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Thursday, June 2, 2022
Volume: 2021-22  Issue: 126
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Welcome to 2022 Graduation Ceremony
Good Morning! I am Marcel Zamora, Student Council President, and on behalf of my classmates, I would like to welcome you to the Graduation Ceremony for the class of 2022. We are grateful for all the opportunities we have been given by you, our wonderful families. As we bring our Clairbourn experience to a close and move on to our high school experience, we are happy to share this celebration with you.  We couldn’t have done it without your support and encouragement. Thank you for coming to see us graduate.
Class of 2022's Gratitude
First, we would like to thank our parents and families. You provided us with an excellent opportunity, tremendous support, and endless love. You supported us both at home and at school as CFA volunteers making special events so fun. We are so grateful to each of you. Parents, please stand so we can acknowledge how much we love and appreciate you.

You challenged us, encouraged us, and taught us the skills and strategies that we will take with us in our lives. You also helped to keep us motivated to do our best even when the urge to play was strong. We are grateful for all of your guidance and care. Teachers, please stand so we can acknowledge your work helping us grow and succeed.
We know you have been supporting our events and our scholastic efforts. We are also thankful for your leadership, guidance, and support of the Clairbourn experience that we loved. Thank you for all you do behind the scenes to make Clairbourn what it is. Trustees, please stand so we can show our appreciation for your work on behalf of all Clairbourn students.
8th Grade Speeches
Eighth-grade students shared their remembrance speeches. Watch their heart-felt speeches about the growth they have experienced, the memories they have made, and the overall impact Clairbourn has had in their lives. 
Good morning fellow students, Clairbourn families, faculty, and staff. My name is Annie Z., and I have attended Clairbourn for 7 years. During my years at Clairbourn, I have learned to take more risks. It is better to take risks now than later. Enjoy the world around you before it's too late. When I first started Clairbourn I was extremely shy and nervous. But I remember on my first day of school, a girl came up to me and invited me to play with her and her friends. Soon enough we became best friends and I was no longer nervous about school and learned to take my first risk, the zipline. On the elementary school playground, there was a zipline. I was always so scared to try it, but when I saw some of my friends trying it and telling me how much they all liked it, I decided to take a risk and I tried it. I ended up really liking it. Soon enough, we would spend time taking turns and catching each other if we were to fall. We even fought for a chance to go on the zipline. This was just one of the many risks I was about to take throughout my time at Clairbourn.
Good morning students, faculty, and parents. My name is Lennon S. and I have attended Clairbourn for 7 years. I would first like to start off by saying that as I think back to when I was just in second grade, memorizing the Glissn’ Glop and performing skits, it is astonishing how quickly time has flown by. Here we are now ready to graduate and it is difficult to compare myself even now to who I was just a few years ago. So much has happened since we started middle school. We went on spring break in 6th grade and didn’t return to campus until the end of 7th grade. Online learning created a physical distance between us and I’m so glad we got to be together this year.
Good morning everyone, I’m Vittoria M. and first of all, I would like to thank everybody for being here today. I would like to thank Dr. Patzlaf, teachers, school staff, our parents, and our families for all the support we received during the school year, and thanks for sharing with us this important moment today. I would like to congratulate the class of 2022. This has been a thrilling year not just because it is our last year of middle school but because after months of homeschooling, we were finally able to meet each other in person and this is really the best conclusion of our Claibourn experience! 
Good morning, students, faculty, parents, family, and friends. My name is William Balikian and I have been a proud member of the Clairbourn community since I started in junior-pre kindergarten 11 years ago. You all know my mom Lucy Balikian, she's the one who has already started crying. When I started at Clairbourn, life was simple, we played in the jungle and on the swings. Soon, the games turned into assignments and exams. As we progressed, the challenges became increasingly difficult. Eventually, there were disappointments, and the fear of failure set in. Fortunately, I was surrounded by the right people and would soon learn that failure would be a blessing.   
The Class of 2022
Graduation Address

There is No Prize for Being Wrong Longer

Picture a rainbow in your mind. What shape is it? Are you picturing a drawing of an arc with seven colors, maybe with puffy clouds artistically drawn on the ends? Or are you remembering one you actually saw, maybe with a beautiful landscape as the backdrop? Did you know that rainbows are not in the shape of an arc but rather a complete circle. Most people don’t know the true shape because it is almost never seen that way. In order to see the whole circle you would have to be either in a plane or at a higher elevation where the conditions are just right. I know, mind blown, right? More about the rainbows later.

I recently read a book by Adam Grant called Think Again. In it he talks about the benefits of thinking like a scientist. When a scientist has an idea, a hypothesis, or a theory, it is simply the conclusion based on current knowledge. Scientists are willing to consider new data, learn new information, and adjust their ideas accordingly. They don’t get attached to the idea, because they know it is likely to change. It is easy to think like a scientist when the information is not emotional, like the information about a rainbow. You hear the new information (a rainbow is actually a circle), wonder about it (Wow!  Really?), maybe do a little research, and then adjust your knowledge. Being a scientist is not just a profession, it is a frame of mind.  

When information feels personal, deeply held, or emotional people have a harder time thinking like a scientist and instead can become closed minded, certain, and unwilling to consider new information.

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2022 Graduation Ceremony Video

Please scan the QR code to view or download the graduation video.

2022 Graduation Photos

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Eighth Grade Speech from Morning Assembly on the Last Day of School

Hello Clairbourn students, teachers, and parents. I am Marcel Zamora and I have been attending Clairbourn for 8 years. One of the most important skills we learned at school is to use our imagination and creativity. Being imaginative means to have or show creativity and inventiveness. It means to think beyond all possible answers, create your own questions, and be innovative. 
At Clairbourn, I have been taught to be creative, innovative, and a leader. I learned to work with others and solve problems when I am facing challenges of my own. I also learned to speak up and be communicative, which greatly helped me to get to know my teachers and fellow classmates as it brought me closer to them.