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Volume: 2020-21  Issue: 34 Thursday, March 11, 2021
Head of School Update

The Red Tier & Target Return Dates

Dear Clairbourn Families,
If all goes well this week and numbers continue to improve we will be in the Red Tier very soon. The numbers now qualify the county to be in Red, but they have to stay there for two weeks for the County to allow us to use the Red Tier allowances which include Grade 7-12 students returning to campus.  All grades have now been surveyed and parent meetings have been scheduled to go over logistics, procedures, and questions.
Our Current Targeted Dates Are:

Preschool: Class visits on March 29 with a start of classes on campus on March 30

Grades K-3: Already on campus (currently half day for Grades 1-3 but will move to full day)

Grades 4 & 5: On campus March 29 (half day to start but will move to full day)

Middle School: April 5 starting on campus with a full day
Although we are very excited about the return to campus we are also excited to continue serving our Zoomies!  The teacher in-service meetings held on March 15th (no school for students) will provide training for the teachers on new equipment that was purchase to help the hybrid model work well for both the Roomies and the Zoomies. 
I again would like to remind those returning for on-campus instruction that there is currently a 10-day quarantine period for anyone who travels outside of the LA area.  So please take that into consideration as you make Spring Break plans. 
Amy Patzlaff, Ed.D.
Head of School
Conference Sign-Ups

For Grades K-5 on Wednesday April 7

Wednesday, April 7th is Parent Teacher Conference Day for Grades K through 5.

To book a time, follow this link
to schedule a conference with your child's teacher:
Use event code: rgebx

Follow the instructions on each page. You will receive an email confirmation of your Conference Day booking. School Bookings will close on April 5th at 3pm, so please book your conference time before then.  
Please note: There is NO SCHOOL for Grades K-5th on Parent/Teacher Conference day on Wednesday, April 7th. It is a regular school day for Preschool and Middle School.
Student Accomplishment

Middle School Math Students Compete

James T. Participating in Round 2

Mathcounts is a nationwide middle school mathematics competition
that covers problems in geometry, counting, probability, number theory, and algebra. Contestants solve 30 short problems in 40 minutes, followed by 8 longer problems in 24 minutes. The competition is divided into several rounds and eventually the top competitors go on to represent their state at the national level.
Clairbourn Team Members Participating in Mathcounts
In February, Clairbourn's Mathcounts team, comprised of 15 Grade 6-8 students, participated in Round 1 of the national online competition. A total of 156 students from 24 local schools including Flintridge Prep, Poly, Westridge, and more participated. Grade 7 student James T. achieved scores that qualified him to move on to Round 2.
In Round 2 of the competition (the Chapter Invitational) James T. ranked 20th. There were some hard questions and little time, but overall it was quite a thrill. Middle School Math Teacher Mrs. Messler's coaching was a big help!
This is an incredibly difficult competition with a lot of advanced math concepts and challenging problem solving, and it is meant for gifted students. This was Clairbourn's first year participating, so it was new to the students, but they did a great job. Plans are already in place to come in strong for next year. Go Cougars!

Learn more about the Mathcounts competition
Student Council News

College Day Contest Winners

View all the College Day entries in this Vidigami Album.
Congratulations go to 1st Place winner Isabella J. in Grade 1, 2nd Place winner Presley W. in Grade 6, and 3rd Place winner Olivia K. in Grade 3 for their College Day photo entries. The Student Council started Operation Picture Project to help generate photos for the yearbook while in remote learning mode. Thanks for participating in the Theme Days everyone!

CFA News!

Participate in the Fitness Fun-Raiser!

The CFA is hosting its 1st Clairbourn Fitness Fun-Raiser on April 9. It will be an event to celebrate fitness, community and character-building while raising funds for our school.  

What is the Clairbourn Fitness Fun-Raiser?
Students and families ask friends, relatives, neighbors, and business associates for a flat donation to the school in their child’s name or to pledge a specific amount of money for every minute your child is engaged in fun group dances and fitness activities, lead by our P.E. teachers.  All fundraising for this event will be done digitally. 

Who Can Participate? 
All Grade K-8 students can participate in the Clairbourn Fitness Fun-Raiser. It will include students on campus and at home and will take place during students’ P.E. times.

How Can I Help? 
Build enthusiasm for the event and get sponsors. Here are some ways to do it:  
  • Schedule Zoom calls, FaceTime calls and phone calls with people who love you and our school and ask them to support our Fitness Fun-Raiser. 

  • Share, post and comment on social media about our Fitness Fun-Raiser. 

  • Focus on reaching out to grandparents, aunts, uncles, neighbors and friends. 
More information and details of this event will be shared in the coming weeks. Be sure to check this weekly eCourier for updates. 

Questions? Please contact The Clairbourn Fitness Fun-Raiser Chair Taryn Johnson at

Arriving On Campus 

 Health Screening Demonstration Video

Kindergarteners Demonstrate Proper Morning Arrival Procedure for All Grades
Prep For Campus Arrival

Use the Magnus App for Health Screening

Getting Ready to Come to Campus: For any parent who would like to get ready for their child to come to campus, you can follow these directions: 
  1. Log into Cougarnet at with your own (parent) account. This will not work if you log in as a student.  
  2. Under the "Resources" tab look for a tile with a link to Magnus. 
  3. Click on the Magnus tile. It should log you right into your Magnus account without having to re-enter credentials to log on.  
  4. Click or hover over your name within Magnus (top left of screen).
  5. Choose "Change Credentials."
  6. Create a Username & Password that only you know and will remember. This username/password combination will be used as your PHR mobile app login only.
  7. On your phone, download the "Magnus Mobile V2" app from the Apple Store or the Google Play store, and log in using your newly created username and password.  
  8. Select the button that says COVID-19 and fill out the form. (You will only see this button if your child is SCHEDULED to be on campus.)
  9. This is the screen you will show the school-official before your child exits the car. The green "GO" at the top signals that the health form has been completed. (You will only be able to generate this screen using the app if your child is SCHEDULED to be on campus.)  
  10. If you have any questions on the Magnus App, please contact Mr. Jubilado, Clairbourn's Health Officer  at
Smile Boosters

Internet Videos Worth Watching

View the Winning Entry on Cloud Formation

Did you know there is a "Dance Your Ph.D." contest? The purpose is to get scientists to explain their research through dance. This year's winners created a choreographed rap video to explain how clouds are formed. This is a great example of S.T.E.A.M. where the arts contribute to science, technology, engineering, and math. Source:
Morning Assembly

Catch up On Morning Assembly Messages

To translate this text, use the Google Translate menu at the top of this page.

Taking Time to Celebrate Women

March 8 is recognized around the world as International Women's Day. Since 1987, the United States has also designated the month of March as Women's History Month. 
This week, Clairbourn's Student Council is highlighting the impact on the world of the following women in their Morning Assembly video messages (viewable at the end of this ecourier):
Marie Curie
A physicist and chemist famous for pioneering research on radioactivity.

Anne Frank
A Holocaust victim who recorded her tragic experience in a diary.
They also featured:
Emma Watson, an actress and activist
Candace Cameron Bure, an actress, producer, and author
Zendaya Maree Stoermer Coleman, an actress and singer
Yuan Yuan Tan, the principal ballerina with the San Francisco Ballet
Lisa Leslie, a former professional basketball player
Serena Williams, a professional tennis player and former world No. 1 in women's single tennis
Jill Tracy Jacobs Biden, an educator and First Lady of the United States
More Online Exhibits:
The Library of Congress, the National Gallery of Art, the Smithsonian Institution, and many more museums are offering exciting exhibits and tributes covering the vital role of women in history. View Exhibits

Heart: How it Can Combine with Leadership

“Leadership comes from a place that troubles your heart.” - Dr. Govindappa Venkataswamy
Dr. Venkataswamy founded the Aravind Eye Hospital in 1976 to perform affordable cataract surgery to help alleviate the leading cause of blindness in India. To date his hospital has performed 7.8 million surgeries. 
"Here’s the critical leadership lesson: Dr. V listened to his heart. Only when that prompted him to do something about a critical problem, did his brain kick into gear. He began pondering how to do multiple surgeries, how to create a funding model, and how to make a hospital that was self-supporting.
How different from too many so-called leaders today who seek to further their own well-being. Dr. V wasn’t looking to put his name on a building, to capture ranking among the wealthiest, or to boast....He was troubled by a problem that could be fixed with the right attention and skill."
Answer These Questions:
-What troubles your heart?  

-Where is there a need for your intellect and skill set?
-What would you like your legacy to be to your family...your community?
-Whom do you believe could give you straight-up insight about what difference you might make?

-What might you need to learn?
Clairbourn is "Creating Scholars and Leaders with Heart!"

Staying Healthy:  Give Something Up

Many religious people, and even some atheists, practice a season of giving something up. These traditions include Lent in the Catholicism, Yom Kippur in Judaism, and Ramadan in Islam. It is felt that this time of self-reflection and improvement can benefit the body and mind, and research agrees.
Obviously, taking a break from chocolate, coffee, or tea can reset the senses and refresh the full level of those enjoyments. But that's not nearly as important as self-mastery. Social scientists call it self-efficacy, which is proven to be a health-giving quality worthy of serious cultivation.
Leadership and happiness expert Arthur Brooks explains, “…self-denial takes our cravings out of the control of our lizard brains, and delivers them to our prefrontal cortex, where we have a chance to manage them consciously. Decades of research have shown that self-efficacy strongly predicts well-being in many areas of life.” 

There are 3 rules to reap benefits of self-sacrifice: 
1. Connect your sacrifice to an altruistic motive. Do it to improve the well-being of others and not to just benefit yourself. Fear or guilty motives won't work.
2.  Whatever you give up needs to be small enough to successfully demonstrate self-control. Proving to yourself that you can master small things can help lead to permanent change when you tackle more important forms of self-mastery.
3.  Whatever you enjoy, be sure to schedule breaks from that activity to reset your enjoyment and build up your self-mastery muscles.
Source: The Atlantic

Student Accomplishments

Send in your student updates! Did your student win an award, learn a new skill, make something cool, have an adventure, or do a service project? We'd love to post it in the eCourier!
Email Nancy Ward at
with the details including a photo or video if you have one. 

Computer Support

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Community Support

Check out our COVID-19 Resources Page designed to help kids keep busy, families stay healthy, and parents be supported.

Have a resource to share? Email

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