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Thursday, February 3, 2022
Volume: 2021-2022  Issue: 101
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From Head of School

Quarter Three Going Strong!

Dear Clairbourn Families,
We are in the process of preparing the re-enrollment contracts for next year. All contracts will be electronic and will be sent via CougarNet, so please watch for the notifications in the next day or two.  As you complete the contract, you will notice the contract requires the signature of both parents. If the contract shows as incomplete after you have signed it, it is most likely because the other parent needs to sign into THEIR account and also sign. One parent cannot sign for the other parent. If you need help, please reach out to the office for assistance.  
We are so grateful to have each family as part of our community. Please sign and return the contract before the deadline so we know how many spots we can offer to our applicant families. Without your contract, we can't hold your spot, so please reach out right away with any concerns or questions.  
As we look forward to next year, we anticipate more of our traditional activities returning, from being able to gather for our Morning Assembly, to concerts, to parent meetings, and many others. Thanks for all you are doing to maintain community and support the school, while prioritizing the health and safety of the community.    
Amy Patzlaff, Ed.D.
Head of School
Clairbourn Families Association (CFA)

Clairbourn Online Auction: 3/28 - 4/1

Clairbourn School will have its Spring Online Auction starting on March 28, 2022 and ending on April 1, 2022. The auction will benefit the Clairbourn community. We would appreciate any donation you would like to make to our Live or Silent Auction. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. All donations are due no later than Friday, February 14, 2022 for recognition in our program. Please check this letter and the donation form for more details from our auction procurement team. Thank you in advance for your generosity and support.
S.T.E.M. in Kindergarten

What kind of hut could you build to keep your ice cube snowman from melting?

After watching an ice cube snowman slowly melt throughout the day last week, our kindergarteners experimented with a STEM project based on that concept! They discussed different ways to keep things cold and the materials that could keep the snowman from melting. After the groups were made and jobs were given, each team designed and built their hut using materials such as felt, styrofoam cups, paper, wax paper, and tinfoil. They not only observed the snowman all day, but also measured the water that melted every hour. Everyone shared ideas and collaborated effectively. Well done, Cougars!
Student Council

February is Black History Month

Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing their central role in U.S. history. Let's hear the presentations from our Student Council for this week!
Langston Hughes, Writer / 1901 to 1967
Hughes was a writer who inspired many young writers. After one of his teachers introduced him to poetry, he began writing for his school’s literary magazine. In 1924, he met American poet Vachel Lindsay who inspired him to further pursue poetry. Hughes earned a scholarship to Lincoln University and wrote many influential poems such as “The Weary Blues”, and his first novel, "Not Without Laughter" during his time there.
Samuel L. Jackson, Actor / 1948 to present
Jackson went to Morehouse College where he became involved in the civil rights movement and worked to bring equality to the school's curriculum. He eventually got a degree in drama and has starred in over 150 movies. He has supported many charities such as Greater Than AIDS, Listen Campaign and more. He is a leader with a heart for giving back.

To learn more about Black History Month, please click here.

A Look Into Microbiology

A Visit With Dr. Buser
The seventh grade science class is learning about microorganisms: bacteria, protists, and fungi. Dr. Chris Buser, who is a parent of a seventh grader, studies microbiology using scanning electron microscope (SEM). This is a type of electron microscope that produces images of a sample by scanning the surface with a focused beam of electrons. Last week, he visited the seventh grade science class and shared beautiful, strange, and wondrous pictures of his work. The class especially appreciated the greatly magnified pictures of insects. Thank you to Dr. Buser for sharing his knowledge with the Clairbourn students!
Readers' Theater

Middle School Spanish

Middle School students in Spanish classes participated in a Reader’s Theater activity. Students were grouped and assigned a story to read aloud for the class. Reader’s Theater is a fantastic tool to develop reading comprehension and oral reading skills, and to differentiate instruction. Working collaboratively allows students to engage in skills that are essential for interpreting information, evaluating and solving problems, and developing a final product.  

To read the complete article, please click here.

Lunar New Year

Let Our Cougar Spirit Roar in The Year of Tiger!

We are grateful for our community and how everyone comes together to support each other. We have many generous families who donated hand sanitizers, wipes, alcohol sprays and thousands of masks for students and faculty. We also have parents who donated a scanning system to improve our transportation time. Each of you are a great example to your children of scholars and leaders showing heart!
Our preschool students were busy learning about the Chinese culture and listening to lots of stories. They continue to develop their motor skills by doing crafts such as dragon masks, paper lanterns and tiger art. As we continue to celebrate Lunar New Year in the classrooms, we are full of gratitude.
Clairbourn Insights

California Native American Nations Reports
Students in third grade have been busy creating their California Native American Nations reports. Each student researched a selected California Nation using both written and online resources. Once their research was complete, they used this information and Book Creator to produce their own special booklet on their selected Nation. They did a fantastic job!
Art Around The Campus

Students from kindergarten to fourth grade have been expanding their creativity and imagination.

Kindergarteners produced polar bear drawings. First graders created cut-out art with multicolored strips. Second grade students learned about the concept of perspective. Students from third grade explored abstract art. Fourth graders experimented with finger blending techniques. We love to see our students' artwork displayed around the campus!

To read the complete article, please click here.

Middle School Design Challenge: February

Longest Dragon Built

In honor of Lunar New Year, this month’s Drop Everything & Build activity challenged Middle School students to build the longest dragon they could out of paper cups, clothespins, and a limited amount of tape. The dragon dance is a traditional part of new year celebrations in many Asian countries. Some say that the longer the dragon, the more fortune it brings. The Middle School students used artistry and creativity, along with their engineering design skills, to create a unique dragon parade! Here are our Drop Everything & Build results from yesterday. Congratulations, everyone!
Sixth grade runners-up: Theo V. and Carson P.
Sixth grade winners: Jerry C. and Akira T.
Seventh grade runners-up (tie): Qier W., Shalom L., and Mauricio R.

Seventh grade runners-up (tie):
Fredric S. and Marcus S.
Seventh grade winners: Nathan G. and Louie L.
Eighth grade runners-up: Patrick W. and Nick N.
Eighth grade winners and overall winners:
Yuqi F., Jane Z., and Alex C.

Follow Clairbourn


REMINDER: Clairbourn testing is twice a week on Monday and Thursday.

If your child shows any symptoms and will miss school on those two days, please email the Health Office or call the school at 626-286-3108 to schedule a drive-through test.
Please Upload Your Child's Vaccination Card into Magnus ASAP.

School Calendar

2/4 Free Dress
2/7-2/11 Standardized Testing (2nd - 8th grade)
2/8 Pasta Special Lunch
2/10 Pizza Special Lunch
2/11 Clairbourn Shirt Day
2/17 Taco Special Lunch

Standardized Testing

We will be administering ERB tests next Monday 2/7 through Friday 2/11 for 2nd to 8th grade. Please get a good night's sleep, eat a
nutritious breakfast and be on time. Go, Cougars!

Parent Volunteer Requirements for Working on Campus

Only parents who are fully vaccinated and boosted OR vaccinated plus a negative COVID test taken in a healthcare setting (NOT a home test) within 72 hours of the event can enter the campus for CFA volunteering opportunities. Thank you for keeping our community safe!

Clairbourn Alphabet — "P"

At Clairbourn, we recognize each student’s PROGRESS and growth in all areas: academics, social, character, leadership, athletics, and the arts.  We encourage and celebrate each step no matter how big or small.

Alumni Connection

Let's hear what our alumni remember about our Clairbourn tree!
Andrew Nay, Class of 2000
The big south gingko in the quad is one of my most enduring visual memories of my time at Clairbourn.
Anne Gifford Ewing,
Class of 1992
I have my eucalyptus keepsake on a leather ribbon. I remember when the tree fell and what a miracle it was that it fell when the campus was empty and didn’t hit any buildings.
Lance Beem, Class of 1968
I remember the mighty eucalyptus tree. The ice chest for our milk used to be under it at lunch time!
Debra Michelle,
Former Parent
I still have my piece of the eucalyptus tree that was given to us at the time when the giant fell! I also remember the planting of the first gingko!

AASM endorses new recommendations on sleep times

Teens should sleep eight to ten hours per night while younger children need even more sleep, according to new recommendations from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM).
Ages 4-12 months: 12-16 hours (including naps)
Ages 1-2 years: 11-14 hours (including naps)
Ages 3-5 years: 10-13 hours (including naps)
Age 6-12 years: 9-12 hours
Age 13-18 years: 8-10 hours
To read the full article, please click here.

Life at Clairbourn

Do you want to know what's new this week at school? Make sure to log into your Vidigami to view school photo albums.

Need Vidigami support? Please email Mrs. Zamora

Reminder: Uniform Requirements

Students' outerwear must have a school crest. You may get embroidery from Academic Uniforms. Questions? Please call Marie Orellana at 626-766-1550.
You can also order from Lands' End using their 20% off promo code until February 11, 2022.

Clairbourn Team Takes Part in NSB Regionals

For the second year, the  Clairbourn Science Team once again broke into the top seven at the National Science Bowl — Middle School Regionals. Our team this year included seventh graders Hannah and Louie and veteran eighth graders James, Michael and Marcel. They practiced intensive weekly drills for several months and competed last week against Harvard Westlake, Astra Nova, Science Academy Stem Magnet, Suzanne Middle School and more.
Our team was challenged in three matches, answering questions in Life Science, Earth Science, Physical Science, and Math. They were given seven seconds for each question. What a great achievement in a very competitive field! Congratulations, Clairbourn!

En Garde

Seventh grader Annika L. represented Clairbourn and competed against many other schools in the Southern California Scholastic Fencing League Epee/Saber #2 Tournament last weekend. She fought hard and earned a third place overall in the Girls Middle School Division. Congratulations!!

Chess in Action

Seventh grader Arthur Z. competed in the Irvine Chess Tournament last weekend. Among 28 players, he placed 2nd in the Open Section. Congratulations!! Way to go, Arthur!
Have a story to share? Please email the marketing office with the details and a photo or video.

Morning Assembly

Morning Assembly videos are available daily in Vidigami on Morning Assemblies Page. Feel free to log in and watch!

Our Community

Clairbourn was voted Best Private School in the San Gabriel Valley for three years in a row! Thank you to our wonderful community! Please continue your support and write us a review!

School Spirit Store

Show your Cougar spirit by visiting our Spirit Store!