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Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Volume: 2021-2022  Issue: 125
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7th Grade Faculty Award
The 7th Grade Faculty Award is given to recognize the participation, contribution, attitude, and spirit the 7th grade recipient brings to the school. This year we are awarding two 7th graders that consistently strive to do well, seek to improve, and maintain positive, thoughtful attitudes. They are both mature beyond their years and are examples of the best Clairbourn can produce 

Our first recipient is incredibly thoughtful and conscientious of others. She exhibits a deep concern for others and is hardly ever seen without a smile on her face! Her teachers also say: She is a scholar-athlete who models kindness, intellectual curiosity, and a solid work ethic! She comes to class smiling and prepared. She is kind and helpful to her teachers and classmates and is able to troubleshoot and fix problems on the computer. She leads by being on-task and polite and by asking and answering questions in an assertive yet respectful tone of voice.

She has a calm demeanor and also appreciates humor. She is thoughtful in her habits and very responsible. She cares for our classroom and takes pride in the culture we have created for each other. She is kind and works well with others. She is genuine. Hannah is upbeat and friendly to everyone. She takes pride in her work and is interested in learning as much as she can. She loves to contribute and has served on Student Council. Hannah knows who she is. That is a rare gift in middle school. She has a thirst for knowledge, loyalty to her friends, and a cooperative spirit. She shares her energy freely with all those around her, and it makes everyone's day better. She will be missed, and we all wish her the best in her new adventure.
It is apparent that Hannah has made a positive contribution to the Clairbourn community and is highly valued and appreciated. By nomination of the faculty and approval of the administration, it is a pleasure to present the 2022 7th Grade Faculty Award to:

Our second recipient is a warm and caring presence in the 7th grade. His teachers say: His classmates all like being around him and working with him. He shows them he cares by being interested in their opinions and by generously sharing his time and attention. He is unfailingly polite to his teachers. He is also very upbeat and friendly. He is the "go-to" computer tech for the middle school and there is no technological issue too challenging for him. He is responsible, kind, confident, and always smiling. He is a calm and positive presence in the classroom. He is dependable and sweet.

He has an infectious smile and a happy spirit. He is well-liked among his peers because he is friendly and kind. Being around Shogo is comfortable and pleasant. He can talk to adults easily. When others around him are stressed out or worried about a quiz, Shogo is patient with himself and grounded. He leads by example modeling kindness, a strong work ethic, and intellectual curiosity He will be missed!!

It is apparent that Shogo has made a positive contribution to the Clairbourn community and is highly valued and appreciated.
By nomination of the faculty and approval of the administration, it is a pleasure to present the 2022 7th Grade Faculty Award to:
Richard and Eric Dong Scholarship for Music and The Arts

The first recipient has a unique style and always creates original designs. She pays attention to detail and has made some really beautiful art pieces this year. She consistently submits beautiful work on projects for class and has the gift of seeing things differently. She is inspired to create through her engagement in stories and activities, and generously shares her ideas among her classmates and her intuitive perspectives and ideas with her teachers. She is also a dedicated musician and has given of herself in our violin program.

Therefore, by nomination of the faculty and endorsement by the administration, I am pleased to present a $500 scholarship and the corresponding 2022 Eric and Richard Dong Award for Music and the Arts to:
The second award goes to a 5th grader who is an excellent musician and artist. She is passionate about art and always gives her best effort. She takes her time to perfect every piece and comes up with original and creative interpretations of the projects given in class. She is also a talented musician and loves to learn new instruments and continues to improve on her current skills.

Therefore, by nomination of the faculty and endorsement by the administration, I am pleased to present a $500 scholarship and the corresponding 2022 Eric and Richard Dong Award for Music and the Arts to:
The third award goes to a student who has been a dedicated student of the violin, showing her willingness to try the new skills introduced with each new piece. She is enthusiastic and inquisitive and has been a wonderful example of what can be accomplished by steady, constant practice.

Therefore, by nomination of the faculty and endorsement by the administration, I am pleased to present a $500 scholarship and the corresponding 2022 Eric and Richard Dong Award for Music and the Arts to:
The fourth award goes to a student who plays the trombone very well. He has made a consistent contribution to the band program at Clairbourn School through his excellent playing ability, his dedication, and his reliability. He is always prepared, both with his instrument and materials, to play his part in a practiced and perfected manner during all rehearsals. He is fun-loving, gets along well with other students, and is both lighthearted and respectful to his teachers. In rehearsals and performances, he is always focused, on task, and gives his best efforts to practice and perform at the highest level. He does all this with an excellent range, beautiful tone quality, and the ability to play difficult passages with skill. 

Therefore, by nomination of the faculty and endorsement by the administration, I am pleased to present a $500 scholarship and the corresponding 2022 Eric and Richard Dong Award for Music and the Arts to:
Lola Wallden Memorial Scholarship
Educating children was Mrs. Wallden’s personal and professional passion. She cared deeply about the progress of every student she encountered. In memory of Mrs. Wallden’s 36 years of service to the students at Clairbourn, the Trustees established the Lola Wallden Memorial Scholarship Fund. The award from this fund is designed to recognize the fourth or fifth grade student who has demonstrated hard work and persistence, qualities that Mrs. Wallden found to be most important in developing quality individuals.

This year’s recipient is a student who has shown great dedication to his learning through hard work and perseverance. He is a strong role model for his classmates and represents the qualities of a leader with heart. This being his first year at Clairbourn, he has transitioned into his new environment seamlessly. He has a kind and caring nature with a smile that brightens the classroom. He prioritizes his school work and always puts forth his best effort. He has developed strong study habits and consistently focuses on his academics. 

Therefore, by nomination of the faculty, and endorsement by the administration of Clairbourn School, I am pleased to present a $1000 scholarship and the corresponding 2022 Lola Wallden Memorial Award to:
Ann Wakefield Pearson Humanitarian Scholarship
Ann Pearson loved her work. She saw the good in her students, and loved the spirit that characterizes today’s middle schoolers. Her door was always open to students, parents, and colleagues alike. We honor her memory by recognizing the qualities she cherished in today’s recipient. 

To be selected as an Ann Wakefield Pearson Humanitarian Scholarship recipient is an honor. This award is open to any currently enrolled Clairbourn 6th grader who shows enthusiasm in three areas: attitude, behavior, and achievement. This year’s recipient is positively enthusiastic and always comes to class with a smile. He is kind to his classmates and polite and respectful to all. He participates happily in class and always does his best.  Because of the light and joy he brings to the 6th grade, his classmates always want to work with him in groups. He enjoys learning new things and connecting them to his experiences out in the world.  He is a friend to all and makes a big impact on those around him. He puts in effort to complete his work thoroughly and on time.  He has a genuine interest in his studies and in baseball.

These qualities and many more are the ones Ann Pearson encouraged her students to find in themselves. Therefore, by nomination of the faculty, endorsement by the administration, I am pleased to present a $1000 scholarship and the corresponding 2022 Ann Wakefield Pearson Humanitarian Award to:
Scott Studenmund Scholarship for Leadership, Commitment, and Service
This award stands as a lasting tribute to Scott's unsurpassed example of these qualities and more. Setting this high standard before our students will encourage the best and brightest to strive for even higher success. To further this goal, Dr. and Mrs. Woody Studenmund established this fund in 2014. 

This year's recipient is a 7th grader who stands out as consistently kind, respectful, and positive. He is always willing to help out a friend. He is always on task and sets a good example for his peers in the classroom. He is kind to his classmates and treats teachers with respect. He leads by example and his peers value his opinion. He is a natural leader with a strong moral compass. He works hard in the classroom and plays hard on the field! He carefully thinks before he says or does something. He is firm, yet kind when speaking to classmates about choices they've made. In every sport he participated in this year, he was a true leader on and off the field. He demonstrated leadership through his actions and showed respect for his teammates and coaches. He lifts others up and brings out their strengths. He is an excellent example of the qualities we so much admired in Scott Studenmund.

Therefore, by nomination of the faculty, endorsement by the administration, I am pleased to present a $1000 scholarship and the corresponding 2022 Scott Studenmund Award for Leadership, Commitment, and Service to:
Niijar Sportsmanship Scholarship
In appreciation for what Clairbourn meant to them and in recognition of the difference our sports program made in the lives of their three sons, a gift was made to establish this fund. The Nijjar Sportsmanship Scholarship is designed to recognize the 5th through 7th grade student who has demonstrated dedication, persistence, team spirit, and outstanding good sportsmanship on Clairbourn School sports teams. 
This year’s recipient is a 5th grader who has demonstrated these qualities. She was pulled up to the "B" basketball team this year to play with older athletes and she also participated on the "B" track team. She gave 100% effort during practices and games. She is a hard worker who demonstrates dedication, accountability, leadership, independence, and fairness while participating on Clairbourn sports teams. She is direct and honest, yet treats teammates and opponents with respect and empathy. She is coachable and friendly, with a desire to learn and to win. Her positive competitive spirit is balanced with perspective and self-awareness.  
Therefore, by nomination of the faculty, and endorsement by the administration of Clairbourn School, I am pleased to present a $1000 scholarship and the corresponding 2022 Nijjar Sportsmanship Award to:
John Eric Beckstrom Scholarship
As President of the Clairbourn Board of Trustees, he worked to ensure that young people would have the advantages of an excellent, independent school education. Today we recognize a student who has demonstrated these qualities of working hard in the combined areas of academics, citizenship, and athletics.

This year’s recipient is a 7th grader who has demonstrated consistent efforts in academics, friendship, leadership, and both skill and sportsmanship in athletics. Arthur is a well-rounded individual and really cares about his performance in all areas of his life. He loves to participate on sports teams, music ensembles, and on the Student Council. He is talented, cheerful, and hard-working. To balance his academic excellence with all of his outside activities, he is focused and dedicated and is unafraid of challenging himself. He is an enthusiastic presence on Student Council, a cooperative and active classroom participant, and a highly successful student. On top of his contributions to the school's sports teams each season, he delivered a magnetic and energetic performance in the CAST play. He gets along well with others and is polite and fun to be around. He also helps to motivate those around him. His energy can change the feel of any class. He sets a good example in class because of his inquisitive nature and his thoughtful contributions to discussion. On the athletic field he has proved to be a speedy runner and soccer player who is enthusiastic about learning! 

The school feels these qualities and many others show the outline of an individual who has the Clairbourn values at their core, and someone who is worthy of recognition through this award. Therefore, by nomination of the faculty, and endorsement by the administration of Clairbourn School, the Trustees hereby present a $1000 scholarship and the corresponding individual award to:
Honors at Entrance
Some local high schools award honors at entrance. This year, one Clairbourn student was awarded honors at entrance for scoring in the 90th overall percentile or above on the STS HSPT exam. St. Francis High School awards honors at entrance to:
8th Grade Faculty Award
This year we have two awards. These students are consistently friendly to all, both in and out of the classroom. They maintain positive, easy-going attitudes while always striving to do well, and are willing to help others in need. 
Our first recipient is a steady and calm presence in his class. His teachers say: He sets challenging goals for himself and is willing to work hard to achieve them. His classmates all respect his dedication and his achievements. He is inquisitive and hardworking. He brings a spirit of curiosity and teamwork to the classroom and always has something to offer to make class better.

He has been a quiet, serious student, but has been more outgoing and engaging this year. He asks thoughtful questions and is always on task. He listens to instructions and is helpful to his neighbors in class. He tries his hardest and asks questions when he needs to. He advocates for himself and wants to do well. He has grown beautifully since entering the middle school. He has a quiet and respectful demeanor. He takes pride in his work and is kind to everyone. Always thoughtful, Josh has a strong presence. 

It is clearly evident that Josh’s hard work, positive attitude, and kindness have made a positive contribution to the Clairbourn community. He is highly valued and appreciated.
By nomination of the faculty and approval of the administration, it is a pleasure to present the 2022 8th Grade Faculty Award to:
Our second recipient is always kind to everyone she comes across. Her teachers say: Her attitude is consistently positive and she is a pleasure to be around.

She is an extremely adaptable student that demonstrates a strong work ethic. She is attentive and participatory. She asks questions and communicates well with her teachers. She is helpful to others in the classroom and is very receptive to feedback. She often asks what she can do outside of class to enrich her studies. She is a strong, insightful student. Her thoughtful questions and comments enhance our class discussions about characters and their motivations for their actions and decisions. She is upbeat, well-spoken, friendly, and outgoing. She is cooperative, enthusiastic, and works well with any and every group.

She is determined to do her best in all aspects of her life. She works hard on her school work, but she works equally hard to make things better for the people around her. She is generous with her time and energy. Her ability to explain concepts to her classmates shows how well she understands the information. Jane is a caring and polite young person who should be proud of her accomplishments.

It is clearly evident that Jane’s generosity, friendly nature,
and work ethic have made a positive contribution to the Clairbourn community and she is highly valued and appreciated. By nomination of the faculty and approval of the administration, it is a pleasure to present the 2022 8th Grade Faculty Award to:
President's Awards for Academic Excellence
The President’s Award for Academic Excellence is given to those students who maintain a 4.0-grade point average, or straight A’s, for all 12 quarters of their middle school career. This year, the award is merited by the following students:

William B., James T., Annie Z.

Alex J. Robertson Memorial Award

Mr. Robertson loved young people and wanted to give them the chance to succeed in both academics and athletics. It is my privilege to present an award in Mr. Robertson’s honor which we often refer to as the Scholar-Athlete Award.  This year's recipient reflects excellence in both athletics and academics.

This year’s recipient is a dedicated and unfailingly polite scholar and athlete. He is always willing to put in the work in order to achieve the best result he possibly can. He never does anything half-heartedly or in a rush. His classmates respect the fact that what you see is what you get, as he is open and genuine. In science, he is genuinely interested in learning how things work, and he enjoys sharing interesting pieces of information and connecting them to topics in class.  He is well-rounded, dedicated, and genuine. He can be counted on to take on any responsibility and holds himself accountable for his own learning.

He excels at track and tennis and participated fully in all sports. He leaps over the hurdles with grace and athleticism. His excellence in athletics was on display this year. During the track and field season he participated in individual, relay, and field events and won many awards for our team. He is kind and modest, demonstrating not only athletic ability, but excellent sportsmanship as well. 

For this combination of academic and athletic skills, supported by a big heart, it gives me great pleasure to present the 2022 Alex J. Robertson Memorial Award to:
Outstanding Graduate

The Outstanding Graduate is nominated by the faculty after careful consideration of all students. Candidates are considered on the basis of their record at previous schools (if any), their record at Clairbourn, and the significance of their contribution to the Clairbourn community. This year’s recipient exudes the Clairbourn spirit, living from his heart. He demonstrates his gratitude for his community by how much he gives back to the people around him. He is friendly, welcoming, kind, intelligent, respectful, strong, positive and generous with his time, humor, and energy. 
In class, he participates actively, cooperates well in any combination of classmates, and enjoys learning new things. He easily understands new concepts, but is still willing to put in the work to make sure that he is learning new ideas thoroughly and showing clear evidence of what he has learned. He works hard, participates readily in class, and asks insightful questions.  He gives generously by fully engaging in every class and participating with thought and care. He holds himself to a very high standard academically, but his style of learning is special. He sits with information and ruminates; he discusses, listens, laughs and savors concepts and new understandings. He digests information and allows it to settle. He returns to class with new insights from continued reflection and thought from the night before. 
Outside of the classroom, his positivity sets the tone for those around him during Student Council meetings, at break, and on the playing field. He is a decisive, yet humble leader with a wonderful sense of humor and is gregarious, uplifting, and gracious. Prior to quarantine, he often served as host to students visiting for admission shadow days. He is also a talented musician who plays in our band, a comedic actor who participated in our CAST performances, and a member of almost every sports team. This is a student who participated fully in everything Clairbourn had to offer.

Ladies and gentleman, members of the faculty, members of the student body, and distinguished guests, it gives me great pleasure to present to you, by nomination of the faculty, and endorsement of the administration, the 2022 Clairbourn School Outstanding Graduate:

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