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Thursday, March 3, 2022
Volume: 2021-2022  Issue: 106
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From Head of School

Masking & COVID Updates

Dear Clairbourn Families,
As we have all along, Clairbourn will continue to follow the advice of the Los Angeles County Health Department, the Pasadena Health Department, and the CDC. Los Angeles County has just dropped out of the High risk category for COVID transmission. So, based on lower transmission rates in the community, the county is changing the requirement for masking in schools to a strong recommendation. On March 14, Clairbourn students and employees will have a strong recommendation to remain masked while at school, but it will become optional. Anyone who is more comfortable remaining masked may certainly do so.  

Please be prepared for masking to be required in specific situations or at later date if conditions warrant a change.  

Masking is not an all or nothing choice. You may opt to be masked when in close proximity to others and remove it when more distanced. You may opt to remove the mask in situations where this choice would improve communication. You may opt to remain masked when working with someone who is more comfortable around others who are masked. 

You will likely see me masked in some situations and not in others. I, like many others, have a family member who is at higher risk, so I am extra careful for her sake.

As additional layers of mitigation, we will continue with twice-weekly testing, classroom air filters, three-foot spacing indoors and at lunch (when everyone removes their mask), and daily health screenings via the Magnus App. Starting March 14, we will no longer check temperatures on the curb.  

We have onsite rapid antigen tests that may be used as an additional screening tool if needed. All students tested with the onsite rapid test must have the parents register prior to testing. Please follow the link to register so this option may be used with your child. 

Any student who is exposed to a positive COVID individual will be required to quarantine or isolate as is specified by the current health orders. Part of this order requires upgraded masking for ten days following exposure or positive test. This means there will be times when students or adults may be required to wear a mask on campus.

We may also require masking for larger events or other situations where groups are gathered.  

Volunteer requirements will remain the same. All volunteers on campus are required to be boosted or have a negative test done in a clinical setting (not a home test) within 72 hours.

If you have concerns or questions, please feel free to reach out!
Amy Patzlaff, Ed.D.
Head of School

Announcing Three Performances!

Some of our middle school students have been working hard rehearsing every Monday to prepare for The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon production. Tickets are now on sale for $10. There will be three shows: Wednesday 3/30 at 4pm, Thursday 3/31 at 6:30pm and Friday 4/1 at 6:30pm. We are proud of your hard work and can't wait to see the final show!

Please click here for the flyer!

School News

JPK-5th Grade Parent-Teacher VIRTUAL Conference Day on Wednesday, March 23

Wednesday, March 23 is Parent-Teacher VIRTUAL
Conference Day for grades JPK through 5. Follow this link to schedule a conference time with your child's teacher. Use event code: dy6y5. Follow the instructions on each page. You will receive an email confirmation of your Conference Day booking. School Bookings will close on March 21 at 3pm, so please book your conference time before then.  
Middle school conferences on March 23 are by invitation only. As always, teachers are available any time to address any concerns you may have.
NO SCHOOL for JPK-8th on Conference Day March 23.
Lower School Second Language Program

Boundless Education: Open The Door to Spanish, One Word at a Time!

Our lower school Spanish program is offered from kindergarten to fifth grade. Different teaching approaches are incorporated to keep students engaged. Sensory exploration is a big part of our learning experience. Students run their fingers through orange rice and count the pieces of black bowtie pasta they find in the tray. They practice their vocabulary by singing La Araña pequeñita (Itsy Bitsy Spider) while busy freeing a plastic glow-in-the dark spider from a block of frozen ice. “This is so much fun! I love Spanish class!” a first grader said with such excitement.
Clairbourn Families Association (CFA)

Are you ready for our Spring Online Auction 3/28 - 4/1? Let's check out some cool auction items! 

A Week in Hawaii
Soak up the beauty of Oahu, Hawaii for six nights and seven days at the beautiful Ritz-Carlton Residences Waikiki. You and your family of 4 will enjoy all the accommodations offered at the residential guest rooms of the Ritz Carlton. DONATED BY: Jonathan Lim and Cathy Lee

Head of School for the Day

One lucky student (grades 5-8) will walk in Dr. Patzlaff's shoes as Head of School for a day. He/She will welcome fellow students, attend important meetings, and have lunch at the Manor House with a few friends. The lucky student will also get free dress for this special occasion. DONATED BY: Dr. Amy Patzlaff
The auction will benefit the Clairbourn community. We appreciate any donation to our Live or Silent Auction. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. Please check this letter and the donation form for more details from our auction procurement team. Thank you in advance for your generosity and support.
Clairbourn Insights

California History in Fourth Grade

Fourth graders finished their unit on the exploration and early settlement of California. The students have been researching their chosen California Mission. They took thorough notes from their research and used them to create a digital book on their mission. Mission San Gabriel, seen below, is about a ten-minute drive from Clairbourn. Most of the missions now serve as churches and provide tours for visitors. Well done, Cougars!
Cougar Spirit

Track and Field For Grades K-8

We entered the track season and students from kindergarten through 8th grade have been practicing and learning about the shot put, high jump, long jump, hurdles, and relays. The campus is filled with our Cougar spirit and students' cheers. It's motivating to see everyone learning new sports and trying their best! Track meets will start this week. Students from fourth to sixth grade will join the B team and students from seventh and eighth grade will be on the A team. Let's go Cougars!
Expert Thursday

Second Graders Sharing Their Expertise

Second grade has been developing students' public speaking skills during our Expert Thursday project. Each week students give presentations on topics that interest them! We have heard about horseback riding, egg art, Japanese culture, ukuleles, lego building, soccer, and much more. After each presentation, the expert takes questions from the class. It is wonderful to see these young students gain confidence speaking before a group.

Follow Clairbourn


NEWS from Health Office: Consent Form Required

Please register AND complete/sign a consent form in order to receive an in-office rapid test at the Clairbourn Health Office. It is now a county requirement and our preparation for a safe return or test-to-stay. The form is due by 3/17.
Click here to register.

ASAP: Upload Your Child's Vaccination Card into Magnus


March is Women's History Month

Since 1995, March has been designated as Women’s History Month. Student Council is preparing weekly presentations about the accomplishments of notable women. Let's hear the stories and the inspiration they have brought to us!

Oprah Winfrey,
Producer and Author
(1954 to present)

Oprah worked as a news anchor in her early career, before moving on to host a talk show called A.M. Chicago, which was later renamed the Oprah Winfrey Show. It was very successful and was the start of her publishing and media enterprises. Through the use of media, she hopes to  address the issues that impact our world. Oprah is also an active philanthropist and has donated to support equality in education. Thank you for paving the way for women around the world!

Amelia Earhart,
Aviator (1897 to 1937)

Amelia was a U.S. aviator and the first woman to fly alone across the Atlantic Ocean. She worked as a military nurse during World War I and was also a social worker. Her plane disappeared in the Pacific Ocean when she was on a flight around the world with navigator Fred Noonan in 1937. She may have disappeared, but her legacy stays with us. Amelia was a trailblazer and her dedication and commitment proved we are all equal no matter one's gender!
Click here or on the image to get a list of books for JPK to 8th grade exploring the life and achievements of Amelia Earhart.

Clairbourn Alphabet — "R"

Clairbourn students are resilient and embrace life experiences. They have a strong mindset and remain motivated. Our Cougars stand out because they are confident and compassionate.

School Calendar

3/3 Panda Special Lunch
3/4 Free Dress
3/8 Pasta Special Lunch
3/10 Pizza Special Lunch
3/11 Clairbourn Shirt Day
3/14 Late Start Day
3/17 Taco Special Lunch
3/17 St. Patrick's Day —Wear Green
3/18 Free Dress

Lost and Found

Lost and Found items will be displayed at the transportation area through 3/11. Non-claimed items will be donated to the Goodwill or the used uniform sale. Please mark your child's name on all school items such as water bottles, uniforms, PE clothes and etc.

Life at Clairbourn

Do you want to know what's new this week at school? Make sure to log into your Vidigami to view school photo albums.

Need Vidigami support? Please email Mrs. Zamora


All volunteers must either be boosted or have a negative test done in a clinical setting within 72 hours.

Morning Assembly

Morning Assembly videos are available daily in Vidigami on Morning Assemblies Page. Feel free to log in and watch!

Our Community

Clairbourn was voted Best Private School in the San Gabriel Valley for three years in a row! Thank you to our wonderful community! Please continue your support and write us a review!

School Spirit Store

Show your Cougar spirit by visiting our Spirit Store!