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Thursday, January 6, 2022
Volume: 2021-2022  Issue: 92
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From Head of School

Welcome Back!

Dear Clairbourn Families,
I am so glad to have the students back at school. Thanks to all of you who sent your children to school in a medical grade mask. In addition to the students masking in non-cloth masks, we are also requiring all parent volunteers to be fully vaccinated and boosted and to wear high quality medical masks. All of us working together to support the health and safety of the community makes a huge difference!  
Speaking of making a huge difference, a huge shout out goes to Mrs. Kiertzner and Ms. Mize along with all of the students who participated in our Holiday Musical Program. I hope you got to see it and enjoyed it as much as I did. The amount of effort in practice, preparation, filming, and editing was worth it in my opinion. Well done!
Today starts the third quarter of the school year, so let's all take advantage of the fresh start and make the most of our opportunities! We have so many!
Amy Patzlaff, Ed.D.
Head of School
From Health Office

New Mask Requirements!

The CDC and Los Angeles County recommend we no longer allow cloth masks for students as they seem to be less effective against the new strains. Please find a medical grade mask for your child to wear at school AND be sure it fits well. The cloth mask may be worn over the medical grade masks.
Thank you for the efforts in keeping the community safe and healthy!
First Day of School

Our Engaged and Thriving Students!

What a beautiful morning to welcome our Cougars back on campus! We had a GREAT first day of school in 2022 full of joy, curiosity and energy! Students arrived happy and eager to learn. We are thrilled to see each of you!!
Student Council

Class Representative Election Announcement

We want to thank the class representatives from the first semester for their service. They helped with Operation Gratitude, Red Ribbon Week, Veterans Day cards, and many announcements like the cultural heritage speeches throughout the semester! We would like to thank the 8th grade representatives, Celina and James, the 7th grade representatives, Shogo and Megan, and the 6th grade representatives, Valen and Matteo.
Now that we are starting a new semester, the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades will be electing new class representatives.  Anyone who would like to run for Student Council class representative should go to their science class on Google Classroom to receive the link to the application. The applications for class representatives are due before school on Tuesday. Voting will be held during advisory on Wednesday. We encourage everyone who wants to apply to run for Student Council class representative. 

Have a good first day of school, Cougars!
Clairbourn Insight

Two Hundred and Sixty-Eight Students, ONE CLAIRBOURN.
Special thank you to Mrs. Kiertzner and Ms. Mize along with all of the students who participated in our Holiday Musical Program. To read the full article for Clairbourn Virtual Holiday Concert, please click here.
Annual Fund Update

Help Us Reach The Finish Line!

Please make it a New Years resolution to help Clairbourn reach its goal of 100% giving to the Annual Fund! We are so close at 92% — you can help us by GIVING TODAY!

Follow Clairbourn


School Calendar

1/7 Free Dress
1/11 Pasta Special Lunch
1/13 Pizza Special Lunch
1/14 Clairbourn Shirt Day
        (MLK Day)
1/20 Taco Special Lunch
1/21 Free Dress

Clairbourn New Uniform Vendor

We are happy to inform you we have a new uniform vendor to help with the uniform shortage we are experiencing. You can go on Academic Uniforms and select Clairbourn School under the schools tab. Polo shirts in various colors, as well as PE clothes, fleece jackets, and embroidery are all available. If you currently have polo shirts that need embroidery, you can use their embroidery service. Questions? Please email Marie Orellana or call 626-766-1550.

Life at Clairbourn

Do you want to know what's new this week at school? Make sure to log into your Vidigami to view school photo albums.

Need Vidigami support? Please email Mrs. Zamora

Speech and
Debate Winner

7th grader Arthur Z. participated in the 2021 NOF Speech and Debate Tournament in mid-December and won the Middle School Division Silver Award and Top Speaker Award on Public Forum Debate. Congratulations!
Have a story to share? Please email the marketing office with the details and a photo or video.

Morning Assembly

Morning Assembly videos are available daily in Vidigami on Morning Assemblies Page. Feel free to log in and watch!

Our Community

Clairbourn was voted Best Private School in the San Gabriel Valley for three years in a row! Thank you to our wonderful community! Please continue your support and write us a review!

School Spirit Store

Show your Cougar spirit by visiting our Spirit Store!