She was able to successfully navigate differences with her classmates, expressing leadership by taking responsibility for her actions and working to resolve conflicts with a strong desire to make things right. She has been a fantastic leader for our school as President. She is intentional in her work and presentations, and she puts care and love into all that she does.

Ladies and gentleman, members of the faculty, members of the student body, and distinguished guests, it gives me great pleasure to present to you, by nomination of the faculty, and endorsement of the administration, the 2021 Clairbourn School Outstanding Graduate:
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