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Volume: 2019-20  Issue: 60 Monday, June 1, 2020
Welcome To The 2020 Awards Ceremony
A Message From Head Of School Dr. Patzlaff
"Good morning! Today we will be presenting awards for sports, music, student council and drama. Enjoy!" - Dr. Patzlaff
Music Awards

Beginning Strings Awards

Fourth-grader Asal E. was presented with the Most Improved Musician Award for Beginning Strings by violin teacher Ann Mize. This award goes to a student who has shown a real grasp of the basic fundamentals of the instrument. This individual is able to take the corrections that are given and put them into practice, which is demonstrated by the growth and improvement that has been achieved this year. Turning in Practice records, bringing the instrument to class, good citizenship which included helping and giving encouragement to her fellow classmates, along with nearly perfect attendance, are all factors which have contributed to her overall progress. This student in particular, exemplifies all these qualifications, and so it is my pleasure to present the Most Improved award in Beginning Strings to Asal. 

Intermediate Strings Awards

Fifth-grader Sabryna W. was awarded the Most Improved Musician Award for Intermediate Strings by violin teacher Ann Mize. This award is given to an individual who has shown consistent progress during the school year. They have shown the patience and tenacity required to master new techniques and skills. Practice records, good attendance, coming prepared to class with instrument and music, as well as good citizenship are also requirements. One student in particular has made steady progress this year through their persistence and increased dedication to their instrument. Therefore, I’m pleased to present the award for Most Improved Musician in Intermediate Strings to Sabryna.
The Most Outstanding Musician Award was presented to fourth-grader Wesley C. The recipient of this award is a very accomplished musician, and has added greatly to the Intermediate String class this year.  His willingness to learn and play the duet parts to the pieces his fellow classmates were learning was a great help to the students and brought so much more musicality and enjoyment to the pieces.  Because of his high proficiency on the violin, he was also invited to join the Clairbourn String Ensemble in their Christmas concert this year. I am so pleased to present the Outstanding Musician award in Intermediate Strings to Wesley.

4th Grade Band Awards

Music teacher Rosemary Kiertzner presented the Most Outstanding Musician Award in 4th Grade to two students: Sydney B. and Michelle X.
Michelle X. began playing the flute this year. She was already a musician, playing the cello and singing beautifully too. But, this was new, and she was obviously determined to be good at it. She put forth great effort. She practiced and practiced, and turned in her Practice Records, which reflected more than the required practice time, without fail. She wanted to know why it was so hard to make a good sound on the flute. She seemed to think she should be doing much better than she was; she should be able to play those songs perfectly.
When we were reviewing her grade report right before the end of one quarter, she noticed that she had earned 95% on one of the playing tests. This meant that she had made one mistake on that song. So, she asked if she could retake that test to earn 100%. At first, I said yes, but then I pointed out that her final grade was well over 100% because of all of the extra practice time she had on her Practice Records, and the fact that she had done all the work and earned 100% on everything else. I told her you can’t improve on 109%! With all of this effort, she improved greatly! I am very pleased to award this year’s Most Improved Musician Award to fourth grade student, Michelle.” –Ms. Kiertzner
Sydney B. doesn't quit! Many times in music, as in other things in life, we do not succeed at something right away. We try something new, and wonder why it is so difficult. At that point, many doubt themselves and allow that self-doubt to determine whether or not they will be successful, or even try. This is when most people quit. That is one reason why there are very few great musicians, great athletes, great artists, and so on. It is true that many things are difficult at first, but it is truly admirable when a person does not quit, but instead has the inner strength to meet the challenge.
Sydney is that sort of person. She sought help. She stuck with it. She decided not to let the circumstance get the best of her, but instead she would get the best of it. She would learn. She would improve. Her determination brought about great results. In a short time, she was improving, feeling more confident, and ended up not only being able to play whatever was required, but she had a spark about her. She now wanted to exceed expectations, play better, play things that no one else in the class was even doing. And, that’s just what happened. It takes true inner strength to keep going in the face of adversity, but it is only by doing so, that we truly succeed. I am so proud that she did not quit, I am so proud of her improvement, and I am so proud to award the Most Improved Musician Award to fourth grade student, Sydney.” –Ms. Kiertzner

5th Grade Band Awards

Music teacher Rosemary Kiertzner presented the Most Outstanding Musician Award in 5th Grade to two students: Karissa L. and Shalom L.
“Karissa L. has made steady progress throughout her fourth and fifth grades in band. She has consistently practiced her instrument and turned in Practice Records. Her playing and her behavior have always been exemplary. She always has her instrument, music, and materials, and she is always prepared to play her best in band. She is also helpful and kind to other students. Many times, she has tutored other students on clarinet fingerings, playing techniques, or helped them learn to play songs when asked. She is both humble and capable, quiet and, at the same time, a shining example as a student and musician. It is both inspiring and endearing to see such a kind and sweet person that is so good at what she does. I am very happy to present the award for Most Outstanding Musician to fifth grade clarinetist, Karissa” – Ms. Kiertzner
Shalom L. is an excellent musician. He has done an excellent job performing both in singing and in a rock band in the past. But, it is for his work in the Reeds Band this year that earns him this award. He is a fun-loving friend to his classmates. He is definitely one of a group of boys that likes joking around and having fun, but he also is an excellent music student. When it is time to play and to practice, he steps up. He is very organized. He has a folder which contains the Practice Records he has completed and turned-in regularly all year long. He also is prepared, has his saxophone, his music, and materials needed to participate in band class. And, he always does his best, and plays well. He is a joy to have in band and is an excellent musician. I am pleased to present the Most Outstanding Musician Award to fifth grade alto saxophonist, Shalom” – Ms. Kiertzner

Clairbourn Strings Ensemble

The Clairbourn Strings Ensemble Outstanding Musician Award was presented to seventh-grader Marcos I. by violin teacher Ann Mize. This award goes to an individual who is a dedicated musician and has already gained a high level of proficiency on his instrument. His participation in the Clairbourn String Ensemble has added so much to the group, and he ably demonstrated his leadership skills as a co-concert master of the Ensemble. His love and enthusiasm for music is evident every class. And so, it is with great pleasure that I award the Most Outstanding Musician Award to violinist Marcos

Clairbourn Band Music Awards

Music teacher Rosemary Kiertzner presented the Clairbourn Band Outstanding Musician Award to two students: eighth-grader Austin H. and sixth-grader Andy H.
"Austin H. as an award recipient is an obvious choice. In band, and in life, there are those individuals who just shine. Their abilities, their intelligence, and their understanding of the subject simply comes through. They do not brag about it, they simply do the job so well that others notice. Austin, the recipient of the Most Outstanding Musician award, is one such person.
He is quiet, but has a good sense of humor. He is very aware of when it is important to be reserved and professional (when around adults), but he can be silly and fun with his friends too. Musically, he is always prepared and capable of playing his parts with skill and musicality. He has studied the alto saxophone for five years here at Clairbourn School. He has performed in morning assemblies, for an Admissions Meeting, in Beginning and Intermediate Bands, in the Clairbourn Band for three years, and also plays in the Pasadena Youth Symphony. He plays the piano beautifully too.
I wish him well as he graduates and moves on to high school. I hope he continues with his music, and I hope he keeps in contact so I can celebrate the other achievements I know he will accomplish in his life. I am very proud to award this year’s Most Outstanding Musician Award to Austin.” –Ms. Kiertzner
“I think we all know how well Andy H. plays. We have heard him play at morning assemblies on several occasions, and I believe you, like I, was amazed at his ability. Andy arrived at Clairbourn School in fourth grade. He already knew how to play the trumpet and did it well enough to be placed directly into the Intermediate Band. Since that time, his improvement has been steady and rapid. He has continually played in the Clairbourn bands, first in Intermediate Band and then in the Clairbourn Band, and at the same time, he has been taking private trumpet lessons.
His improvement has been obvious as his skill, technique, and performances have improved. While still in fifth grade, he played so well, he was included in the middle school recording studio workshop at the California Adventure professional recording studio. It is safe to say, that he could now hold his own playing first or second parts at an excellent high school band, and he is still in 6th grade. He has the confidence to play his part alone, the musicality to adjust his playing to blend into the group and style of the music, and the sheer beautiful playing to perform at morning assemblies and Admissions Meetings. I am very happy to award this year’s Most Outstanding Musician Award to Andy.” – Ms. Kiertzner
Drama Awards

Drama Book Awards 2020

Drama teachers Mr. and Mrs. Barker presented the Drama Book Award to two eighth-graders: Madison B. and Austin H.
"The first Drama Book Award is given to Madison B., a student who displays several important qualities. These qualities are dedication, courage, and dependability. You have demonstrated these qualities and more. As Kanga in the Winnie the Pooh play, you grew as an actress and pushed yourself to explore the character. You demonstrated that whatever the challenge, you were ready to take it on and do your best. Your courage was evident when you auditioned each year for a role in the annual Shakespearean production. You gladly took whatever role you were assigned and did your very best with it.
This year you took on the largest female role in the Shakespeare canon, Rosaline. You made bold choices and offered the audience a character layered in self-contradiction and youthful exuberance. Your choices as an actress made it one of the most memorable moments of the production. The 2020 Drama Book Award goes to Madison B." - Mr. & Mrs. Barker

"The second Drama Book Award is given to Austin H. What a pleasure it has been to witness your development as an artist. From Winnie the Pooh to Shakespeare you have approached your work as a craftsman does asking technical questions about character motivation, making specific choices about intentions, and as a result, honing your skills. Furthermore, this year you took on the additional responsibility of being an accompanist halfway through the rehearsals, and with your typical high level of commitment, you performed beautifully. Both Mr. Barker and I are so pleased to award Austin a Drama Book Award for 2020." - Mr. & Mrs. Barker
Sports Awards
Dear Clairbourn Community,
We are here to recognize those student athletes who have the distinction of earning their Clairbourn "Letter C.”  This notable award identifies those students who have consistently dedicated their time, talent, energy, and effort throughout the school year to Clairbourn athletics. In order to “Letter,” each athlete must have participated in at least 3 major sports at a high level, meaning that they showed commitment and dedication to practices and games throughout the season and expressed team spirit and excellent sportsmanship. Each athlete’s enthusiasm, perseverance, progress, and hard work are respected and cherished by your coaches and school. We know the experience you gain from your contribution will prove to be valuable to you in the years ahead.
Any athlete who qualifies for a Letter for a second year is awarded gold Varsity pins, representing each sport they played, to attach to the letter C they received in a previous year. Any letter athlete, who participated in all 5 major sports during the year, will also receive a gold paw to represent their Cougar spirit and pride.
The following 7th Graders have earned their 1st year Letter C:
7th Girls
1. Natalie A.
(Volleyball, Basketball, Track, Tennis)
2. *Parisa B.
(Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, Track, Tennis) (Softball)
3. *Belen C.
(Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, Track) (Softball)
4. *Faith C.
(Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, Track) (Softball)
5. Tiffany H.
(Volleyball, Soccer, Track)
6. *Vanessa H.
(Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, Track) (Softball)
7. Sarah I.
(Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer)
8. *Madeleine K.
(Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, Track)
9. Cecilia P.
(Volleyball, Soccer, Track)
10. Adrienne X.
(volleyball, basketball, track)
11. Kelly Z.
(Volleyball, Basketball, Track)
12. Coco Z.
(Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, Track)
13. Suki Z.
(Volleyball, Basketball, Track)
14. *Ashby Z.
(Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, Track) (Softball)
7th Boys
1. Evan B.
(Flag Football, Track) (Baseball) 
2. *Anthony C.
(Flag Football, Soccer, Basketball, Track) (Volleyball)
3. *Michael F.
(Flag Football, Soccer, Basketball, Track) (Volleyball)
4. *Marcos I.
(Flag Football, Soccer, Basketball, Track) (Volleyball)
5. David L.
(Soccer, Basketball) (Volleyball)
6. *Ethan L.
(Flag Football, Soccer, Basketball, Track) (Volleyball)
7. *Garrett M.
(Flag Football, Soccer, Basketball, Track) (Volleyball)
8. Jake T.
(Basketball, Track) (Volleyball)
9. Dylan W.
(Flag Football, Soccer, Track) (Baseball) 
10. Franky Y.
(Soccer, Basketball, Track) (Volleyball)
The following 8th Graders have earned their 1st year Varsity Letter C:
8th Boys
1. *Matthew C.
(Flag Football, Soccer, Basketball, Track) (Baseball)
2. *Kyle C.
(Flag Football, Soccer, Basketball, Track) (Volleyball)
3. William H.
(Soccer, Basketball, Track) (Volleyball)
4. Austin H.
(Soccer, Track) (Baseball)       
5. Andrew P.
(Soccer, Track) (Volleyball)
6. Matthew R.
(Soccer, Track) (Volleyball)
The following 8th Graders have earned their 2nd year Varsity Gold Pins:
8th Girls
1. *Emily B.
(Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, Track)
2. Kaylie S.
(Volleyball, Soccer, Track)
3. Jaleen T.
(Volleyball, Basketball, Track)
8th Boys
1. Thomas E.
(Flag Football, Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball)
2. *Alex L.
(Flag Football, Soccer, Basketball, Track) (Volleyball)
3. *Kevin Z.
(Flag Football, Soccer, Basketball, Track) (Volleyball)
The following 8th Graders have earned their 3rd year Varsity Gold Bars:
1. Zaria E.
(Volleyball, Soccer, Basketball)
2. *Cyanne J.
(Volleyball, Soccer, Basketball, Track) (Softball) 
Congratulations everyone on your achievements during the 2019-2020 School Year!
***Would've Participated in Spring Sports 2020
Student Council Appreciation
"It is my pleasure to recognize and applaud the members of the 2019-2020 Clairbourn School Student Council. Your Student Council is comprised of creative, caring, kind, dependable, and enthusiastic scholars and leaders with heart. This year, they worked beautifully together to foster community spirit and empathy for all.
Besides brainstorming, making posters, and writing announcements, some other highlights from this year include:
Daily curbside greetings at Transportation
Working with the Alumni Office during Dads & Grands and Moms & Grands visiting days and assisting Dr Patzlaff with special announcements during Morning Assembly
Student Council delivered poinsettias on behalf of the school to our neighbors at Christmas
Kevin fulfilled a campaign promise when he installed a suggestion box so that Council could respond to your ideas and requests. In response to some of those suggestions, the bulletin board in the Middle School kiosk had not only an event calendar, but Council updated art, memes and inspirational quotes weekly.
Your Student Council reflected the generosity of our Clairbourn community when they researched the need and created a fundraiser in response to the Australia bush fires and raised over $2500 for the Adelaide Koala Rescue.
They organized, supplied, and ran several Middle School snack shops which helped raise enough funds that the Council was able to contribute funds in response to the shelter in place orders - donating $500 to both the Door of Hope and Foothill Unity to help ensure that no one would go hungry at this time.
Your Council learned how to spread school spirit remotely and were able to film themselves and send links to Dr Patzlaff to support the Star Wars-themed May the Fourth day, promote spirit week and their final event of the year - the take your stuffed animal to class day.
It has been a busy year and I would like to thank Student Council for their contribution to the Clairbourn community.
6th Grade Representatives:
Annabelle C.
Andy H.
Charlotte Y.
Marcel Z.
7th Grade Representatives:
Vanessa H.
Marcos I.
Jake T.
Ashby Z.
8th Grade Representatives:
Madison B.
Emily B.
Austin H.
Alex L.
Andrew P.
The Officers:
Treasurer: Sarah I.
Secretary: Zaria E.
Vice President: Matthew C.
President: Kevin Z.
Thank you, Council. It has been a privilege to work with you this year." -Ms. Corwin
8th Grade Remembrance Speeches
Eighth-grade students have been sharing their remembrance speeches in place of Morning Assembly Messages this week. Watch their heart-felt speeches about the growth they have experienced, the memories they have made, and the overall impact Clairbourn has had in their lives. 
Photos In Vidigami 
You Must Have a Vidigami Account to View Them 
Clairbourn Talent Show 
Introduction From Ms. Kiertzner
"Hello and welcome to the Clairbourn School Annual Talent Show. Each year on the second-to-last day of school we hold our annual talent show. Students look forward all year long to this fun celebration of talent, skill, and the joy of performing. Students also look forward to watching, supporting, and cheering for their classmates. It is quite a celebration and a wonderful way to bring the school year to a close. Some students love the talent show so much they start asking about it in September or October.
This year the end of the school year as we all know has gone in a slightly different direction. Students, teachers, families, and school personnel have all made amazing changes to how they do things. Some events have had to be cancelled while others have been done in a whole new way. The talent show is one such tradition that has, this year, been done in a whole new way.
We still have talent and enthusiasm, and with your participation we have an audience. Instead of a stage, we have an online platform. Instead of applauding please send texts, emails, and phone calls praising your classmates for their wonderful performances. This talent show is about sharing talent, but it is also an important way to support each other and share our Clairbourn family." -Ms. Kiertzner

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