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Volume: 2019-2020  Issue: 53 Thursday, April 23, 2020
School News

Message to the School Community

Dear Clairbourn Family,
I have been doing a lot of reflecting and thinking during this strange time. It seems to me that although we each are subject to many of the same external forces, the way we are experiencing things is very unique. Someone said, “We are all in the same storm, but we are not in the same boat.” I think that sums it up well. 
I have heard from buoyant and hopeful families who are finding ways to make the best of the unique times. Other families are feeling pulled in many different directions and aren’t sure they have enough time or energy to meet all of the demands facing them. Still others have high levels of stress or anxiety around the health and safety of loved ones, and many report feeling terribly isolated and alone. But no matter the experience, you are not alone in this. We are all part of the Clairbourn family and as a part of this family, I have seen many acts of kindness and support extended. 
As a school, we are trying to strike a balance for what people need based on the parent surveys and phone calls, reports from teachers, and feedback from students.  We are focused on what we know to be good for children.  However, we know that everyone’s situation is different and we must be united in using heart as our driving force. So, if you need to adjust the work load or the assignments in order to make your home function harmoniously, THEN DO IT! Just be sure to communicate with your teachers. 
Please know that we care about your well-being much more than any single assignment. Please give yourself permission to adjust. You do not need to do more than what seems reasonable to your specific situation. 
I also want to share some of the wonderful self-care ideas that have come from the Clairbourn community.  
  • Joking around and using humor with the kids
  • Daily walks as a family or alone
  • New home fitness routine/yoga/exercise
  • Coloring
  • Gardening
  • Gratitude journal or other journaling
  • Baking and cooking
  • Faith practices / prayer / listening to Buddhist mantras
  • Reaching out to family and friends
  • Setting up video lunch dates for the kids
  • Take Yale's famous, and now free, happiness course.
I encourage those who are feeling buoyant to check in with other families to see how their boats are doing. The need is real! Enough parents are telling me they have no time for self-care, that they are just trying not to sink, and that the closest thing they're doing for self-care is PE with Mr. Ball. So let's reach out to one another. Each small expressions of kindness or love can be a much-needed help as this situation persists. Keep connecting. Keep caring. Keep showing that Clairbourn Heart! We’ve got this!
Amy Patzlaff, Ed.D.
Head of School
Teacher Appreciation

Teacher Appreciation Week is Coming Up

We've made Vidigami albums for each teacher, teaching assistant, and specialist so you can post thank-you messages. 

(Anyone wishing to thank a staff member or administrator can look for and use the special group folders).
Clairbourn Insights

The Case for Morning Assembly & Chapel

If people—specifically children—were similar to computers, then giving them a quality education could be likened to a straightforward system of installing robust processing components, memory, and storage capacity as well as loading them with the right software, information input, and maybe even the artificial intelligence necessary to turn them into problem-solving powerhouses.
But, when student are treated like computers to be “loaded,” and are shaped into impressive towers of narrowly-focused achievement, there is an associated risk of their tower crumbling to the ground when life gets difficult. In order to build a student that will withstand the challenges of life, there needs to be an ongoing, sincere investment in the qualities, habits, and connections that build true resilience and that will carry them through major challenges like the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Even though it would be simpler to function like computers, the truth is, we all have emotions that need to be managed. We all have a need for social connection that can’t be denied. We all need a sense of purpose that extends beyond our current talents. More importantly, we all need to cultivate a connection to a “Source” so we can find good ideas when we have exhausted our own efforts to handle a problem. 

Read the Full Blog Post Here

Inspiration From Alumni

Alum Sarah Soza, Viola Player

For anyone who’s had the privilege of watching Sarah Soza from the Clairbourn Class of 2015 perform, there is no doubt about her extraordinary talent and her passion for music. Many of her memories from Clairbourn relate to the music program, where she loved music class and loved playing for the school ensemble. Currently, Sarah is a first year student at the University of California, Irvine, majoring in music, with a specialization in viola performance. Originally a violin player, Sarah switched over to viola at the beginning of her senior year in high school. 

The following video of her performing three viola pieces was prepared especially for the Clairbourn Community to help us all cope with the stay-at-home order and pandemic.

Read the Full Sarah Soza Interview Here.

Good Ideas

Elevate Your Presence in Virtual Meetings

Don't be like this boss who accidently turned herself into a potato for an entire staff meeting.
Maintaining a professional high-impact presence in virtual meetings can be easy achieved when you consider these six tips shared by author Joel Schwartzberg on the Harvard Business Review website Read the Full Article

6 Tips for a Professional Online Meeting Presence:
1. Look into your camera, not at your colleagues.
2. Maintain a strong voice.
3. Be present and mindful, don't multi-task.
4. Don’t become your own distraction. (Stay muted unless speaking, and turn off your camera when distracting actions, like eating, happen.)
5. Share links, agendas, and documents in the chat window.
6. Frame yourself wisely (Have your full head and shoulders showing and dominating the camera view. Consider adding illumination if needed. Make sure your real background is suitable and distraction free or use a virtual one).

Non-professional setting? Here is how to turn into a potato.
Picture Books

Storytime Videos for Our Youngest Students

NEW STORIES THIS WEEK from Dr. Patzlaff and Student Council 6th Grade Rep. Marcel Z. Pull up a comfy chair and get ready for Picture Books!
Students Helping Others

Bucket Filling & Good Deeds

Share how your children are finding ways to fill the emotional buckets of others. Email your update to Nancy Ward at
Students may not know this, but they just shared all of their Cougar Corner snacks with the Door of Hope shelter for Homeless Families in Pasadena.  The Clairbourn Families Association didn't want the snacks to go to waste and donated them. Parent Stephanie Chang took the items over this week, and the families at the facility were very grateful to have such delicious treats!
Need ideas? Check out this treasure-trove of recommended ways to make a difference from

Make Your Bucket-Filling/Good Deeds Reach Further:
Hasbro and Design for Change USA started a social media challege for kids to #DoGoodFromHome. For every kind act shared with hashtag #DoGoodFromHome, Hasbro will donate a toy or game to organizations providing care to the children of COVID-19 essential workers, up to 25,000 toys and games. Donations will be made all around the world!

How to participate:
  1. Pick a group affected by COVID-19.
  2. Think of a kind act or get ideas for doing good.
  3. Share on social media with the hashtag #DoGoodFromHome.
  4. Challenge others to participate.
  5. Visit the Information Page for ideas and inspiration.
Student Accomplishments

Share what Your Children are Accomplishing!

During this time of Remote Learning, let us know if your children are accomplishing something cool. It will help inspire other students. Email your update to Nancy Ward at

Watch Marcel and Malena's Fiddler Friday Performance
Continuing the Morning Assembly Fiddler Friday tradition, Marcel Z. in Grade 6 and Malena Z. in Grade 3 picked a simple and fun duet piece to play for the Clairbourn Community during this safer-at-home time. The piece is "Marche Celebre" by De Beriot.
Jack Z. in Grade 5 recorded a recitation of the poem, "Jìng Yè Sī Quiet Night Thoughts" by Tang Dynasty Poet Li Bai.  Jack did the recording and video editing and plays the jinhu (Chinese bowed string instrument used primarily in Beijing Opera). Learn more about the poem here.  
Tiffany sings her remake of "Everything I Wanted"
Tiffany H. in Grade 7 remade the song "Everything I Wanted," by Billie Eilish, with her own words to express how many people are feeling about the pandemic and to offer a message of hope. 

Need Remote Learning Technical Support?

Please email Computer Specialist Paul Barker

Morning Messages

Morning Assembly Messages for Student's Character Education. 
04-20-20 Message   04-21-20 Message
04-22-20 Message   04-23-20 Message
04-24-20 Message


Baby Ball is Here!

Cooper James Ball was born to Clairbourn teachers Hayley and Luke Ball on 04/22/20 (Earth Day!) He weighs 8lbs and is 22 inches long. Hayley and Luke shared, "We are all doing great and enjoying the time with Cooper. He’s amazing! We feel everyone’s support. Thank you all.

Online After-School Classes

Today is the last day to sign up! The deadline is Thursday, April 23.
To enroll, please visit us at All classes will be held online, using the Zoom platform. Links and passwords will be sent via email. Classes will be cancelled if minimum enrollment is not met.
Grades K-5
Spy Kids: Secret Agents! 
Green Science Workshop! 
Chess Club! 
Pre-K to Grade 5
Kids Dance Studio! 
Critter Squad:Online Safari! 

LIFT Enrichment Virtual Cooking Class

Your child can learn to make healthy and delicious Mexican foods in this LIVE online cooking class with our Chef Teachers who will show your kids how to cook.   

Remote Learning Parent Survey

We are leaving this survey open. Add to it at any time. 
Retake the Survey 

COVID-19 Reflections: Alum Mei-Tung Chen

Mei-Tung Chen, from the Class of 2017, is currently a junior at Flintridge Preparatory School. Not only is she passionate about math and science, but she is also huge fan of literature—an enthusiasm first nurtured at Clairbourn. Her interest in writing is most evident in her role as the Editor-in-Chief of the satire literary magazine at Prep called The Yell. In the following interview, we caught up with Mei-Tung to ask about her reflections on this period of social distancing. 
Read the Full Interview

Don't Miss Music From The Met! 

LIVE on Saturday, 4/25/20, at 10am PST
The Met’s is presenting a virtual At-Home Gala, featuring more than 40 leading artists live-streaming from their homes all around the world. You can view it on the Met’s website
live and on demand afterwards until 3:30pm PST the following day. 

Build Your Child's Personal Library! 

Amazon is offering free copies of their 100 best-selling Childrens books. Check it Out

Community Care Guide/Resources

Due to its growing size, the Community Care Guide has moved and is now accessible from the Clairbourn homepage. More links to helpful information are added every week. 
New Guide Location

Stay Connected

Follow us on these social media accounts.