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Volume: 2020-2021  Issue: 36 Tuesday, March 30, 2021
CFA's Fitness Fun-Raiser

Today is the Kick-Off Day!

Our Clairbourn Fitness Fun-Raiser Kick-Off is here and we are so excited to offer our community a fundraising event that focuses on community, fitness, and character. With the help of fundraising experts, Booster, this fitness-based fundraiser will be a new and exciting way to get our kids active while raising funds for our school.
The Clairbourn Fitness Fun-Raiser is CFA’s biggest fundraiser for the year and we hope that every family will participate and help us reach our fundraising goal. We are working hard to make this a fun and successful event for everyone. Thank you for your continued support of the CFA and our school. 
How to Participate:


Visit and register your student(s).

Share Your Student's Pledge Page:

Reach out to friends and family by sharing your Student’s Pledge Page. With’s smart sharing tool, families can gather pledges and donations by using the Easy Emailer feature to connect with friends and family or by sharing your student’s pledge page on various social media platforms. 


Personally pledge or donate online to support your student(s). 

Alternate Giving Guide: If you are unable to access to gather pledges and donations, please use this form. Giving Guide Link

Character Lesson Of the Day:

Starting today, students will travel the country virtually, meeting real-life kid-athletes with real character. In the process, students will learn about teamwork, kindness, courage, grit and celebration. Join along by watching the character videos and discussing the character lessons for each day. 

Daily Student Task:

Be sure to ask your student(s) about their daily tasks and help them reach their daily goals. 

Watch The New Video

Important Dates to Note:
March 30 - Fitness Fun-Raiser Kick-Off Day
  • Students participate in daily character-building lessons and daily tasks.
  • Registration continues for families who have not done so yet.
  • Families continue to gather pledges and donations.
April 9 - Fitness Fun-Raiser Event Day
  • Students participate in fitness activities during PE time and see how many minutes they can complete (maximum of 35 mins.).

Patron Sponsorship:

Please consider supporting our school by being a patron for our Fitness Fun-Raiser. Your contribution will enhance the many programs our school offers and support future CFA events. 
Patron sponsorship levels:
GOLD level $500
Special recognition in the eCourier
Thank you signage on campus
Thank you gift bag
SILVER level $250
Special recognition in the eCourier
Thank signage on campus
BRONZE Level $100
Special recognition in the eCourier


Contact Fitness Fun-Raiser Chair Taryn Johnson at
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