Awards Ceremony 2020
Dean Awards 2020
The 7th Grade Dean Award 2020
The 7th Grade Dean Award, by nomination and approval of the Middle School Faculty and Administration, is awarded this year to a student who continues to make great strides in becoming the strongest and kindest version of himself. As a scholar he is learning what he can do. He is learning to better manage his time and taking greater pride in his work. As a member of the Clairbourn community, he is generous and quick to help classmates and teachers alike. He volunteers and participates fully in activities. This student is someone we all look forward to seeing further growth from in the 8th grade.
The following student is presented with a copy of the book Sean Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens as The 7th Grade Dean Award:
Toby Tseng
8th Grade Dean Award 2020
The 8th Grade Dean Award, by nomination and approval of the Middle School Faculty and Administration, is awarded this year to a student that successfully prepares for all classes, is active in student government and sports, is consistently friendly to all, both in and out of the classroom, and served as a student ambassador. This student maintains a positive, easy-going attitude while always striving for success, is kind and willing to help others in need, and follows through on all commitments. This student is well-liked, brings a positive energy to his classes and is a role model.
The following student is presented with a copy of the book, Make Your Bed- Little Things That Can Change Your Life...And Maybe the World, by Admiral William H. McRaven, as The 8th Grade Dean Award:
Alexander Lopez
Honors At Entrance 2020
Honors at entrance is a distinction offered by several area high schools and is an academically-based merit scholarship. La Salle College Preparatory High School awarded their President's Merit Scholarship to:
Andrew Pavel
President's Award For Academic Excellence
The President’s Award for Academic Excellence is given to those students who maintain a 4.0 grade point average, or straight A’s, for all 12 quarters of their middle school career. This year, the award is merited by:
Matthew Chen
Austin Hong
Cyanne Jones
Andrew Pavel
Jaleen Tseng
Kevin Zhang
Nafie Endowment Award
iPads For Kindergarten Expansion
Early in 2005 the Board of Trustees of Clairbourn School established the Robert W. Nafie Endowment Fund to honor Dr. Nafie’s many years of vision and leadership as Head of School. The purpose of the fund is to ensure the continuation of educational excellence at Clairbourn School. Each year at this time, a gift is made from this fund to benefit the school in an area of special interest. It is hoped that this endowment fund will continue to grow and will become a lasting legacy of encouragement and support for Clairbourn’s educational excellence.
Past gifts from the Robert W. Nafie Endowment fund include musical instruments for the orchestra program, a miniature Manor House play house for the Seiter Family Early Childhood Center, a series of talks on global ethics and their importance to student leadership development, leadership opportunities for the Clairbourn Student Council, a 3D printer now in use in the computer lab, along with many other gifts.
This year’s endowment gift of $2,000 will go towards supplying iPads to the new kindergarten classes. Clairbourn is growing and this gift will help us to supply technology to the newly expanding program.
Please join me in thanking those who have contributed to the Nafie Endowment.
Richard And Eric Dong Scholarship For Music And The Arts

This scholarship was established in 2014 through a generous gift by former Clairbourn students Richard and Eric Dong. It is designed to provide additional incentives for high student achievement in all areas of music and the arts. Today we have four recipients.
1. The first award goes to a student who has been a great addition to the Clairbourn String Ensemble this year. He has shown steady progress and dedication, and is not afraid to ask questions to help his understanding of either the music or a new skill or technique on his instrument. His enthusiasm and love of music along with his eagerness to learn new music definitely affects the attitude of the whole class in a positive way. This love of music along with his increased proficiency of the violin, which resulted in his playing more confidently and becoming a leader to his section, makes him a perfect recipient for this award.
Therefore, by nomination of the faculty and endorsement by the administration, I am pleased to present a $500 scholarship and the corresponding 2020 Eric and Richard Dong Scholarship for Music and the Arts to:
Rodrigo Jaime
2. The second award goes to a 7th-grader who is both an excellent musician and artist. She is always eager and excited to learn new artistic skills and techniques. She applies her creativity to every task, producing high quality work that shows commitment to excellence. She has also shown great generosity in sharing her talents with the community, and we are grateful she did.
Therefore, by nomination of the faculty and endorsement by the administration, I am pleased to present a $500 scholarship and the corresponding 2020 Eric and Richard Dong Scholarship for Music and the Arts to:
Tiffany Hsu

3. The third award goes to a 7th-grader who demonstrates her artistic skills both in her academic work and in the art classes. She produces beautiful products to supplement her reports and also maintains a high standard for herself in her art projects. Her classmates love to see what she is able to produce.
Therefore, by nomination of the faculty and endorsement by the administration, I am pleased to present a $500 scholarship and the corresponding 2020 Eric and Richard Dong Scholarship for Music and the Arts to:
Coco Zhou
4. The fourth award goes to a 7th-grader who demonstrates confidence, determination, and self-discipline in many areas but especially in music. He is willing to work to play the highest, fastest, and most difficult parts and was confident enough to take the responsibility of first chair clarinet. He was always prepared and had mastered his part before each rehearsal, demonstrating his self-discipline and determination. He leads by quiet example and produces beautiful music as a result of his consistent efforts.
Therefore, by nomination of the faculty and endorsement by the administration, I am pleased to present a $500 scholarship and the corresponding 2020 Eric and Richard Dong Scholarship for Music and the Arts to:
Ethan Lee
Niijar Sportsmanship Scholarship 2020
Mike and Patty Nijjar’s three sons Sanjeet, Sabraj, and Michael, attended and graduated from Clairbourn. The family both gave of their time and energies to make Clairbourn a better place. Mrs. Patty Nijjar was a constant source of volunteer help at our school for more than a decade. In appreciation for what Clairbourn meant to them and in recognition of the difference our sports program made in the lives of their three sons, a $25,000 gift was made to establish this fund.
The scholarship is designed to recognize the fifth through seventh grade student who has demonstrated dedication, persistence, team spirit, and outstanding good sportsmanship while supporting Clairbourn School on sports teams. The Nijjar family felt these qualities were important. They wanted to recognize a student with above average citizenship and scholarship who shows outstanding qualities of sportsmanship with the Nijjar Sportsmanship Award.
This year’s recipient is a 6th-grader who has demonstrated these qualities. Since entering Clairbourn in 1st grade, this individual has shown a considerate, kind, caring, and supportive demeanor. He is an eager participant in the sports program and displays excellent sportsmanship in all instances. He puts forth outstanding effort and a desire to improve. He is loyal, reliable, shows initiative, and is very coachable. He is always ready with a helping hand, not only to his own teammates, to competitors as well. He works hard and maintains his poise in competition.
Therefore, by nomination of the faculty, and endorsement by the administration of Clairbourn School, I am pleased to present a $1000 scholarship and the corresponding Nijjar Sportsmanship Award to:
Marcel Zamora
Lola Wallden Memorial Scholarship
Lola Wallden worked at Clairbourn School for 36 years and held every position in this school from bus driver to Head of School. She was the recipient of the Outstanding Teacher Award from Mae Carden, founder of the Carden Method of Instruction. Educating children was Mrs. Wallden’s personal and professional passion. She cared deeply about the progress of every student she encountered.
In memory of Mrs. Wallden’s 36 years of service to the students at Clairbourn, the Trustees established the Lola Wallden Memorial Scholarship Fund. The award from this fund is designed to recognize the fourth or fifth grade student who has demonstrated hard work and persistence, qualities that Mrs. Wallden found to be most important in developing quality individuals.
This year’s recipient is a 5th-grader who has been at Clairbourn since 4th grade. He has a strong work ethic and is determined to improve in areas of challenge. His tenacity and ability to overcome any obstacles leads to his success. He leads by example with his kindhearted demeanor and is a role model for his classmates. His enthusiasm for learning is one of his biggest strengths. When faced with adversity, he is fearless and remains steadfast in his efforts to grow. He sees every assignment as an opportunity to improve. You will not see him bragging when he does well, and he always supported his friends when they were disappointed. Most impressive is his can-do attitude which was seen in every element of his learning. He never showed frustration if he did not understand a concept, instead he kept working at it until he understood it, accepting advice and strategies. He embodies the best elements of a Clairbourn student.
Therefore, by nomination of the faculty, and endorsement by the administration of Clairbourn School, I am pleased to present a $1000 scholarship and the corresponding 2020 Lola Wallden Memorial Award to:
Presley Wong
Ann Wakefield Pearson Humanitarian Award
The Ann Wakefield Pearson Humanitarian Award is named in honor Ann Pearson, who taught many years as the Middle School English and Latin teacher, and 6th grade Dean. Ann Pearson loved her work. She saw the good in her students, and loved the spirit that characterizes today’s middle schoolers. Her door was always open to students, parents, and colleagues alike. We honor her memory by recognizing the qualities she cherished in today’s recipient.
To be selected as an Ann Wakefield Pearson Humanitarian Award recipient is an honor. This award is open to any currently enrolled Clairbourn 6th grader who shows excellence in three areas: attitude, behavior, and achievement.
This year’s recipient is a 6th-grader who has demonstrated the team-building qualities that bring groups together. Since enrolling in Clairbourn just this past year, she has greatly impressed the faculty by showing an outgoing and gentle nature. She has quickly embraced her new school and has enthusiastically participated in the Clairbourn Family. She has shown tenacity even when things are difficult. She always has a smile on her face and positive words; eager to meet a challenge with energy and passion. She is highly organized and asks well-considered questions. She takes initiative and responsibility for her learning. These qualities and many more are the ones Ann Pearson encouraged her students to find in themselves.
Therefore, by nomination of the faculty, endorsement by the administration, I am pleased to present a $1000 scholarship and the corresponding 2020 Ann Wakefield Pearson Humanitarian Award to:
Isabella Torres
Scott Studenmund Award For Leadership, Commitment, And Service

This award is given in recognition of exemplary achievement in the areas of leadership, commitment, and service as a tribute to the memory of Clairbourn alumnus and Green Beret Staff Sergeant Scott Richard Studenmund, who died in the service of his country while unselfishly putting the needs of others ahead of his own. This award stands as a lasting tribute to Scott's unsurpassed example of these qualities and more. Setting this high standard before our students will encourage the best and brightest to strive for even higher success. To further this goal, Dr. and Mrs. Woody Studenmund established this fund in 2014.
This year's recipient is a 7th-grader who stands out as a student with a strong commitment to the school. She serves the school on student council and brings many ideas to the group. She consistently makes good choices setting an example for those around her. She is a natural leader and is quick to take initiative. She is an excellent example of the qualities we so much admired in Scott Studenmund.
Therefore, by nomination of the faculty, endorsement by the administration, I am pleased to present a $1000 scholarship and the corresponding 2020 Scott Studenmund Award for Leadership, Commitment, and Service to:
Sarah Iturbe
John Eric Beckstrom Scholarship
John Eric Beckstrom was a man of energy and vision who worked hard for what he believed in. As a husband, a father, a successful businessman, Mr. Beckstrom was a fine example of living a values-based life. As President of the Clairbourn Board of Trustees, he worked to ensure that young people like you would have the advantages of an excellent, independent school education.
Today we recognize a student who has demonstrated these qualities of working hard in the combined areas of academics, citizenship, and athletics.
This year’s recipient is a 7th-grader who has demonstrated consistent efforts in academics, kindness and joy in friendship, and both skill and sportsmanship in athletics. Since entering Clairbourn in PK, she has proved herself to be sweet and enjoyable for all to be around. She actively seeks others out with whom she can play music and perform. She has demonstrated an ability to include the ideas of others.
She loves to play sports for Clairbourn. She is an enthusiastic and positive participant in PE and after-school sports with outstanding skills in softball and volleyball. She plays with pride and heart, takes representation of school and family seriously.
In academics, she has consistently shown an eagerness to learn and a willingness to work hard. She always prepares for class and isn’t satisfied with less than 100% effort. She takes initiative and has matured into a student who is responsible for her own learning.
The school feels that these qualities and many others show the outline of an individual who has the Clairbourn values at their core, and someone who is worthy of recognition through this award.
Therefore, by nomination of the faculty, and endorsement by the administration of Clairbourn School, the Trustees hereby present a $1000 scholarship and the corresponding individual award to:
Parisa Bryant
Alex J. Robertson Memorial Award 2020

Alex Robertson was a highly successful and well-respected businessman who was responsible for some of the most important construction projects in Southern California. Mr. Robertson loved young people and wanted to give them the chance to succeed in both academics and athletics. It is my privilege to present an award in Mr. Robertson’s honor. This year’s recipient reflects excellence in both athletics and academics.
This student has shown steady growth and progress in academics since coming to Clairbourn in Kindergarten. This student is consistent, dedicated to the high bar she sets for herself, and seems to really enjoy learning beyond earning the grade. She is kind in her learning and is always willing to help classmates who need assistance. She even sets academic goals outside of school including the study of additional world languages.
In athletics, this year’s recipient is a proven role model. She is coachable and takes the time to understand instruction and technique. She asks questions to ensure understanding and then works tenaciously to perfect the skill or sport making her an extremely capable athlete. She is not afraid to fail in order to get better and demonstrates resilience, enjoying the challenge. Her teammates learn from her and improve as a result of her example. She is regarded as one of Clairbourn’s most capable athletes, earning awards in almost every season. Her athletic and academic skills are coupled with a confident and gracious manner that is visible to all.
For this combination of academic and athletic skills, supported by a big heart, it gives me great pleasure to present the 2020 Alex J. Robertson Memorial Award to:
Cyanne Jones
Outstanding Graduate
The final award is Clairbourn’s highest honor. To be named Clairbourn’s Outstanding Graduate is a distinction of significant value because it says, not only did you excel, but you stood out in a class of peers who also cared, worked hard, and succeeded at a school recognized throughout the area for its high standards in education.
The Outstanding Graduate is nominated by the faculty after careful consideration of all students. Candidates are considered on the basis of their record at previous schools (if any), their record at Clairbourn, and the significance of their contribution to the Clairbourn community.
In a consistent performance, this year’s recipient has demonstrated diligence, consistently exceeded expectations, excelled in all classes including an independent study in math, helped build and support our community, and lead groups successfully.
This is an especially noteworthy student. He is a strong, talented, and generous student who is recognized as an accomplished leader. He is a natural leader and actively seeks out ways to be of service to others, sharing the spotlight, and supporting those in his group. He is friendly and inclusive, spanning many groups of students. He shares his talents through performance, collaborative efforts on group projects, willingness to help others, and modeling good behavior. He takes on challenges and responsibilities with a genuine enthusiasm and grace. He actively participates in all facets of Clairbourn life including student government, athletics, and drama.
Our Outstanding Graduate has attended Clairbourn since seventh grade. Throughout his short time at Clairbourn he has maintained the highest standards for academic excellence. When considered on the dual qualifications of scholarship and citizenship, this student stands out. He has maintained honor status at all times, maintaining straight A’s every quarter. His thoughtful manner and serious study have set a high bar for Clairbourn students at all levels. He has always been a positive example of outstanding scholarship and exemplary citizenship.
Ladies and gentleman, members of the faculty, members of the student body, and distinguished guests, it gives me great pleasure to present to you, by nomination of the faculty, and endorsement of the administration, the 2020 Clairbourn School Outstanding Graduate:
Kevin Zhang
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