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Volume: 2020-21  Issue: 28 Thursday, January 28, 2021
Head of School Update

Community Support is What Counts!

Dear Clairbourn Families,
My heart is full of warmth from looking at the list of Annual Fund donors who have participated so far, and I am so grateful for each and every one of them. It is gratifying to see the list of parent names growing, and each one symbolizes to me a great big cheer of support for this school.  

As we get closer to our "100% Participation in 100 Days" goal date, I would like to share the following thought with the remaining families. What counts is the value of your participation which is above and beyond the amount of the gift. What families choose to contribute is a very individual decision, but whatever the amount, it is really your participation that makes our community strong, unified, and ready to support our students in the best way possible.  

When we apply to foundations for grants, they ask about the percentage of current parents, faculty, trustees, alumni, and friends of the school who contribute. They don’t ask about the amount contributed. This data gives them an indication of whether mission of the school matters to the community and is worthy of their grant money.  So, if you support our mission of Creating Scholars and Leaders with Heart, please show your support with a donation to our Annual Fund by February 8.  For those who have already contributed, I extend my heart-felt gratitude.
Also, you may have heard news about opening schools back up in California. As the current California order stands, Clairbourn cannot use our waiver (which covers K-2) until the county case rate drops below an adjusted case rate of 25. We are currently at around 48. This is trending in the right direction, but we aren’t there yet. We are watching the numbers and will let you know when we can start offering limited activities on campus for these grades. 
Lastly, by the end of today, all families need to have submitted photos to Presto Pics for our yearbook. We have over half of the pictures we need, but we want to be sure everyone is represented in the yearbook, so let’s get this done.  If you need help, please contact Jeanette Zamora at 
Amy Patzlaff, Ed.D.
Head of School
School Pics Due Today!

Send Photos to PrestoPics by January 28

Did you take your child's school photo and send it to PrestoPics? All photos are due today, January 28.

Email Notification:
PrestoPics sent everyone and email with instructions for how to take an upload our school photos for this year. If you didn't get it, check your email junk folder or contact Jeanette Zamora ( if no email reached you.
CFA News

Jan 29th is Doughtnut Order Pickup Day

Please pick up your doughnut order tomorrow, Friday January 29th, between 1-3pm.  

Pickup Procedure:
Please keep health and safety in mind by staying in your car and wearing a mask. When you pull up to transportation, the CFA Chair will load the doughnuts into your trunk for a contact-free delivery.

Have questions?
Please contact Ting Sung, Lucy Balikian and Miriam Cruz
Ting Sung:
Miriam Cruz: 
Lucy Balikian:
Annual Fund Donations 

Only 11 Days to Reach 100% Giving Goal

 We're in the final stretch of working to reach our goal of 100% participation in the Annual Fund. Let's show the strength of the Clairbourn Community with a powerful participation rate!

Your Annual Fund Gift, at any amount, is what counts!
Please donate by February 8th. 
Your donation is also tax deductible.

Annual Fund Donation Levels To Consider:
Life Benefactor - $20,000 and Up
President Circle - $10,000 - $19,999
Founder Circle - $5,000 - $9,999
Trustee Circle - $2,500 - $4,999
Head of School Circle - $1,000 - $2,499
Cougar Circle – Up to $999
JPK – 75% Participation 
PK – 61% Participation 
Kindergarten – 96% Participation
1st Grade – 71% Participation 
2nd Grade – 75% Participation 
3rd Grade – 78% Participation 
4th Grade – 54% Participation 
5th Grade – 47% Participation 
6th Grade – 54% Participation 
7th Grade – 52% Participation 
8th Grade – 58% Participation 
Faculty/Staff – 95% Participation
Board of Trustees - 100% Participation
Donate Online

Mailing a check?
Please make it payable to "Clairbourn School." 

Have Questions?
Please contact your Class Captains or email
Design Challenge Insight

Pillow Forts and the Value of Pre-Planning

What can students learn from building pillow forts? Actually, quite lot!
As famous Chinese-American martial artist and philosopher Bruce Lee said, “Be like water making its way through cracks…adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves.”
In the same wise way, Clairbourn’s Engineering Design Challenge was adapted to a new form for 2021. The main adjustment was to minimize the physical outcome and instead to maximize the mental journey of engineering design. Students were asked to design and build pillow forts and focus on the engineering design thought process.
Read the Full Blog Post

Pillow Fort Projects in Vidigami

View the Album in Vidigami
(Must be a Member to View)
Student Council News

Pics, Points, and Prizes!

Earn points and win prizes by participating in Student Council’s Operation Picture Project! This year the Student Council isn't able to take photos of students at school, so we decided to start Operation Picture Project. Students and parents can take pictures related to "Theme Days" and submit them on Vidigami.  Students will receive one point for submitting a picture.

Extra Points: Every theme day, judges will pick three winners who will receive extra points!
Get Prizes: Students can get prizes with their points (details will be shared later on). The more you post photos, the more fun you'll have!
When to Submit "Theme Day" Pics: The next opportunity is on February 2, Groundhog Day. We're having pajama day! Students can feel free to wear pajamas and stay comfortable throughout the whole day. Don’t forget to turn in pictures to the Pajama Day folder on Vidigami!

When Does it End? Operation Picture Project will end on March 12 when third quarter ends.
Alumni News

Kris Van Cleave, New CBS Congressional Correspondent

We last checked in with Clairbourn alum Kris Van Cleave, back in March of 2016 and published this interview about his career and Clairbourn experience.  But today, we're celebrating his latest exciting career development. He is now a Congressional Correspondent for CBS News in Washington D.C.!
His Career Highlights Include:
  • Serving as a CBS News' transportation correspondent and a correspondent for CBS Newspath.
  • He has an Emmy nomination for his investigative reporting on the outdated standards related to vehicle seat safety triggering a Congressional investigation.
  • He has reported on the Kobe Bryant helicopter crass, the Black Lives Matter protests in Washington, and the January 2021 siege on the U.S. Capitol. 
  • In Washington D.C., he reported for WJLA-TV and anchored the 6pm broadcast at NewsChannel 8.
  • He has covered top stories including the GOP presidential primary and the White House breaking news story that Osama bin Laden was killed.
  • He has travelled to dangerous locations for on site reporting such as Haiti after their devastating earthquake and Afghanistan covering the troops.
  • He previously served as a reporter in California at XETV/Fox6 News in San Diego and KOAA-TV in Colorado Springs, Colo.
  • His start in television began with producing the nationally syndicated show called the "CyberGuy Report" on KTLA.
  • 12 regional Emmy Awards (two are for D.C. best general assignment reporter)
  • 9 regional Edward R. Murrow Awards
  • 2010 and 2014 National Edward R. Murrow Awards for
  • He was named 2010 and 2011 "Best Reporter" by the Chesapeake Associated Press Broadcasters Association. 
Way to use those Clairbourn-acquired public speaking skills, Kris!
Morning Assembly

Catch up On Morning Assembly Messages

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Thoughts on Having Heart:

Heart Can Make You  Memorable:
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
— Maya Angelou   
That wise observation from Maya Angelou highlights the importance of having a heart-felt approach behind our words and actions to improve our communication, our ability to learn, and to become memorable. 
Instead of rolling around in a riot of raw information that you would like others to know, let your heart help you present ideas with authentic emotion and vivid imagery.
These are essentially story-telling elements that are proven by brain science to help us communicate effectively as well as to learn and remember.
Clairbourn is "Creating Scholars and Leaders with Heart!"

Staying Healthy: Start Journaling!

Want to enhance your sense of well-being, remedy depression before events or tasks, and even improve your memory? 
Then journaling/expressive writing is for you! Research has proven it to be effective in those areas as well as to help improve bodily health
An added bonus is that it can make us more self-aware of our thought patterns and behaviors, puts things in perspective, and gives us more control in our lives. Overall, it helps you get from a negative mindset to a more positive one.
Journaling Apps:
Day One Mac and iOS 
Diarium Windows
Journey Cross-platform

What Kind of Learner Are You?

Understanding how you process information can help you learn faster!

Taking a "VAK Quiz " can clarify any mystery as to your preferred learning style.
(People have varying degrees of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic (body-oriented) preferences).
Take the Quiz and find your VAK type.

Parenting Tips:

"A child’s brain is not a miniature adult brain. It is a brain born under construction that wires itself to the world." 
- Lisa Feldman Barrett, Ph.D.,  Harvard neuroscientist 
Here are her seven research-based parenting rules to help your child build a brain that is flexible and therefore resilient. (Read Explanations of Each Item )  
1. Be a gardener, not a carpenter.

2. Talk and read to your child. A lot.

3. Explain things.

4. Describe the activity, not the person. 

5. Help your children to copy you.

6. Expose children (safely) to lots of people.

7. Applaud agency.

Student Accomplishments

Send in your student updates! Did your student win an award, learn a new skill, make something cool, have an adventure, or do a service project? We'd love to post it in the eCourier!
Email Nancy Ward at
with the details including a photo or video if you have one. 

Computer Support

If you need technical help for CougarNet or device help, contact our computer teacher Mr. Barker.

Community Support

Check out our COVID-19 Resources Page designed to help kids keep busy, families stay healthy, and parents be supported.

Have a resource to share? Email

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Reviews Count!

Would you recommend Clairbourn to a friend? If so, be sure to review us on one of these sites.

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