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Thursday, January 20, 2022
Volume: 2021-2022  Issue: 99
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From Head of School

A Great Week Full of Creativity

Dear Clairbourn Families,
This week is Engineering Week at Clairbourn, incorporating building activities, design, redesign, testing, and rebuilding. This year is about building a space lander (a paper cup) that needs to drop from a set height carrying two astronauts (2 marshmallows) and land on a target without ejecting the astronauts. The students must consider friction, stability, shock absorption, and structural strength, among other things.  
Yesterday the 2nd through 8th graders heard from a mechanical engineer, Juan Gutierez, about his experience in working on a project that bored a hole through a mountain in Arrowhead. 
He talked to the students about his experience learning English as a middle school student, then learning the language of engineering, and finally the skill of being able to communicate the ideas and solutions needed to solve the problems presented. He stressed the ideas of continuous learning, solid communication skills, and even the joy of taking toys apart to see how they work. I loved hearing the practical ways problem solving is used in the daily life of an engineer. I also loved hearing the insightful questions our students asked. After the presentation, Mr. Gutierez went around to the classes while the students were building and gave them helpful hints.
The finals are tomorrow, so I am looking forward to seeing the creative problem solving of the students in their projects. A big shout out to Ms. Vinnedge for designing the project, assembling the kits, giving instructions, arranging for the engineer, and all of the other behind the scenes work that went into a great week! Well done!
I love watching the students work together on projects like these. They figure out how to compromise, work through differences, articulate new ideas, and troubleshoot complex issues in the projects. These are life skills they will bring forward into future grades, future jobs, and in regular life.  Way to go Cougars!
Amy Patzlaff, Ed.D.
Head of School
2022 Clairbourn Engineering Week 

Dream. Invent. Create.

2022 Clairbourn Engineering Week began this Tuesday! First to eighth grade students were challenged to design and build a shock absorbing system to protect two astronauts when they land. Our Cougars needed to think about gravity, stability and shock absorbing materials. How could they make sure the landers didn't tip over during landing? 

To read the full article on how our students turned on their engineering minds, please click here!

School News

Parent volunteer requirements for working on campus

Only parents who are fully vaccinated and boosted OR vaccinated plus a negative COVID test taken in a healthcare setting (NOT a home test) within 72 hours of the event can enter the campus for CFA volunteering opportunities. Thank you for keeping our community safe!
From Health Office

Please upload your child's vaccination card into Magnus ASAP.

The CDC and Los Angeles County recommend
we no longer allow cloth masks for students as they seem to be less effective against the new strains. Please find a medical grade mask for your child to wear at school AND be sure it fits well. The cloth mask may be worn over the medical grade masks.
Please contact our Health Office if you have any COVID related questions or concerns.
Clairbourn Insight

Space Science and Sundials in Fifth Grade

Fifth graders constructed a sundial and used it to observe the movement of the sun over the course of a day. They learned why our ancestors divided the day into hours and how to use a compass to ensure their sundials faced north. Students also examined the earth’s rotation on its axis. Way to go, Cougars!
Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Clairbourn students celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. last week. They learned about his life, his quotes and what he stood for. Cougars were encouraged to find different ways to bring light and love to the world in their own way! Together, let’s shine with joy, kindness, compassion, goodness, justice and genuine love!
Student Council

Thank You for Participating in Hat Day!

The community enjoyed a fun hat day last Friday. We had a pirate, a viking, a poet, a magician, a wizard, a shark and many more! Student Council is busy planning many upcoming fun events and presentations for the community. Thank you for your leadership, Student Council!
Middle School Service Learning Project

Last quarter, Middle School students worked on a fun service learning project with Mrs. Kiertzner and Mrs. Ball for the Arcadia Methodist Hospital! Students created artwork and produced short films. For the art project with Mrs. Ball, each student chose an adjective to describe the health care workers at the hospital such as thoughtful, skilled, focused, and efficient. The students then painted the word on their section of the poster. The final collage came together with a "Thank You" message to the health care workers. Mrs. Kiertzner's project with the students included producing short films thanking the workers. What an impressive collaboration! Stay tuned for a QR code to watch the recordings our students produced! Well done!

Follow Clairbourn


Clairbourn Alphabet — "N"

Clairbourn NOURISHES curiosity, kindness, bravery and honesty which are the qualities Clairbourn scholars and leaders need to flourish and make a difference in the world.

School Calendar

1/21 Free Dress
1/27 KFC Special Lunch
1/28 Clairbourn Shirt Day
2/1 Habit Special Lunch
2/3 Panda Special Lunch
2/4 Free Dress
Enrichment Classes with
Clairbourn has partnered with Parker-Anderson to offer our 1st through 8th grade students enrichment classes and daycare. Please see the attached class list flyer and extended care flyer for details. Sign up online now with Parker-Anderson by January 27. Questions? Call Parker-Anderson at (818) 650-8676 or reach out to our after school coordinator Mrs. Cogswell.

Holiday Toy Gift Drive Gratitude

Thank you to our generous community for participating in the Hillsides - Holiday Toy Gift Drive. The estimated amount of our donations was $2,020. CFA wanted to say THANK YOU again for making the holiday a great one for many families!

Life at Clairbourn

Do you want to know what's new this week at school? Make sure to log into your Vidigami to view school photo albums.

Need Vidigami support? Please email Mrs. Zamora

Rock Stars!

Rock band "Rooted" was formed several years ago and its members include Selina Y., Shalom L., Valen S., and a few former students. Rooted was featured in 20 local newspapers last weekend and was a headline act at last weekend’s Asian American Expo. Way to go, Cougars!

Meet baby Riley!
Middle School math teacher Mrs. Messler had her baby boy this week! Meet baby Riley! He was born on 1/17/22 and was 7 lb 4 oz and 22.5 inches long. Biggest congratulations Mrs. Messler!
Have a story to share? Please email the marketing office with the details and a photo or video.

Morning Assembly

Morning Assembly videos are available daily in Vidigami on Morning Assemblies Page. Feel free to log in and watch!

Our Community

Clairbourn was voted Best Private School in the San Gabriel Valley for three years in a row! Thank you to our wonderful community! Please continue your support and write us a review!

School Spirit Store

Show your Cougar spirit by visiting our Spirit Store!