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Volume: 2020-2021  Issue: 38 Thursday, April 8, 2021
Head of School Update
Dear Clairbourn Families,
Today is a big day for the Cougar Family! Today we have all grades on campus for full days. We continue to support the families learning from home as well. This week I heard violins being practiced, children laughing, conversations from children picnicking on the quad during snack, cheers from the sports fields, and students asking questions in class. Children’s joy, energy, and eagerness to learn bring the life to our beautiful campus. 
As we follow the protocols on campus to maintain a level of safety, we also ask that you do the same at home. As the state continues to open additional businesses and opportunities for commerce, it is easy to feel that we can let our guard down. But this is the time to protect our community by maintaining the safety measures recommended by the health departments and the CDC.  Thanks for helping the community!
We are also gearing up for the big Fitness Fun-Raiser on Friday! Thanks for all of your support of the students and their school. We really appreciate the efforts of the CFA and teachers to make it happen. It should be a lot of fun with some exercise hidden in the activity. Way to go Team Clairbourn!
We also have news about our Communications Director, Nancy Ward. Nancy is going to be moving on to pursue her passion in the art field. She is professionally trained in this field and it is what she is longing to do as a career. We are grateful to her for her 14 years of service to Clairbourn, her alma mater. She has helped the school build our “digital campus” and has laid a great foundation for our continued growth. Nancy’s last day is April 9.  Please join me in wishing her well in her future endeavors. 
We are working on a replacement for the newly vacated position, but don’t worry you won’t miss out on any of the campus news. The eCourier will continue, uninterrupted, full of campus news and celebrations of student successes.
Amy Patzlaff, Ed.D.
Head of School
CFA's Fitness
Fun-Raiser is Here!
Our Clairbourn Fitness Fun-Raiser is happening now and we are so excited to see friends, families and businesses support our students and our school. Let’s keep it going and get to 100% participation. 
Tomorrow is the big Event Day! Let’s cheer on our students as they participate in Clairbourn’s first Fitness Fun-Raiser.  

Clairbourn Fitness Fun-Raiser Stats

We are so close to reaching our fundraising goal. If you have not made a pledge or donation for your student(s), please consider doing so now. It’s an easy way to show our support for the students and our school.  We are working hard to make this a fun and successful event for everyone. Thank you for your continued support of the CFA and our school.

It's Not Too Late to Participate!
REGISTER: Visit and register your student(s).

Share Student(s) Pledge Page with friends and family to gather pledges and donations.

DONATE: Personally pledge and donate on to support your student(s).

Alternate Giving Guide:
If you are unable to access to gather pledges and donations, please use this form. Giving Guide Link

is another option to support Clairbourn:

Thank you, Fitness Fun-Raiser patrons, for your contribution to our Fitness Fun-Raiser. We are grateful for your generosity and your support in strengthening our Clairbourn community.
Please consider supporting our school by being a patron for our Fitness Fun-Raiser. Your contribution will enhance the many programs our school offers and support future CFA events. 
Patron sponsorship levels:

Questions: Contact Fitness Fun-Raiser Chair Taryn Johnson at
Give Us Your Vote

Let's Win Best SGV Private School
Again For 2021!

Clairbourn won Best Private School in the San Gabriel Valley for two years in a row, and we’d like to win again!
You can vote more than once using unique email addresses. This contest measures enthusiasm!  Now through  April 11, 2021, votes are being counted for the Best Private School in the San Gabriel Valley. Help Clairbourn win this important distinction for the third year in a row.  Your vote counts!

Use the link below and enter your email address. They will send you an email confirmation notice to your email inbox with a clickable link so you can vote. Once you click the link in the email, choose the “Places” category. Scroll down to Preschool and Private School and enter the name Clairbourn School. Then submit your vote.
Link for Voting:
Prep For Campus Arrival
      Please click on the icon to get       
      instructions on how to set up your
      Magnus for a safe return to campus.
Student Accomplishment

Send in your student updates! 
Did your student win an award, learn a new skill, make something cool, have an adventure, or do a service project? We'd love to post it in the eCourier!
Email Jeanette Zamora at with the details including a photo or video if you have one. 
New School Photos
You must be a Vidigami member to view school photo album. Please email Jeanette Zamora at if you need help accessing your Vidigami account.
Morning Assembly

Monday 04-05

Wednesday 04-07

Thursday 04-08

Friday 04-09

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Thoughts on Heart: Having Boundaries

When students have opportunities to use their heart, such as caring for their community, their family, and friends, it also allows them to learn how to set healthy boundaries so their caring heart doesn’t become a liability to their own well being.
This helpful chart (shown above) created by Jade Varleya leadership trainer and peak performance strategist, illustrates that when someone is giving their time, energy, talents, ideas, or money, that act of giving needs to be properly balanced for both parties to benefit or else a giving heart can actually lead to harm.
She explains, “You're kind at heart, considerate and hard working but somehow there is always someone that takes advantage at some point. A strong desire to be liked can get in the way….It can be difficult to get the balance right.”
Understanding the right balance for each individual can be achieved using the critical thinking skills taught in Clairbourn’s classrooms.  When students are taught how to think as opposed to what to think, this skill can be applied to a multitude of situations including helping students use their hearts wisely.
So let’s all get busy using our hearts, but with helpful boundaries that lead to win-win situations for everyone!

Clairbourn is "Creating Scholars and Leaders with Heart!"

Staying Healthy:
Learn Optimism

Did you know that optimism is a healthy approach to life? Optimists are less likely to get depressed, have fewer illnesses, have long relationships, live longer, and overall have better lives.
According to parenting expert Dr. Laura Markham, “It's easy to feel frightened and overwhelmed in today's world. But it IS possible, even in scary times, to be guided by the values that matter most to us, including the commitment to provide a calm, loving home for our children.
To do that, we need a sense of optimism -- the conviction that things will work out, and that what we do can have a positive impact. When life seems to be dealing one blow after another, you want your child to believe that things can get better. Otherwise, why should he pull himself together and keep going?”
Here are 3 tips from Dr. Markham to raise children with optimism:
1. Notice how your child thinks about things. Is the glass perceived to be half full or half empty?  If they see it as half empty, help them appreciate the good that is there instead. 
2. Teach the principles of Optimism. Remember that you perceive a setback any way you choose. Setbacks should be viewed as temporary, isolated, impersonal, and usually can be fixed.
3. Model Optimism. Say things like “I know we’ll find a parking space soon!” instead of “We’ll NEVER find a parking space! I KNEW this would happen!”?

COVID Relief: More Small Business Help


Additional help is now here from the U.S. Small Business Administration!
Their Economic Injury and Disaster Loan program (EIDL) was just expanded.  Additional funds are now available and prior EIDL loads can be extended as of April 6, 2021. Additionally, the SBA has extended the deferment period for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).
“Any new EIDL loan applications will automatically be considered for up to $500,000 to cover 24 months of business, according to the SBA press release.”

Enjoy Spring ArtNight!

Pasadena is hosting ArtNight, a virtual night of art held on Friday, April 16, from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.  The event is filled with recorded and live-streamed content from partner groups consisting of 16 Pasadena-based art and culture organizations.
Some highlights include the Pennington Dance Group, virtual exhibitions from Art Center galleries, and a video documentary providing a peek inside local Pasadena artists’ studios as well as an exploration of their passions, beliefs, and techniques.

Computer Support

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Community Support

Check out our COVID-19 Resources Page designed to help kids keep busy, families stay healthy, and parents be supported.

Have a resource to share? Email

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