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Thursday, January 27, 2022
Volume: 2021-2022  Issue: 100
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From Head of School

Scholars. Leaders. Heart.

Dear Clairbourn Families,
This week has been a good one! Not only is the sun shining and the sky bright blue, but the students in the Clairbourn community are doing a great job learning and growing. We are still enjoying the fun memories of our engineering activities last week. I am still seeing students with paper cups talking about how they might improve their design if they had another opportunity. This is a community full of creative problem solvers!  
I also see a community of students supporting each other and showing great amounts of Heart! As I watched from my window, I saw many students in the after-school drama program going over lines and working on the scenes for their upcoming production. I saw the music classes practicing new songs in their instrument groupings. Practice for either of these activities is a pretty normal occurrence, but what makes this community special is when the clarinet or saxophone player gets up from her/his chair and walks over to the other musician to discuss the phrasing of the music and where the tempo changes. They are there to help each other, not just practice their own parts.  The same was true in the play.
The students are willing to give and receive feedback in order to help the whole group. All of this is showing Heart and makes the community richer and stronger.  
Amy Patzlaff, Ed.D.
Head of School
Happy 100th eCourier!

Did you know before our weekly school newsletter became the eCourier, it was a paper version called the Cougar Courier for almost 20 years?

Taking the Cougar Courier home on Thursday was a weekly assignment of our students. It was placed in a gold vinyl pouch which students had to return every Friday. Two years ago the electronic eCourier started its current format! Happy 100th eCourier issue!! 
Dream. Invent. Create.

Congratulations to all our Clairbourn engineers for an amazing Engineering Design Challenge last week!

Thank you to all the teachers and staff members who made the week possible. It was wonderful to come together as a community to celebrate learning and to have some fun. Special congratulations go to the first place teams in each class. Well done, engineers!
1st grade: Katherine and Angelique
2nd grade: Stella and Amir
3rd grade: Porsche and Xenia
4th grade: Wan-Tao and Belen
5th grade: Jerry and Ray (and 2nd place overall)
6th grade: Arthur and Theo
7th grade: Annika and Qier
8th grade: Quinne and Kiri (and 1st place overall)

To read the full article on how our students turned on their engineering minds, please click here!

Growing Tradition

The Clairbourn Tree

Before ginkgo trees were planted in 1989, we had an enormous eucalyptus tree that was 120 years old! A windstorm took down the mighty eucalyptus tree in 1988 and that's when a new set of friends arrived — the ginkgo trees!
Enjoy the video on the left!

To read the full article about our Clairbourn trees and the growing tradition, please click here!

Clairbourn Math Team

AMC 8 Math Competition

Fifteen middle school students participated in the AMC 8 on Monday morning. AMC 8 is a 25-question, 40-minute, multiple choice examination in middle school mathematics designed to promote the development of problem-solving skills. The AMC 8 provides an opportunity for middle school students to develop positive attitudes toward analytical thinking and mathematics that can assist in future careers. Students apply classroom skills to unique problem-solving challenges in a low-stress and friendly environment. Our students all worked hard to do their best. Well done, Cougars!
From Health Office

Please upload your child's vaccination card into Magnus ASAP.

The CDC and Los Angeles County recommend
we no longer allow cloth masks for students as they seem to be less effective against the new strains. Please find a medical grade mask for your child to wear at school AND be sure it fits well. The cloth mask may be worn over the medical grade masks.
Please contact our Health Office if you have any COVID related questions or concerns.
Clairbourn Insights

First Game in 2022!

Our boys A and B sports teams kicked off 2022 with a basketball game this week! Our athletes represented Clairbourn with positivity, sportsmanship, respect, enthusiasm, and character. We are proud of you, Coguars!

Follow Clairbourn


Parent Volunteer Requirements for Working on Campus

Only parents who are fully vaccinated and boosted OR vaccinated plus a negative COVID test taken in a healthcare setting (NOT a home test) within 72 hours of the event can enter the campus for CFA volunteering opportunities. Thank you for keeping our community safe!

Clairbourn Alphabet — "O"

Clairbourn always looks for the good in life, one of the reasons we thrive as a community. We believe in OPTIMISM, which is the basis of a growth mindset and the foundation of courage and progress.

School Calendar

1/27 KFC Special Lunch
1/28 Clairbourn Shirt Day
2/1 Habit Special Lunch
2/3 Panda Special Lunch
2/4 Free Dress
2/7-2/11 Standardized Testing (2nd - 8th grade)
2/8 Pasta Special Lunch
2/10 Pizza Special Lunch
2/11 Clairbourn Shirt Day

Reminder: Uniform Requirements

Students' outerwear must have a school crest. You may get embroidery from Academic Uniforms. Questions? Please call Marie Orellana at 626-766-1550.
You can also order from Lands' End using their 20% off promo code until February 11, 2022.

Life at Clairbourn

Do you want to know what's new this week at school? Make sure to log into your Vidigami to view school photo albums.

Need Vidigami support? Please email Mrs. Zamora

Clairbourn Student Showing Heart!

Jack Z. from 7th grade was featured in World Journal last week. Jack participated in a project to send birthday cards to centenarians to pay tribute to the heroes of the US military. He recalled reading about Harry Horak while studying about WWII and it was a great experience to meet him! What an example of a Clairbourn scholar showing heart and gratitude! Thank you, Jack!
In addition, Jack has been volunteering for community service work for four years. Through his work at San Musae Cultural Center, Jack was recognized by the White House for his outstanding 381.5 hours of volunteer work and the impact he has made. He received a President's Gold Volunteer Service Award. He plans to continue showing his heart and share his talent to reach as many people as he can. We are so proud of you!
To learn about how to join the President's Volunteer Service Program, please click here.
To read about Jack and his meeting with Harry Horak, please click here.
To learn more about Harry Horak, please click here.
Have a story to share? Please email the marketing office with the details and a photo or video.

Morning Assembly

Morning Assembly videos are available daily in Vidigami on Morning Assemblies Page. Feel free to log in and watch!

Our Community

Clairbourn was voted Best Private School in the San Gabriel Valley for three years in a row! Thank you to our wonderful community! Please continue your support and write us a review!

School Spirit Store

Show your Cougar spirit by visiting our Spirit Store!